Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 350 Who Wants You To Give Up?
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Chapter 350 Who Wants You To Give Up?

Chapter 350 Who wants you to give up?

Rhys' lips slightly curled into a smile and he patted Martha's shoulder, his low voice sounded at the

latter's side.

"It's not too late."

At this time, not far from the riverside parked a black car.

In the sedan, Stefan saw their intimacy from afar, his face darkened and his eyes were filled with


He knew that these two came out alone for nothing good.

Stefan's hand on the steering wheel clenched hard. He was trying to find some sense, but still did not

contain the anger in his heart. Getting out of the car, he walked towards Rhys and Martha who were

standing in the distance.

At this time, the two standing at the riverside did not notice anyone approaching, and continued to talk.

The woman's hand rested on the railing of the river, quietly feeling the cool breeze of the river.

"Yes, it's good that I didn't waste more of his time."

Fortunately, it was not too late, otherwise Rupert would only regret to miss such an opportunity deep


Martha's eyes were downcast, with a faint sadness in her eyes, but she felt a little lighter when she

thought of Rupert's chance to pursue his dream.

Over the years, Rupert had done enough for her and Jimmy.

The guilt she felt for Rupert had been weighing on her, keeping her from catching her breath, but it was

good to see that everything was back on track.

With that in mind, she looked slightly sideways at the man standing beside her and said gratefully,

"Thank you."

"Just one word of thanks is not enough."

Rhys smiled wickedly and replied nonchalantly.

A smile appeared at the corner of Martha's mouth and she straightened her slightly messy hair, "I'll

treat you to dinner some day."


With a bigger smile, he said huskily.

"Since it's over, now you can do everything you want to do."

Martha turned her head to look at the darkness of the river, her mind in a tumult of thoughts.

After a long time, her red lips lightly opened and she softly spat out the words, "I'm fine with my current


The life now was the life she imagined, but ... she was afraid that it would not last long.

A bitter smile touched her lips and she said sadly, "If I can, I don't want to give up everything here."

When Rhys heard this, he couldn't help but let out a light laugh and asked jokingly in return, "Who

wants you to give up?"

Martha's red lips were pursed and she did not speak again, except that the look in her eyes was

obviously much sadder.

Who asked her to give up...

No one asked her to give up this place, yet she had no choice.

She couldn't watch by, nor could she give up everything here.

So, she was in a dilemma, which troubled her.

Rhys did not hear an answer. With his brows slightly knitted, he looked at the woman standing at his

side suspiciously.

He saw at once that Martha's face was a bit white and couldn't help but ask worriedly.

"What's wrong? Did you encounter any difficulties?"

Martha sighed helplessly, not knowing where to start.

The man standing beside her, still thinking it was not hard for her to explain, so he patiently persuaded

her, "There is nothing to be embarrassed about. Just say it as if I were your confidant."

The woman's hand on the railing tightened, and after a long time of silence, she was about to open her

mouth to respond.

Just at this time, Stefan walked up behind the two of them and snorted, "Confidant?"

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