Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 331 The Love Rival Is Gone
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Chapter 331 The Love Rival Is Gone

Chapter 331 The love rival is gone

On the other hand, Martha went back to her room after she finished talking to Rupert.

As soon as she closed the room door, she softly shouted, "Jimmy, I'm back."

But instead of the familiar voice ringing out in the room, there was silence.

Her eyebrows were knitted slightly, searching for Jimmy in the room suspiciously.

Soon, she found that the child was not in the room at all.

Jimmy was young yet smart, so Martha wasn't worried about anything happening to him.

She turned around to ask the front desk of the hotel where Jimmy had gone, and just as she opened

the door, she saw the tiny figure walking out of Stefan's room.

Martha frowned slightly and looked at the father and son standing at Stefan's door with a complicated

look in her eyes.

She did not expect Jimmy to go to Stefan; she thought the child had gone somewhere to play.

Jimmy saw the strange look in his mommy's eyes and immediately called out in a good manner.

"Mommy, you're back."

And Stefan saw Martha's face darken and hurriedly explained.

"He is hungry, so he came to my room to look for me."

Martha lowered her eyes and pursed her lips without answering.

Jimmy, sensing his mommy's unhappiness, walked over towards her in a good manner and stood in

front of her.


She heard Jimmy's soft voice and her heart softened.

She squatted down and heartily touched Jimmy's head.

"Are you still hungry? Do you want me to take you to the restaurant for dinner?"

Jimmy shook his head gently and rubbed his tummy nicely, "I'm already full."

Martha smiled at Jimmy without saying anything, but just reached out and took Jimmy's hand when she

got up.

Stefan, who was standing at the door of his room, noticed that Rupert did not come back with Martha.

Jimmy said that Rupert was out for a walk with Martha, how come she was the only one back now?

Stefan's eyes darkened, and his eyes were filled with a puzzled look.

Jimmy, who was standing next to Martha, also noticed this and asked in confusion.

"Where's Uncle Rupert? How come he didn't come back with you, Mommy?"

Martha was silent for a few seconds before softly answering, "Uncle Rupert had some tasks, so he

went back home first."

When Stefan heard this, his eyes, which had been somewhat dark, lit up, and his deep eyes were

amazed and surprised.

His love rival had left?novelbin

But wasn't Martha going to promise to be with Rupert?

How could the latter leave at this time?

Stefan hid the puzzlement in his eyes, his thin lips pursed and he did not speak.

And the little guy couldn't help but be a little disappointed after hearing that Rupert had returned to his


He nodded his head in disappointment, his face full of reluctance.

They had just been to Bali for a few days, how come Uncle Rupert was back in the country?

Didn't he say he was going to take him with him to play other projects ...

Martha sensed Jimmy's loss and smiled as she reached out and touched Jimmy's broken hair.

"Jimmy, don't be sad, Uncle Rupert is back home, but Mommy is with you."

When Jimmy heard this, the loss on his little face disappeared and his big eyes looked at Martha


Martha, in Jimmy's expectant eyes, softly said what Jimmy expected.

"Jimmy, where else do you want to go for fun? Mommy will accompany you, okay?"


Jimmy instantly showed a big smile and responded.

After the little guy said this, he couldn't help but turn around and look at Stefan who was standing

behind him.

If only his daddy could also follow.

He looked at Stefan, and couldn't help but look forward to the scene of them going out to play as a

family of three.

Although his daddy once said hurtful words to him, at that time his daddy was sick.

Now, his daddy regretted what he did before, so he still hoped that his mommy could be with daddy.

Stefan met Jimmy's expectant eyes, his hand on his side tightened and he spoke with some


"Where do you guys want to go tomorrow?"

Martha frowned slightly, clearly seeing the child's hopeful eyes.

Only, she didn't want to have anything to do with Stefan anymore.

She pretended not to see it, bent down to pick up Jimmy, and walked straight back to the room.

Without Stefan, she could play with Jimmy in his favorite activities.

The door slammed shut, leaving Stefan unable to see Martha and Jimmy's figures.

He lowered his eyes, his eyes grew dark, and he had mixed feelings.

Although he didn't know what Martha and Rupert's current relationship was, being shut out like this still

made him upset.


Eden's room.

Eden looked at the man sitting on the sofa who didn't say a word and couldn't help but be a bit puzzled.

He was talking to Melissa, but Stefan suddenly came to his room without saying anything.

After a long time, he finally couldn't help but ask a question out loud.

"Is there something wrong?"

Stefan's eyes darkened, and his clear, cold voice rang out in the room.

"Rupert is back in the country."

Eden sitting across from Stefan heard this and couldn't help but smile and ask, "Isn't that a good


Stefan frowned slightly, his slender fingers tapping on the sofa.

A moment later, his voice came out from his thin lips.

"I'm not sure what Martha takes Rupert for."

'Does she want to be with Rupert, or ... is there still hope for him?'

Stefan's brows were knitted, and the temperature around him plummeted to the freezing point.

Eden helplessly spread his hands and replied with a smile, "He's returning home early, indicating that

Martha rejected Rupert. That's why Rupert left Bali."

Stefan sitting across from him heard this, looking much more relieved.

But in the next second, his brows were knitted again.

"So what should we do now?"

"Your love rival has gone, now is the time for you to show yourself."

Eden's lips were slightly raised, and her eyebrows were tinged with pleasure.


The next day, Martha was ready to take Jimmy to the underwater real-life experience, so she got up

early in the morning.

She changed Jimmy into a cool casual outfit and found Jimmy's sunglasses for him to put on.

She was wearing a long white dress and a beige beach hat.

After Jimmy saw himself in the mirror, he smiled with satisfaction.

"Mommy, I think it's so cool to dress like this."

Martha smiled and took Jimmy's hand, and said in a warm voice, "Jimmy is handsome, so whatever he

wears is cool."

The smile on Jimmy's face got even bigger when he heard that.

They walked out of the room with great joy, ready to take a taxi to the experience hall.

But just after they walked out of the hotel, they saw Stefan wearing a white casual suit, standing next to

the car waiting for them ...

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