Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 396 You Have To Be More Careful
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Chapter 396 You Have To Be More Careful

Chapter 396 You have to be more careful

Since Gage spoke up to ease the awkwardness of the scene, the family dinner proceeded in silence.

Daisy never spoke up again to break the current peaceful atmosphere, perhaps because she was

intimidated by her father, or maybe because she felt it was unnecessary.

After the family dinner was over, everyone put down their knives and forks and walked together

towards the main hall.

Everyone was sitting in the main hall as usual, and Martha was the only one who looked at the crowd

with some discomfort.

This was her first family dinner, and judging from the performance of her uncles, she had no idea who

would be the real mastermind behind it.

The Lucas were chitchatting, and the atmosphere was quite harmonious.

But in the middle of this, the old Mrs. Lucas' eyes had rested on Martha.

She looked at Martha with loving eyes, mixed with a bit of nostalgia, perhaps looking through Martha at

her oldest daughter.

Of course Martha could feel the old Mrs. Lucas' gaze, and her eyes met the old Mrs. Lucas while the

crowd was talking.

She could feel that her grandmother seemed to have something to say to her, only now she was in a

condition where she could not speak at all.

The next second, Gage's voice suddenly sounded to interrupt Martha's thoughts.

"Martha, what did you do in your previous job?"

Martha looked back at her uncle with a professional smile and replied in a warm voice, "Doing business

at the Doyle Group."

"Doing business?"

Clark chimed in and then asked, "Could it be that you've started taking care of everything at the Doyle


Martha nodded gently and replied politely, "My father is old, so naturally I should take over thenovelbin


She could see that her second uncle was just echoing Gage, not trying to know more about her, but

just wanting to show his superficial concern for her.

She knew these people were not simple, but she didn't mind living in peace with them for some days as

long as they didn't do anything to hurt her.

"And do you still have family where you lived before?"

With a smile on his face, Gage asked with concern, making it impossible for Martha to feel any hint of


Martha nodded gently and smiled, "My father is still in his old town and he's doing fine."

Just as her words went out of her mouth, Clark's voice sounded.

"Were there any other relatives in that city besides your father?"

"Yes, there's Bianca, someone who watching me grow up. Also I have a ..."

Just as Martha was about to say that she had a son, Eva, who had been smiling lightly, suddenly

interrupted Martha.

"Martha, do you have any hobbies other than running the Doyle Group?"

When Martha heard this, her eyelashes fluttered lightly.

She could sense that her aunt did not want her to mention her child, and the failed marriage of the past.

She didn't know why her aunt wanted to hide this part from the Lucas, but she chose not to say


Her hand on her side unconsciously tightened, and her face resumed the smile it had just worn, as if

nothing had happened.

"I like to paint."

"That sounds good, when will you show us your paintings?"

Gage smiled and echoed, looking at the newly returned niece with a glint in his eyes.

Martha smiled and nodded to say yes, but in the next moment, she inadvertently raised her eyes and

met the gaze of her uncle Sam.

Sam looked at her with a very cold look, with displeasure, and she stiffened.

At this moment, she could not say what she felt for this third uncle, only thinking of hurrying to avoid

eye contact with him.

In fact, she did so, and looked at the crowd present with a smile on her face.

After a few more words, Eva suddenly smiled and said, "Martha, now that you're home, you should not

stay out in the hotel but live with the Lucas family."

Martha froze, and she made a quick analysis.

The people living in this castle were the old Mrs. Lucas, Gage and his family, and Sam, who was

adopted by the Lucas family.

As for Clark, he had moved out years ago when he married his wife.

Eva, on the other hand, had been living in the Count's house since she married him.

In other words, if she lived here, she would have to face these completely unfamiliar faces every day,

and ...

Martha thought of this, glanced at Daisy and Andrew, the two siblings.

If she stayed here, she was afraid the two siblings would make things difficult for her.

Just as she thought this in her mind, Daisy changed her bad attitude and looked warmly at Martha who

was sitting not far away, smiling and persuading.

"Martha, you must stay here, Grandma misses you so much, how can Grandma see you often if you

don't live here?"

Martha could hear the provocation in Daisy's tone, but now, on this occasion, she had no choice but to

stay here.

The next second, Andrew echoed.

"I agree. Our cousin finally came back, she should stay here."

Gage, sitting on one side, heard this and nodded in satisfaction, smiling and echoing.

"You are Elsie's only daughter, of course you should live here."

Martha smiled and nodded, the hand at her side unconsciously tightening.

She didn't know why Daisy and Andrew's attitude towards her had changed so drastically, but she

understood that the two of them must be plotting something at this time.

It seemed that she should be more on guard against the siblings.

Martha thought this in her mind, but changed the subject calmly.


When the crowd talked for almost another hour, they all made excuses to leave.

Clark was the first to stand up and open his mouth to say he was leaving.

"It's getting late too, so I'll go back first, and Martha should get some rest."

"Well, thank you for your concern, Uncle Clark."

Martha smiled and looked at Clark, the smile on her face was not the slightest bit timid, and her eyes

were filled with sincerity.

Clark's eyes darkened as he smiled and said goodbye to the crowd before leaving the Lucas family.

As soon as he left, Gage stood up and said, "Mother, Martha, I have some official business to attend to

at the royal court, so I will go ahead."

The old Mrs. Lucas nodded strenuously and made no other movements.

But Martha gave Gage some reminders.

'Gage has a position in the royal family, which is not surprising since Gage has married he daughter of

a duke. Does he really covet the position of the head of the Lucas family and plan to get it?'

While Martha was silently thinking, all the people sitting at the long table slowly dispersed.

Eva saw that everyone else had dispersed and immediately got up and walked over to Martha and


"You come with me."

Martha was stunned for a moment, nodded gently, and followed her sister-in-law out of the main hall.

After the two arrived at Eva's room, Martha's eyes deepened as she looked at the person who looked

like her mother in front of her.

If her mother were still alive, would she be like her aunt ...

Soon after, Eva spoke up and interrupted Martha's thoughts.

"I can't come back to live now, so you have to be more careful staying here."

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