Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 526 She Will Regret It
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Chapter 526 She Will Regret It

Soon after Martha appeared, there was a burst of melodious singing from the hall.

After the singing sounded, everyone in the hall began to stand in a line, looking at the comer happily.

The wedding of King Ducasse was naturally different from others'. The attendees were ministers and

the person that presided at the wedding ceremony was the most famous presbyter.

When the presbyter found it was about the time, he stepped forward and happily announced to the


"Now, I announce that the wedding ceremony of King Ducasse has officially begun."

After he finished speaking, there was a burst of cheers in the hall, followed by the sound of the piano


King Ducasse held Martha's hand tightly again.

"Let's go."

Martha's red lips were tightly pursed, and she didn't reply. She just walked towards Catherine who was

sitting in the host's seat step by step.

Seeing Martha lift his foot, King Ducasse heaved a sigh of relief, and followed her pace, pretending to

be calm.

He thought that if Stefan appeared there, she would regret the marriage today.

Unexpectedly, she was willing to have a wedding with him.

At this moment, the uneasiness deep in King Ducasse's heart slowly disappeared.

What his mother said was right, Martha may have chosen to marry him for the sake of the Lucas

family's interests.

When they walked in front of Catherine, they both stopped.

At this time, everyone's eyes were on Catherine who was sitting on the host's seat.

After showing a gentle and decent smile to everyone, Catherine said, "Today, I am very happy to

witness the marriage between the king and the queen consort. Now I announce that the ceremony will


Hearing this, the presbyter turned to the ministers, and said with high spirits, "The king and the queen

are invited to take the oath on the stage."

Hearing this, King Ducasse looked Martha with unfathomable emotions.

After taking the oath, Martha would be his wife, and no one could snatch her away from him.

After returning to his senses, he smiled and said, "Let's go there."

Martha pursed her red lips tightly and said nothing, just followed King Ducasse and walked towards the

stage step by step.

Soon, the two stood on the stage, facing each other.

After the two of them stood still, the presbyter smiled and spoke about the oath.

Before the wedding, Catherine found him and said that this was King Ducasse's wedding, so the

wedding oath was naturally different, and it should reflect the king's kindness and importance to the

country. novelbin

It was precisely because of this that the oath that the presbyter would say today was completely


"Today is the grand wedding of King Ducasse of Z Country. I am very happy to stand here today to

preside over the royal wedding. Next, I will preside over the oath of the two newcomers."

"King Ducasse fell in love with Lady Martha at the last palace banquet, and Lady Martha has a good

impression of our king at that time."

"Later, after the two got along, King Ducasse and Lady Martha were finally together."

"Starting today, Martha, the eldest daughter of the Lucas family, is the queen of our Z Country. I believe

that after having a queen, our Z Country will definitely get better and better."

When King Ducasse heard the oath, he slightly frowned.

He had been full of expectations for this wedding, but after seeing Martha's indifferent appearance, all

his enthusiasm dissipated.

In fact, from the beginning, he knew that Martha was not in love with him now.

But even if he knew this, he still didn't want to let go.

Even now, he still didn't know if it's right for him to do so.

But at this time, Stefan who was standing by the side had red eyes and felt like angina when he heard

these words.

He hated himself, for he could only watch Martha being forced to marry a man she didn't love.

He promised to protect her. Yet she married someone else for protecting him.

His eyes were scarlet, and it was as if someone had stabbed a knife into his heart, making it difficult for

him to even breathe.

At this time, Catherine, seeing this scene, had a smile on her lips.

She looked proudly at Martha standing on the stage, and felt that the annoyance in her heart was

replaced by pleasure.

Next, she would give back to Martha what she suffered back then.

Soon, the presbyter' words sounded again, interrupting Catherine's thoughts.

"Now I announce that the eldest daughter of the Lucas family has officially become..."

Before the presbyter finished speaking, King Ducasse interrupted him-

"Wait a moment."

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