Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 483 Her Dead Son!
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Chapter 483 Her Dead Son!

Chapter 483 Her dead son!

The Royal Palace.

After King Ducasse returned to the Royal Palace, he went straight to his mother's bedroom.

He sat across from Catherine and told her about what he had done today.

"Gage assassinated my future queen and was sentenced to life in exile. Andrew violated my future

queen and was punished with castration."

"As for Daisy, who is not skilled enough in her craft, she was deprived of her freedom, so that she can

no longer step out of the Rowland family, or use any incense."

After he finished speaking, he looked at his mother nervously.

Would his mother think that he had acted recklessly for Martha's sake after hearing about Gage and his

sons' executions?

But unexpectedly, Catherine smiled gently and said softly, "Ducasse, you handled it very well."

Upon hearing this, Ducasse furrowed his eyebrows slightly and remained silent with pursed lips.

The next second, the queen's voice sounded again-

"You've decided on your future wife, which means you've really grown up. Since Martha is the

candidate for the queen chosen by you. I also think she's a very good one."

King Ducasse frowned slightly, looking at his mother, puzzled.novelbin

He used to think that his mother didn't want Martha to be the queen, but now it seemed that he thought

too much.

After he got his mother's support, a smile unconsciously lifted the corner of his mouth.

"Thank you, mother, for your understanding."

Catherine nodded with a smile, and talked to her son about something else.

After the two chatted for a while, King Ducasse left Catherine's bedroom with a smile and walked

towards his own palace.

The choice of Martha as the queen had been approved by his mother. It seemed that Martha would

definitely be his wife this time.

After King Ducasse left Catherine's palace, Catherine's complexion changed, and her gentle eyes also

became sinister...

When night fell, Catherine lay alone in bed, unable to sleep at night.

She narrowed her eyes and slowly closed her eyes, recalling what happened back then in her mind-

At that time, she cried and knelt on the ground, begging her father miserably.

"Father, please, I don't want to marry the king. I have someone I like and a child I just gave birth to. I

don't want to marry into the royal family."

But her father killed her beloved bodyguard in front of her with a cold face.

At that time, her mother stopped her, wiping her tears and persuading her.

"Elsie has escaped from marriage. Now that you are the queen consort, you will have the supremacy of

the entire country in the future."

"The hope of our Hopper family is on you, Catherine, don't be stubborn anymore."

"Think about it carefully, if you marry into the royal family, you will have whatever you want."

"At that time, your husband will be the king, and the child you gave birth to will be the future king. Think

about how wonderful these things are. Also, as long as you become the king, our Hopper family can

also rise to a higher level."

But at that time, she only wanted to be with the man she loved and the newborn child.

Later, she managed to escape from the room with the help of the maid, only to see her newly born child

thrown into the water by her cruel parents.

Her child died that year, dying in the freezing water.

Even its body could not be found or traced anywhere.

It was in that year that the person she loved and her newborn child died.

And all of this was caused by Elsie's escape from marriage.

If it wasn't for Elsie running away from marriage, how could she be the new candidate!

At first she was not willing to marry the king at all, but everyone in the Hopper family forced her to

marry into the royal family and become the queen.

She hated her parents for killing the man she loved the most and her newborn child, but she hated

Elsie even more.

If she hadn't run away from marriage, she wouldn't have lost everything.

If she hadn't lost everything, now she should be with her beloved man and live a happy life.

Closing her eyes, Catherine couldn't help but burst into tears when she thought of this.

She thought of the man she loved, and the child who was born less than a few months ago.

The child was her first son, who was drowned by his mother in the freezing water at such a young age.

Catherine flow down uncontrollably across her face, and couldn't help but miss the newborn child at

that time.

She remembered that there was an eagle-like birthmark on the child's chest.

Thinking of this, she kept clenching her hands by her side, her eyes suddenly opened, and she stared

at the ceiling viciously.

'Elsie, it's not enough that you're dead! I will make your daughter be tortured by me for the rest of her

life! Let her be the queen you least want to be, and let her bear the pain I have suffered before!'

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