Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 490 Too Late
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Chapter 490 Too Late

Chapter 490 Too late

When the night shrouded the entire hospital, Louis' face darkened outside the intensive care unit.

The breeze blew past, carrying a bit of coolness, which made people shiver unconsciously.

After Martha persuaded Louis just now, she walked somewhere else, leaving the latter alone by the


The man's hand on his side tightened and loosened again and again, but he couldn't bear to make that


In the intensive care unit at this time, Jane, who had just been said to stand no chance of surviving,

was injected with sober drugs by the medical staff.

The effect of the medicine can only last for a short period of time, after which Jane would completely

disappear from this world.

After the effect of the medicine took effect, Jane slowly opened her eyes.

She stared blankly at the dazzling light in front of her, her eyes slightly narrowed.

When the medical staff on the side saw it, they immediately turned to look at their companions standing

beside him.

"Quick, go out and tell Count Caesar that the patient is awake."

After hearing this, the nurse nodded solemnly, turned around and walked out of the emergency room


Soon, she opened the door of the intensive care unit, and said anxiously to the two people standing

outside the emergency room, "The patient has come to her senses, but she doesn't have much time,

so hurry up and say goodbye to her. "

Martha froze, and turned to look at Stefan standing beside her with deep eyes.

Stefan reached out and patted Martha's shoulder lightly, giving her silent support.

He knew that at this moment, it was useless to say anything.

Martha's eyes narrowed slightly as she looked at the intensive care unit, and her hand on her side

tightened unconsciously.

She knew that at this time, the person Jane most wanted to see was Louis.

Thinking of this, she looked slightly sideways at the man standing by the window not far away, and said


"The person she wants to see most now is you, go in quickly."

Louis' body froze, his teeth clenched unconsciously, and a low air pressure was around him.

He had sent her to replace Martha with his own hands, and she... would she still want to see him?

If it wasn't for him, Jane wouldn't be like this at all.

His big hand on his side clenched tightly, but he couldn't suppress the pain in his heart at all.

After a while, Louis walked into the intensive care unit with heavy steps.

In the end, he still acquiesced to Martha's proposal, and couldn't bear Jane to suffer any more.

All her sufferings were brought to her by him, and now that she was going to heaven, he would let her

leave easily.

Now he actually knew that Jane could wake up because the medical staff must have used a special

sober medicine to wake Jane up.

If he guessed correctly, the effect of the medicine might not last long.

When Louis thought of this, Louis stumbled and quickened his pace towards the intensive care unit.

As he approached the door of the ICU, his body stiffened and his breathing became labored. He felt an

unbearable pain in his chest.

After taking several deep breaths, he walked into the intensive care unit with heavy steps.

In the intensive care unit, Jane was lying on the hospital bed with a pale complexion, panting weakly,

her eyes looking at Louis were not focused at all.

"You came."

"You're here," said Jane weakly as her voice echoed through the room. It caused another sharp pain innovelbin

Louis' heart.

Louis unconsciously took a step forward, reaching out to grab Jane's hand, but shrank back in fear.

She was too fragile now, and he dared not touch her.

His eyelids drooped, and after a long silence, he looked up at Jane with self-blame.

"Jane... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have let you take Martha's place."

"I volunteered for all this," replied Jane with a faint smile on her lips despite being weak from everything

that had happened so far.

Things had developed beyond anyone's control at this point; she knew from beginning Mr. Louis

couldn't possibly like someone like her.

Louis' pupils shrank slightly as he grabbed hold of Jane's hand tightly once more while saying "No...

what I meant is..."

His gaze darkened when speaking those words while holding onto Janes' hand tightly again,

"Jane... please don't leave me?"

The woman lying on the hospital bed smiled weakly, her complexion had already turned paler after she

said a few words just now.

After she calmed down, she said intermittently, "It's too late... Sir... I don't have much time left."

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