Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 511 Stop pretending
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Chapter 511 Stop pretending

West Palace where Martha lived.

There were guards at the entrance of the West Palace. The guards worked in shifts and patrol every

few hours.

Inside the West Palace, Martha was sitting on a chair at this time, looking indifferently at the gorgeous

dress in front of her.

Before her was the gown worn by the queen at the wedding ceremony. The whole gown was golden.

In Z Country, gold was used to show the supremacy, and the dresses of both the king and queen were

all gold.

The golden dress was made of gold thread, with a cinched waistline, and adorned with diamond

fragments on the hem.

Anyone who had seen this dress could almost imagine how stunning it would look when worn.

But in Martha's eyes, it was just an ordinary gown.

At this moment, the respectful voices of the guards sounded outside the door-

"Your Grace."

King Ducasse walked straight towards the West Palace's living room without even looking at the


At this time, Martha was sitting in the living room, looking somewhere in the living room with dull eyes,

her eyes were out of focus.

When King Ducasse came, he saw the woman sitting in front of the table with blank eyes.

When he walked into the living room of West Palace, he paused slightly, and his eyes sank.

The next second, King Ducasse's puzzled voice sounded in the room, "Why did you suddenly agree to

marry me? And so quickly... Didn't you say you wouldn't marry me?"

Martha sneered upon hearing his question and looked away coldly.

She had already concluded that King Ducasse was just like his mother Catherine If Catherine really

killed Martha's mother, then standing before her now was Catherine's son - Martha's enemy!

Martha's eyes darkened when she thought of this, and her eyes became sharper as she looked at King


Her mother was killed by Catherine!

Now, she was forced to marry Catherine's son.

When she thought of this, her eyes were full of gloom, "What are you doing here?"

King Ducasse noticed that Martha was hostile to him, and he was taken aback for a moment.

After hesitating for a while, he stepped forward.

"I am here to see you..."

King Ducasse took a step forward, and Martha took a step back, watching the man slowly approaching

her with increasingly mocking eyes, "Did you come to see me being a joke?"

If Catherine hadn't threatened her, how could she have agreed to marry King Ducasse?

Now, why did King Ducasse come here and pretend to be nice?

Anyway, what is done cannot be undone.

When King Ducasse heard this, he frowned, and looked at Martha with even more puzzled eyes.

"What are you saying?"

Martha sneered, and a mocking voice sounded in the room-

"Stop being hypocritical, if you and your mother hadn't joined forces, how could we have become like


"What did my mother do?"

The man took a step forward, his eyes darkened, and his voice became eager.

There was a faint idea in his brain, but he was not certain.

Martha took a step back, watching King Ducasse with wary eyes.

She sneered, and a cold voice came from her red lips-

"Your mother caught me and Stefan and forced me to marry you with his life. Don't you know about it?"

If it wasn't for King Ducasse, Catherine wouldn't have coerced her, right?

So in Martha's view, this matter must have been conspired by Catherine and King Ducasse.

To bring Gage down, she made an agreement with King Ducasse to spread fake news, but she didn't

expect to involve Stefan because of this incident.

Martha's eyelashes trembled slightly, and she felt bitter.

If she had known this result earlier, she might not have done that.

At this time, King Ducasse, after hearing this, stopped in his footsteps, and looked at the woman innovelbin

front of him with eyes full of shock.

He knew that Martha had misunderstood him, but he never thought that his mother would send

someone to capture Martha and Stefan, and use Stefan's life to force Martha to marry him.

After King Ducasse came back to his senses, he looked at Martha with a guilty look in his eyes.

A wry smile unconsciously appeared on the corner of his mouth, and his voice softened a bit.

"I don't know about this matter at all, please believe me, I will not do this."

"You do not know?"

Martha frowned slightly, looking at King Ducasse, her eyes still full of hostility.

She saw King Ducasse's guilt, and although she was a little puzzled, she still didn't believe King


When King Ducasse heard this, he immediately said, "I didn't know so much happened."

After he said this, he paused, afraid that Martha would not believe it, and then said, "I really don't know

about it, how can you believe me?"

Martha clenched her hands unconsciously, and her red lips parted again, "Save Stefan."

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