Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 377 Waiting With You
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Chapter 377 Waiting With You

Chapter 377 Waiting with you

Although it was just a sketch, Martha understood Jimmy's meaning.

The sketch was about her, Stefan and Jimmy.

Jimmy hoped that she and Stefan could get back together and they could live together as a happy



Martha hid the weird look in her eyes and said with a smile, "Jimmy drew it beautifully."

After she said this, she smiled and changed the subject.

That afternoon, they talked about many things.

Time passed little by little, and soon it was about ten o'clock in the evening.

Jimmy, at this time, was already getting sleepy.

Jimmy's resting time was very fixed, so he got sleepy at the point.

At this time, he had not gone to bed, completely because of his eagerness to see his daddy.

Martha, who was with him, knew what he was thinking, but it was ten o'clock now.

Stefan was not coming.

Martha thought of this, gently patted Jimmy's shoulder, coaxed Jimmy to sleep.

When Jimmy fell asleep, she got up and was ready to carry him back to his room, but who knew that as

soon as she touched him, Jimmy opened his sleepy eyes.

Jimmy looked at his mommy in a daze. Dazedly, he asked, "Mommy, where are you taking me?"

"You're sleepy, Mommy will take you back to your room to sleep."

When Jimmy heard this, he immediately shook his head stubbornly, and his voice of refusal rang out in

the living room.

"Mommy, he will come, you wait for him."

Martha looked at Jimmy's sleepy look, feeling distressed.

She could see the insistence in Jimmy's eyes, but ... it was so late now, he wouldn't come.

She heartily touched the child's head and turned her head to look at the night outside the window, her

pupils were full of worry.

It had been so long; she wondered if Stefan had been found.

Even if he was found, he would not come to see her.

Because in this season, there were no fireflies.

Martha returned to her senses, lowered her head and gently kissed Jimmy on the forehead,

whispering, "It's late, he won't come."

Jimmy shook his head hard, only to feel his nose twitch, his eyes reddened.

He was sure Daddy would come.

Martha looked at the child in distress, not knowing how to persuade him.

Jimmy took a look at the time and saw that it was already late at night, his heart was full of loss.

He believed that Daddy would definitely appear, yet it was more than ten o'clock in the evening ...

Suddenly, he thought of something and raised his eyes to look at his mommy and asked in a

condescending manner.

"Mommy, why did you ask Daddy to catch fireflies for you?"

Martha stiffened, and her eyelids lowered, hiding the weird look in her eyes.novelbin

Of course she couldn't tell Jimmy what she was thinking now, but ...

It was at this time that Jimmy's sobbing voice rang out, interrupting Martha's thoughts.

"Mommy, did you let Daddy catch fireflies on purpose?"

Jimmy's heart was filled with sadness as he suddenly realized this.

'If Mommy really did do it on purpose, doesn't that mean she never wanted to forgive Daddy at all?'

Jimmy looked at his mommy expectantly, hoping to hear a different answer.

Just to his disappointment, after Martha heard the words, her red lips were pursed and she looked at

Jimmy in front of him, silent.

She did not know how to answer, and could only keep silent.

Although Jimmy was only a few years old now, she did not want to lie to him.

With this in mind, she could only remain silent when faced with Jimmy.

Martha's silence made Jimmy easily understand she did it on purpose.

She could not deny that she did it on purpose, but she did not want to see Jimmy more upset.

Finally, she gently rubbed Jimmy's head and said softly, "Then Mommy will wait here with you, okay?"

Jimmy hesitated for a moment, but nodded gently.

Martha smiled, picked up Jimmy and sat down on the sofa.

The two of them watched the clock go by, quietly waiting for Stefan to appear.

Jimmy sleepily cowered in his mommy's arms, quietly waiting for Daddy to appear.

The living room was very quiet at 10:30 at night, with only the alarm clock going on and on.

Martha indifferently watched the clock going not far away; she didn't expect Stefan's appearance at all.

Half a day later, Jimmy gradually fell asleep in this quiet environment.

The woman heard the even breathing of the child in her arms. She sighed silently, ready to carry the

child back to the bedroom.

But as soon as she looked up, she saw the current time - eleven o'clock.

It was already eleven o'clock, it didn't matter if she waited another hour ...

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