Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 392 Why Did They Want Her Dead?
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Chapter 392 Why Did They Want Her Dead?

Chapter 392 Why Did They Want Her Dead?

Several days had passed by the time Martha, Louis and Jane arrived at Z Country.

Over the past few days, they had several plane transfers, and the last plane to Z Country was a private


By the time they got off the plane, it was late afternoon.

Martha stepped off the plane and looked around at the completely unfamiliar surroundings with mixed


Since she came here, it would be hard for her to come back to the Doyle Manor again.

After the trio left the airport, a black car came to pick them up, and Martha picked a seat next to the


She looked through the car window and saw this country, which was completely different from the one

at home.

The streets were bustling with people of different skin colors, and the streets and buildings were

distinctive and exotic, yet a little more different than those in Europe and America.

Martha's eyes darkened, and a voice rang out in her mind, telling her that she was going to fit in here

from now on.

Louis, sitting next to her, obviously felt her mood, his thin lips raised slightly. "Martha, welcome home."

When Martha heard this, her red lips were pursed in silence.

She lowered her eyelids, and the hand on her side was unconsciously clenched.

She never knew that she had a home here.

Louis was a little worried when he saw her like this, but now that she was back, she would get used to

these things sooner or later.

After he pursed his lips, his voice softened.

"You must have been exhausted in the past two days, so stay at the hotel tonight and attend the family

dinner tomorrow."


Martha responded absently and turned her head to look out the car window.

Quickly, she reacted and frowned at Louis, who was sitting beside her.

"A family dinner?"

Louis' eyes narrowed slightly and he said meaningfully, "You are back, you must meet the Lucas


Martha's brow knitted a little tighter, she just pursed her lips without saying anything.

Jane, who was sitting in the passenger seat, turned her head towards the back with worry, and after a

long time of hesitation, she spoke up.

"Sir, should we let Miss Martha adjust herself to the life here first?"

Louis heard this and turned his head to Martha with doubt in his eyes.

Martha naturally got his point, but she didn't think it was necessary.

Since she was here, she would have to meet those people sooner or later.

She thought of this, and replied, "No, just tomorrow."

"Good, then when you go back to the hotel tonight, you'll have to do some preparations."

Louis' magnetic voice rang out in the car with a distinctly worried tone.

He was not sure if those of the Lucas family would give Martha a hard time tomorrow.

Martha nodded gently and did not speak again.

Ten minutes later, the car stopped at the Royal Grand Hotel and Jane got out and looked at Martha

with concern.

"Are you okay?"

At this time, Martha's face was a little pale, with obvious fatigue in her eyes.

Martha smiled and nodded, responding easily, "It's okay, let's go."

The hotel they stayed at was the Royal Grand Hotel, and the people inside the hotel were dressed in Z

Country clothing.

As soon as they walked into the lobby, they were eagerly greeted by a manager who treated Louis with


"Count Caesar, please."

When Martha heard the word "Count", she knew that the Caesar family was in a very unusual position

in Z Country.

The three of them followed the manager to their respective rooms, which were all suites with all the


Martha walked into the room and took a glance around the entire layout and furnishings of the room,

and knew that the room was expensive.

The room was very luxuriously decorated, the sofa was leather, and the coffee table was made of rare


After a brief glance, she lifted her feet towards the couch and sat down on it.

She had to say, after sitting on the plane for so long, it was so comfortable sitting on the sofa.

Louis sat down and looked at the somewhat lazy Martha with a doting smile, after a few words of small

talk, he then got to the point.

"Next, let me tell you about the Lucas family."

When he said this, his eyes were dark and he continued.

"You have three uncles here, in addition to my mother, your aunt."


Martha looked at the man sitting across from her in disbelief, her eyes filled with disbelief.

Louis nodded gently, his thin lips slightly parted, began to introduce the Lucas family.

"Your great-uncle was the eldest son of the Lucas family, named Gage Lucas, who married the eldest

daughter of the Rowland family and had a daughter and a son."

"The second son of the Lucas family, Clark Lucas, is your second uncle. His wife died young and he

has no children to this day."

"In addition to that, there is the adopted son that Grandpa adopted when he was alive, your young

uncle, his name is Sam Lucas."

Martha heard this and nodded gently to indicate that she had understood.

After the man looked at her, his eyes darkened, and he continued.

"Tomorrow is the 80th birthday of the mistress of the Lucas family, and everyone will be there, so you'll

see them all then."

Sitting on the sofa, Martha's eyelids lowered and she thought seriously before opening her mouth to


"You're just telling me this now ... Could it be that they're going to turn on me?"

Louis' thin lips were tightly pursed. He silently looked at Martha, and hesitated for a while before slowly

nodding his head.

At this time, Jane sitting on the side said, "Mr. Caesar suspected the people behind Libby were from

the Lucas family, but he had no evidence."

Martha was stunned.

If the people behind Libby were from the Lucas family, then probably the ones who wanted to kill hernovelbin

were her elders.

But why did they want her dead?

Louis, sitting across the table, saw the confusion in Martha's eyes and explained, "They don't want you

dead, but they want to find a way to get that thing and then make sure you never come back here."

Martha's eyes darkened as she thought of the badge that her mother had hidden.

It seemed that after she came to the Lucas family, there would be many difficulties waiting for her...

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