Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 338 Did Someone Do This On Purpose?
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Chapter 338 Did Someone Do This On Purpose?

Chapter 338 Did someone do this on purpose?

Louis smiled bitterly and said in a compromising manner, "Then I'll go to the hospital myself."

Martha, however, did not agree with him, and immediately suggested.

"No, you are injured for me, I should be the one to take you to the hospital."novelbin

Louis saw that she was so insistent, and did not have the heart to refuse, only to obediently leave the

opening ceremony stage.

After the two of them left, Stefan, who was staying in the spot, turned around and followed them.

From what happened this time, he was more than sure that Louis had come for Martha.

Whether it was the Headow Complex's partnership case or the auction held at the beginning, it seemed

that he was approaching Martha.

Last time he confessed his love to Martha. This time, with the Headow Complex project, he helped the

Doyle Group to become a listed company.

All Louis had done were suspicious, which alerted Stefan.

He narrowed his eyes as he followed the two.

Jane, who was standing next to the opening ceremony stage, had her eyes following Louis' figure


Although she saw that Louis was not seriously hurt, she couldn't help but worry about him.

The host standing on the side looked at the chaotic scene with difficulty, and after hesitating, he

interrupted Jane's thoughts.

"Jane, what should we do now?"

Jane returned to her senses and replied calmly, "Remove the things from the site first, and have

someone go up and check if there are still construction tools left behind to avoid causing falling objects

from height again."

The host, a staff member of the Doyle Group, immediately nodded in understanding when he heard

Jane say this.

He turned to the two staff members standing not far away and waved, gesturing for them to follow him

upstairs to check the construction tools.

Those two nodded and followed the host with understanding.

After Jane saw their leaving figures, her eyes unconsciously showed some worry.

A few moments later, she forced down the worry and turned around to deal with the messy scene.


Half an hour later, Martha brought Louis to the nearest hospital.

The nurse carefully disinfected Louis and then took out the gauze bandage.

Martha couldn't resist asking a question out loud.

"How are his injuries?"

"It's just a superficial injury, if it were a little further, the nerves in the bones of his wrist would be hurt,

then it would be a problem."

The nurse said in a soft voice while kept dressing Louis' wound.

Louis heard this, the corners of his mouth lifted into a light smile, helplessly shrugged his shoulders, as

if saying - I said it was okay, but you had to send me to the hospital.

Martha ignored his look, and only felt that the stone on her heart had finally fallen to the ground.

Louis was her partner, and she didn't want to see him seriously injured because of herself.

He who was being bandaged by the nurse seemed to have read Martha's thoughts, and spoke out to

comfort her.

"It's okay. As long as the wound does not touch the water, it will soon heal."

Martha's eyes darkened, and after a long time she still thanked gratefully, "Thank you."

"I'm happy to protect my muse."

Louis raised his eyebrows slightly, and the smile on his lips became broader.

He came here to protect Martha's safety, so no matter what happened, he would try his best to protect


Behind the three of them, Stefan, who had been leaning against the wall, heard these words, and his

hand on his side tightened violently, and his brows were knitted together.

Louis not only did not care about his injury, but also kept comforting Martha to make her feel relieved.

In Stefan's opinion, Louis had an ulterior motive.

He always felt that this man seemed to be intentionally or unintentionally getting closer to Martha.

Stefan's eyes narrowed slightly and he looked at Louis with a more and more unfriendly look.

After Louis noticed Stefan's gloom, he turned his head to look at the latter and spoke faintly.

"Mr. Harrison, why are you here?"

The man standing in front of him frowned slightly, and his clear, cold voice rang out.

"Mr. Louis was injured, so of course I had to come over to take a look."

The nurse ignored what they were saying, and when the dressing was finished, she carefully instructed

Louis to pay attention to the wound and change the dressing regularly.

When the nurse left, Martha looked at Louis and said, "I'll send you back."

Before Louis could respond, Stefan, who was standing not far away, looked gloomy and asked coldly,

"Why did such an accident happen during the opening ceremony?

In his opinion, at that time, there should not be such an accident as falling objects at all.

Obviously, it was a newly developed complex. For the time being, no one could move in, after all, the

development was not yet finished.

Since this was the case, there shouldn't have been a falling object.

Stefan thought of this, his eyes betrayed a cold look.

After he said that, Martha was stunned, and only then did she recall what happened at the opening


When it happened, she was too nervous and only focused on the wound on Louis' hand, she didn't

have time to think about the reason.

Now that she thought about it, things were indeed very weird.

Could someone have done this on purpose?

Martha's eyebrows were knitted slightly. At the thought of this possibility, she could not help but fear.

Louis, sitting in his chair, heard this, his eyes dimmed. A long while later, he spoke thoughtfully, to

break the silence.

"Maybe it's a construction tool accidentally left behind by the workers."

Stefan heard this, feeling something more wrong.

His pupils narrowed slightly as he looked at Louis, "It just happened to fall at a time like that and almost

killed someone, huh?"

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