Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 323 You Really Let Go
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Chapter 323 You Really Let Go

Chapter 323 You really let go

Eden answered softly and turned to leave the open-air restaurant.

Stefan clenched his fist and followed him with a grim face, ready to go to the hotel where Martha was

staying with Rupert and stay there.

Soon, the two arrived at the hotel where Martha and Rupert were staying and checked in there.

Stefan, knowing that the room opposite Martha's room was unoccupied, decisively chose to stay in thenovelbin

room opposite the latter.

Rupert, who lived next door to Martha, walked out of the room with a sullen look on his face after

learning that Stefan had checked into the room opposite Martha's.

As he walked out, he saw Stefan walking into the room.

Rupert knocked on Martha's door in front of Stefan, and after the latter opened the door, he looked at

Stefan with a provocative look.

The look in his eyes was clearly saying, "You don't have a chance to compete with me this time."

After Stefan saw it, his pupils shrank slightly and his face became very gloomy.

He glared at Rupert, wanting to rush up and give the latter a severe lesson.

Yet he couldn't because he was indeed wrong this time.

His hand at his side clenched tightly, the air around him dropped to freezing point.

Rupert raised an eyebrow at him and walked into Martha's room with a light smile on his lips.

Stefan's pupils shrank and his eyes were scarlet as he looked at the doorway of Martha's room.

Eden stood watching this scene and sighed silently.

If only Stefan had trusted him at that time in the hospital, things might not have come to this point.


In Martha's room.

Jimmy, after returning to the hotel, took his own clothes and went into the bathroom to take a shower

by himself in a good manner.

Martha, on the other hand, after opening the door for Rupert, leaned tiredly on the sofa and stared

blankly at the night scene outside the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Rupert came in, closed the door softly and went to sit next to the sofa.

"Stefan and the others are staying across the hall from your room, so I can ask the hotel receptionist to

change your room if needed."

Martha returned to her senses and shook her head gently, her indifferent reply ringing out in the room.

"No need. Deliberately asking the front desk to change the room would make it look like we're hiding

from him."

Besides, there was nothing to hide, he was not a beast.

This time she had thought a lot, and naturally looked very frank when facing Stefan.

Rupert looked at her with deep eyes and asked in a serious voice, "Have you really let go?"

"What happened between him and me is all in the past."

Martha lowered her eyes and replied indifferently, unable to say whether she was happy or not.

Rupert sitting next to her heard these words, his eyes sunk, and he gently spoke out to change the


"Did you get enough for dinner today?"

"Yep, it tasted good."

Martha leaned on the sofa and replied carelessly, with a little tiredness in her eyes.

Rupert looked sideways at Martha with deep affection, remembering the interrupted scene in the


His hands on the sofa were sweating from the tension, he took two deep breaths and said solemnly,

"You haven't answered me about what I said in the restaurant. Now here, I want to tell you once again."

After the man said this, a light smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, his thin lips lightly opened,

and his warm voice rang out in the room.

"Martha, I want to pursue you again. I hope you can give me a chance to give you and Jimmy a

peaceful home."

Rupert looked nervously at Martha sitting on the sofa with a slight frown, clearly hoping that Martha

would agree to her pursuit this time.

Yet he was worried that Martha would turn him down because of Stefan's appearance in the open-air


At that time, he clearly saw that Martha was going to say yes to his advances, and now he wondered if

she would change his mind because of Stefan.

When Martha heard this, her eyes darkened and she pursed her lips in silence.

Just now she did want to say yes to Rupert, but now ... she didn't know if she should agree to the latter.

She tried hard to convince herself to say yes to him with the words she said in the open air restaurant.

But in the end, it was a failure.

Rupert waited for a long time, still did not hear Martha's answer, his heart beating.

He looked at the hesitant woman in front of him with serious eyes and said in a warm voice, "Martha,

can you try? Try to accept me and let me stay with you."

Martha stiffened, and her eyelids lowered without speaking.

At this moment, Jimmy suddenly ran out of the bathroom, trotted towards Martha, and hugged his


Immediately after, his soft voice rang out in the room.

"Mommy, Jimmy is very tired today, will you help me take a bath?"

When Martha heard this, she knew that Jimmy had come out to say this on purpose.

He had known how to take a bath by himself a long time ago. Now he said this to help her out,


It seemed that Jimmy knew that she was in a dilemma.

After she returned to her senses, she picked up Jimmy and said in a doting manner, "Okay, then today

Mommy will help you take a bath."

She did not look at Rupert, who was left alone on the couch, and took Jimmy straight to the bathroom.

Rupert, who was left alone on the sofa, saw the mother and son disappear at the bathroom door, and

his eyes darkened, with clear sadness in his eyes.

As expected, Stefan's appearance still affected Martha.

At this moment, Rupert suddenly felt a little powerless, leaned on the sofa, and pursed his lips without

saying a word.


In Stefan's room.

Eden looked helplessly at Stefan sitting in front of him and said in a deep voice, "I'm sorry, that's all I

can do. But now it looks like Martha is going to say yes to Rupert now."

Stefan reached over the mineral water on the table and unscrewed it, took a sip of the cool water, and

a cold, stern voice came out of his thin lips.

"No matter what, I'm going to fight for it."

He couldn't stand by and watch Rupert pursue Martha and do nothing.

His eyes darkened.

Eden heard this and couldn't help but ask a question out loud.

"What are you going to do?"

Stefan's brows were knitted slightly, and he asked sullenly in return, "What do you have in mind?"

Eden stiffened, and a figure suddenly appeared in his mind.


Melissa was Martha's best friend, if he looked for her, maybe she would help Stefan win back Martha

more easily.

However, before coming to Bali, she had told him that if Martha had agreed to Rupert's pursuit, then he

should persuade Stefan to give up, instead of letting Stefan continue to pester Martha.

If he asked her for help now, he was only afraid that she would not say yes.

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