Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 344 Warm Her Heart
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Chapter 344 Warm Her Heart

Chapter 344 Warm Her Heart

She and Stefan were already divorced and it was simply not appropriate for them to appear in public

together again.

If they appeared together and were caught by the media, it would only cause another mighty uproar on

the Internet.

So, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, it was better not to appear together.

Stefan saw a hint of impatience in the eyes of the woman in front of him, and understood what she was


He didn't know what to say, but he could only look at the child that Martha was holding in her arms.

Jimmy met the eyes of the man in the driver's seat, his little head tilted to the right, pursed his lips and

did not speak.

He hadn't forgiven his foolish daddy yet, so why did his daddy look at him that way?

His daddy looked at him so blatantly. If his mommy saw it, she would take him as a traitor, no doubt.

His daddy was really stupid, even wanting to drag him down!

Stefan saw this look on his son's face and couldn't help but be a little speechless.

This little guy really couldn't be relied on, and he didn't even help him out at the critical moment.

This time, Martha was already determined not to eat lunch with him.

The man's thin lips were pursed into a line; he had no idea how to break the current deadlock.

Finally, it was Martha who broke the silence.

"Please, Jimmy and I will go back by ourselves."

With that, Martha carried Jimmy and prepared to get out of the car and take a cab home by herself.

Her fair fingers were just touching the door handle when Stefan's somewhat impatient voice came out

from his thin lips.

"You can't get out of the car."

Martha's eyebrows were knitted slightly and she looked at the man in the driver's seat with some

confusion and a clear question in her eyes.

Stefan's head was running fast and he finally gave an answer that he thought was very reasonable.

"Now in this situation, I'm not comfortable with you and Jimmy going in the car. If you want to go back,

I'll give you a ride back to the Doyle Manor."

Although he was a little disappointed not to be able to have lunch with Martha, but compared to the

safety of their mother and son, eating lunch or not was nothing.

He thought this, and his original loss of emotion was eased.

When Martha heard this, she hesitated for a long time, but withdrew her hand and sat in her seat

without moving.

For the sake of the child's safety, it would be better to let Stefan take them back.

She thought of this and lowered her eyes, acquiescing to Stefan's words.

Stefan saw that Martha had no intention to get out of the car, and immediately started the car towards

the Doyle Manor.

Half an hour later, a black car pulled up in front of the Doyle Manor.

They had just arrived at the Doyle Manor not long after Bianca came out of the villa and took Jimmy in

Martha's arms.

Before she left, she looked at Stefan with a distinctly distant and indifferent look in her eyes, no longernovelbin

as nice as before.

Stefan also felt it, but still said patiently and politely, "Thank you, Bianca."

Martha's eyes twitched slightly, and after seeing that Bianca had no intention to talk to Stefan, her red

lips parted.

"Bianca, you take Jimmy back, I have to go to the company to take care of some things, and then go

back in the afternoon."

"Then be careful on your way."

After Bianca said this, she turned around and walked into the Doyle Manor, not worrying in the least

that Martha might have feelings for Stefan.

After she left with the baby in her arms, Martha moved to get out of the car.

When Stefan saw it, his eyebrows knitted slightly and his magnetic voice rang out in the car.

"Didn't you say you were going to the office? I'll give you a ride."

"No need."

Martha decisively refused Stefan's offer, and got out of the car faster.

Stefan looked at the woman in the back seat with a bit of anxiety in his eyes, and his voice was not as

cool as it always was.

"I do not feel at ease if you go alone."

She heard these words, her eyes dark with unfathomable emotions, but her voice was still cold.

"No need. I didn't refuse you just now because as a father of a child, it's your responsibility to take the

child to buy daily necessities, so I can accept your kindness."

"But right now, no need."

Stefan's body stiffened and the pupils under his eyes narrowed slightly.

Martha's words meant something he knew, but they were just saying that without the child involved, he

and she were strangers.

Only, he had never wanted to be a stranger to her.

While he was in a daze, Martha had nimbly gotten out of her car and walked towards her car parked in

front of the Doyle Manor.

By the time Stefan came back to his senses, Martha had gotten into her car and drove away from the

Doyle Manor.

He looked down, his eyes full of despair, and a dull pain was in his heart.

This is all his fault, all he can do is to protect Martha like this now, and slowly warm her heart ...

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