Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 469 Risking Her Life
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Chapter 469 Risking Her Life

Chapter 469 Risking Her life

On the other hand, after Martha guessed that the person who replaced her might be Jane, her anger

towards Louis had been soaring.

She hesitated for a moment, turned to Louis, and asked in a trembling voice.

"It's Jane, right?"

Louis naturally knew what Martha was asking, and he pursed his thin lips, acquiescing to her question.

Only with Jane could he feel at ease. If someone else were to replace Martha, the risk would only be

greater. Besides, he didn't have time to find anyone else.

Martha didn't hear Louis' answer after waiting for a long time, so she knew that the other party had


Her body trembled slightly, and the voice she spoke again was obviously annoyed.

"Why are you doing this!"

Louis looked at the woman's eyes deepening and his cold voice rang out inside the car - "I won't let you

be in danger."

"What about Jane?"

Martha tightened her hand by her side and glared angrily at the man in front of her. She felt that this

man was unreasonable.

It was she who wanted to carry out this plan, and she was ready to face all dangers.

But... this man let someone else take her place to face everything.

That person was Jane, who she had always regarded as a friend, how did she accept it?

Martha thought of this, and before Louis could speak, she began to accuse him angrily.

"Do you not know how risky our plan is?"

Although Martha had been comforting herself, as long as the plan went smoothly enough and the

treatment was timely, there would be no danger.

But in reality, she knew very well that Gage would definitely act ruthlessly and leave her no chance ofnovelbin


By then, whether she was alive or dead was at the mercy of fate.

Louis turned his head, looked ahead with a cold gaze, and replied coldly, "It's because I know how risky

it is that I can't let you take the risk."

"So you arranged for me to meet Stefan just to send me away?"


Louis told Martha the answer directly.

He just knew how serious this matter was, and at the same time knew that Martha would never agree

to let Jane take risks, so he came up with this way to send away Martha.

Only by sending away Martha, Jane could disguise as Martha, and the plan could continue.

Hearing this answer, Martha looked at the man with even more angry eyes, and accused him.

"Louis, why do you make such a decision for me! It was you who asked me to return to Z Country, now

why do you let someone else face what I should bear instead?"

Hearing this, the man lowered his eyes, pursed his thin lips tightly and did not speak.

When he asked Martha to return to Z Country, he indeed wanted Martha to marry King Ducasse and

benefit from it.

But now, he didn't want anything to happen to Martha.

He even hoped that Martha could return to her home safely and live happily with her loved ones.

But would Martha believe his words?

Louis looked sideways at the angry look of the woman beside him at this moment, and he knew she

wouldn't believe it.

Martha was even angrier when she didn't hear Louis speak.

"Louis, are you joking with Jane's life?"

"I have everything under control. She won't be in any danger."

Louis frowned imperceptibly as he spoke coldly inside the car.

When Martha heard this, she clenched her hand by her side and looked at him with growing


"Then why did you let her replace me? The thing was planned by me, why did you let Jane face all the

dangers instead of me?"

The woman's angry questioning voice made Louis feel a little irritated.

He looked at Martha with deep eyes, and said in a deep voice, "I have arranged everything, she will be


"Go back to the hospital, go back to the hospital immediately."

Martha saw that Louis was stubbornly sticking to his own opinion. Instead of further quarrel, she turned

her head and told the driver to drive to the hospital quickly.

She hoped that they would arrive on time before anything bad happened or else it would be all on her


Her body was trembling slightly because she was too excited, for fear that something would happen to


She had never seen Gage's tactics before but having witnessed Daisy's and Andrew's tactics firsthand,

She knew Gage was cruel-blooded; otherwise his two children wouldn't have been like that.

However, since the driver worked for Louis, he remained unmoved after hearing what Martha had said -

still heading towards their original destination without hesitation.

Martha panicked as her heart grew more worried about Jane's situation .

She frantically looked at Louis, shouting, "Stop! I'm getting off right now!"

Louis frowned deeply, displeased, "Don't make a scene! Nothing will happen."

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