Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 429 I Am In No Position To Like You
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Chapter 429 I Am In No Position To Like You

Chapter 429 I am in no position to like you

After Daisy left the room, Martha sat on the sofa alone and thought about a lot of things.

She understood her main purpose for being here and realized that she couldn't remain passive forever.

Although she wanted to take the initiative, she was helpless because she didn't know what happened

to her mother before.

Just after she gradually calmed down from the excitement just now, suddenly a harsh bell sounded in

the room, interrupting Martha's thoughts.

She frowned, and walked towards the desk in doubt. After seeing the note on the phone screen was

Jane, her black eyes deepened.

After she came to Z Country, she returned to the Lucas family and never saw Jane again.

Martha looked at her phone with mixed feelings but eventually answered it, "What is it?"

In her opinion, at this time, Jane would definitely not call her for no reason.

Jane sighed before speaking, "Miss Doyle, you've been here for so long now but haven't gone out

much, have you?"

"Hmm," replied Martha calmly while squinting slightly as she looked ahead.

She knew that the reason for Jane's call this time must not be simple, but the Lucas family wasn't a

good place where people could talk freely.

In this family, Daisy and Andrew were siblings who were openly against her, but she was afraid there

might also be others who opposed her secretly.

So at this time, it would be much safer to talk about something with Jane outside.

As expected, Jane continued speaking, "Miss Doyle, let me take you out for a walk. Also, I can have a

chance to make things clear with you."

"Okay, you come to the Lucas family to pick me up."

After Martha said this, she hung up the phone and didn't say anything more.

She knew that Jane still felt guilty towards her now, because of what she had hidden in the past.

It was just that, until now, she didn't care about those things anymore.


At noon, Martha walked out of the Lucas family at the appointed time.

She saw Jane at the door, whom she hadn't seen for a long time, and the two of them nodded and got

into the car driven by Jane one after another.

After she came to Z Country with Jane and Louis, she never went out alone.

She was not familiar with everything here, but Jane was different.

Although Jane was also oriental, she had been living here for a long time. Seeing her skillfully turning

the corners on the street and driving to her destination, Martha knew that Jane knew this place very


Soon enough, they arrived outside a shopping mall where Jane parked her car. She then led Martha

inside where everything looked completely different from what they were used to back home in C

Country - bright colors everywhere and styles completely different from what they were used to seeing

back home.

Jane and Martha walked side by side in the mall, and Martha was looking at these completely different

exotic styles along the way.

As for Jane, who was standing next to her, she was not in the mood to hang out at all. Instead, she

kept looking at Martha standing beside her nervously, and remained silent the whole time.

In the end, it was Martha who broke the silence first.

"Didn't you ask me to come out? Why didn't you say a word?"

Jane looked nervously at Martha beside her, rubbed her hands together awkwardly, and replied with a

wry smile, "I'm not qualified to say anything."

In the past few years with Martha, Jane could feel that Martha really regarded her as family and a


But she lied to Martha about so many things. Even their first meeting was arranged in advance...

Martha stopped and stood opposite Jane, looking at the latter with deep eyes.

This time, she didn't let Jane speak first, but she opened her heart first.

"Jane, the past is in the past. I have long since forgiven you for hiding the truth from me."

Jane froze, looked at Martha standing in front of her and muttered, but didn't say a word.

She thought that if she concealed such a big matter from Martha, the latter would not forgive her easily.

Just when she was moved, Martha opened her red lips and said again, "After all, you have been with

me for so long, I can feel your kindness to me and your sincerity to Jimmy. So just let bygones be


After Jane regained consciousness, her eyes were misty unconsciously.

There was a slight smile on the corner of her mouth, she looked at Martha standing in front of her, and

bent down in relief.

"Thank you, Miss Doyle for forgiving my previous concealment. Thank you."

Martha looked at the girl in front of her with relief, and smiled along with her. Now that they had talkednovelbin

about it, there was no longer any pressure between them.

She thought about it for a while and decided that she should say something else to change the subject,

so she asked jokingly.

"Are you and Louis a couple?"


Jane immediately denied Martha's question, her eyelids drooped, and a wry smile unconsciously

appeared in her eyes.

"You misunderstood me. I'm just doing things for Mr. Caesar. I'm in no position to like him."

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