Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 409 His Revenge
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Chapter 409 His Revenge

Chapter 409 His Revenge

Andrew's face turned pale. He didn't expect that Martha who just came to the Lucas family dared to

threaten him.

In this family, he was not afraid of anyone, only his father, he...

After returning to his senses, he looked at Martha with even more displeasure, and said mockingly, "Do

you really think you are my sister?"

"I grew up in the Lucas family, but I never know that I had a sister like you! Besides, no one in the

Lucas family dared to control me."

Martha raised her brows slightly, and looked at Andrew more coldly.

N one dared to control him?

No wonder he was so lawless at such a young age.

She glanced at him lightly, then turned to look at the cowardly maid hiding behind her.

"Leave first."

The maid looked worriedly at Martha standing in front of her, the worry in her eyes was obvious.

Martha patted the maid's shoulder with a smile, and said softly, "I'm fine."

The maid nodded vigorously, turned around and left the garden quickly, looking back at Martha several

times worriedly before leaving.

After the maid left, Andrew became even more angry.

After he said that, Martha still dared to let the maid go, didn't she take him seriously?

When he thought this in his mind, Martha's voice sounded in front of him.

"Andrew, I don't care what status you have in the Lucas family. No matter how dissatisfied you are, I

am here today, and I will never allow this kind of thing to happen under my nose."

"If you are dissatisfied with what I do, you can complain to your father."

After Martha said these words indifferently, she turned and left the place.

Andrew, who stayed on the spot, didn't come back to his senses until Martha's figure disappeared.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the direction Martha left with a gloomy expression, and cursed


"Damn it! You dare to meddle in my affairs right after you came back. You have a death wish, huh?

Since you dare to offend me, you will have a difficult life in the future. Martha, I will definitely make you

regret offending me today! "


On the other side, after Martha returned to the room, she saw a servant in the room with a serious

expression on her face.

She frowned slightly and asked vigilantly, "Who are you?"

"I'm Eliza, a servant arranged by Lady Eve of the Lucas family. I believe Lady Eve has already told


Martha nodded slightly when she heard this.novelbin

"What are you doing here? Does Auntie have something for you to tell me?"


After the servant replied indifferently, she explained why she came here.

"I learned about the dispute between you and Andrew in the garden, so I came here here."

Martha frowned slightly, with some doubts in her eyes, "What do you want to say?"

'That she shouldn't mess with Andrew?

Or is it that she just came here and should be careful?'

The next second, the servant's stern voice sounded in the room.

"Miss Doyle, you're new here, you shouldn't be bothering with this."

"Why? Isn't Andrew a first-time offender?"

After Martha finished saying this, she suddenly remembered what Andrew said before.

'Is it true that no one in the Lucas family dares to discipline him? It was so unfair for those who were

abused by Andrew before.'

At this moment, she suddenly realized that a lot of maids in this family had been tortured by Andrew.

Soon, Eliza revealed Andrew's bad deeds.

"Since Andrew was sensible, he has been messing with the maids at home, and he has a tendency to

be violent. Almost all the younger maids in the family have been raped by him."

"Moreover, those maids were not voluntary, they were all threatened by Andrew. If they don't obey him,

Andrew will threaten them with their family members, claiming that if they resist, their family members

will suffer various abuses."

"At the beginning, someone would resist, but when the family members of one maid who resisted were

beaten to death, no one dared fight against him."

After hearing Eliza's words, Martha asked angrily, "Why does no one teach him a lesson?"

"Gage doesn't know Andrew's evil deeds?"

As soon as Martha finished saying this, she realized it seemed impossible that Andrew had no idea.

For a hypocritical man like Gage, he should inserted a lot of spies in the Lucas family, so how could he

know nothing?

Thinking of this, she frowned, feeling a bad premonition in her heart.

The next second, Eliza's helpless voice sounded in the room.

"Now the Lucas family is in the charge of Gage. Andrew is Gage's most beloved son. Of course, he

won't say a word about it."

Martha's eyes widened in embarrassment, she didn't expect Gage to indulge his son so much.

She took a deep breath and couldn't help feeling sorry for those maids.

She thought, if she had a chance, she must let Andrew get the punishment he deserved.

After a few seconds of silence in the room, Eliza shook her head helplessly, and a worried voice

sounded in the room, breaking the silence at this moment.

"You have a dispute with Andrew today. I'm afraid you will get revenge from him in the future."

"Even without today's incident, Andrew and Daisy would never let me go."

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