Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 306 How Dare This Woman Hit Him
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Chapter 306 How Dare This Woman Hit Him

Chapter 306 How dare this woman hit him

A few minutes later, in the park near the kindergarten.

Jimmy was sitting on a bench in the park, eating the ice cream in his hand with a smile on his face,

enjoying himself.

Stefan, who was sitting next to him, looked at the child's appearance, and his eyes grew dark.

He had to admit that this child really looked a bit like him.

But, was this child really his own?

Stefan still did not want to believe this fact until now.

He hesitated for a long time before he finally couldn't help but ask a question.

"What's your name?"

Jimmy's hand holding the ice cream was tightened, and he didn't say anything as he looked down at

the ice cream in his hand.

Suddenly, he pretended not to hear anything and continued to eat the ice cream in his hand.

Stefan did not hear the little guy's answer. Surprisingly he was not angry, but warmly asked another


"How old are you?"

Jimmy rolled his eyes helplessly and looked at his daddy as if he was looking at an idiot.

His daddy must have investigated him, so what was the point of asking him?

Did his daddy want so much to talk to him?

Jimmy thought of this and retorted.

"You have not investigated me? If you have, why do you ask questions knowingly?"

Stefan heard these words, his body stiffened, and he was speechless.

He was a little shocked at the little guy's intelligence, but at the same time he felt a hint of pride that he

did not notice.

Stefan had been watching Jimmy eat ice cream and did not say anything.

In a short while, Jimmy had finished all the ice cream in his hand.

He clapped his hands, jumped out of his chair and turned to look at the man still sitting on the bench.

"I'm done eating. Now I'm going home. I'll leave first."

Stefan looked helplessly at the little guy standing not far away, and even he hadn't noticed that the

irritation he felt during this time had long since disappeared without a trace.

This little guy was quite heartless, running away after eating his ice cream.

However, how could he just let Jimmy leave like that?novelbin

The man looked at the child with a deep gaze, his thin lips lightly opened as he coldly asked a


"Are you really my son?"

Jimmy rolled his eyes and, after humming, he replied in no good humor, "No."

'I don't have a daddy as retarded as you, who forgets everything after a memory loss.'

When Stefan heard this, his eyes glared and he felt like beating the little guy up.

Jimmy was not polite to him at all.

Jimmy, as if not seeing his daddy's displeasure, raised his eyebrows slightly and asked indifferently, "Is

there anything else?"

Stefan's thin lips were tightly pursed, and after a long period of silence, he asked another question.

"Who's coming to take you home?"

Jimmy gave him a look and replied indifferently, "My mommy is coming to pick me up. She should be

almost there."

"I ..."

Stefan opened his mouth to say something else, but was interrupted by Jimmy.

"You should go home early too."

After saying this, Jimmy turned around and slowly walked away alone carrying his small school bag.

On the other hand, in front of the kindergarten.

When Martha came, she didn't see Jimmy beside the teacher.

She frowned and asked with some urgency, "Miss, where is Jimmy? Why isn't he here?"

The teacher looked at her suspiciously, with a distinctly inquisitive look in her eyes.

Hadn't the child's father told the mother before picking up the child?

When Martha saw the teacher frozen, she was anxious and hurriedly raised her voice again to ask a


"Miss, where did Jimmy go?"

"Jimmy was picked up by the child's father."

The teacher came back to her senses and replied with a smile.

Martha's pupils shrank slightly, and the hand at her side tightened, a thin layer of sweat seeping out of

her palm.


Was he the one who picked up Jimmy?

She anxiously grabbed the teacher's wrist and asked in a panic, "Where did they go?"

Hearing this, the teacher reached out and pointed to a park not far away.

"They seem to have gone together to that park over there."

Martha nodded and turned in the direction the teacher pointed, her eyes full of doubts.

Was the teacher talking about Stefan?

It seemed to her that Jimmy had been nonchalant about that man ever since Stefan had woken up in

the hospital.

Now if that man came to pick up Jimmy, would Jimmy leave with him ...

Martha walked into the park with her doubts, and just as she walked in, she saw Jimmy standing not far

from Stefan.

Her face sank and she walked quickly over to Jimmy, stopping in front of him and looking coldly at


"You took my child without my permission, and I can sue you."

"He's my son, do I need your permission?"

Stefan looked at the woman in front of him coldly and sternly, his eyes filled with an icy glow.

Jimmy saw him doing this to his mommy and rushed forward, shielding her behind him.

"Who is your son? I'm not your son."

When the man heard this, He frowned and looked at Martha's eyes more and more coldly.

"That's how you taught your child!"

"It's my own business."

Martha reached out to take Jimmy's hand and replied coldly.

Stefan's hand on his side unconsciously tightened, and the tone of his voice became colder and colder.

"Your relationship with those men is so messy that the child is obviously not learning well from you."

The woman sneered at him and retorted coldly, "This is my business, not yours."

Stefan choked, and the air around him plummeted to freezing.

"I want custody of the child back, before you teach him badly."

Martha heard this and looked at Stefan with a look that changed from coldness to anger.

She glared at the man standing in front of her and retorted in a cold voice, "You are not qualified to be

his father."

"If I'm not qualified, then other men are qualified to be his father?"

Stefan looked at the angry woman mockingly.

Martha was so angry that her body trembled, and she stepped forward in annoyance and raised her

hand to give Stefan a slap.

The man felt a hot pain on his cheek, his body stiffened, and his long, narrow eyes were filled with


This woman dared to hit him!

Not waiting for him to react, he saw Martha reach out and hold Jimmy tightly, looking at him with a

determined face.

"If you dare to take away my child, I don't mind fighting with you to the death."

With those words, Martha took Jimmy and turned away from the spot.

When Stefan came back to his senses, the mother and son were long gone.

The man was stunned and reached out to touch his cheek that had been slapped, and his deep-set

eyes carried a bit of helplessness.

It was strange. He was beaten by Martha and yet he actually felt sorry for her ...

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