Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 301 You Ask For It
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Chapter 301 You Ask For It

Chapter 301 You Ask for It

That night, Martha went to read the novel written by Melissa.

Soon, she found out that Melissa had written exactly her story.

The content of the novel was that the male lead believed the lies of the evil supporting female role, and

then hurt the female lead again and again.

In the end, the female lead faked her own death with the help of a doctor friend and left the city where

she had lived for more than ten years.

When the female lead returned again, she brought a four-year-old child with her.

The female lead became a well-known person, and the male lead met her and recognized her.

Yet the female lead did not want to have any more entanglement with the male lead, and the purpose

of her return this time was to make the vicious supporting female role pay the price.

After a lot of things happened, the vicious supporting female role was sentenced to death, and the male

lead knew he made a huge mistake and regretted it ...

Now, the female lead was surrounded by three good suitors, was is a doctor, one was a big president,

and another was a mixed-race rich businessman.

The novel Melissa wrote stopped here, and the novel was still being serialized.

When Martha saw this, she couldn't help but feel helpless.

She didn't think Melissa would actually write a novel.

When she wanted to quit, she inadvertently clicked on the novel's comment section, which had

messages from various readers.

-The scum ex-husband still has hope, please hurry to chase his wife.

-The doctor is the female lead's true love. I hope the female lead can accept the doctor.

-I think the president is a better choice. He always offers help at the right time.

-I think the mixed rich businessman is better. Clearly, he has a very strong background.

-Does anyone like that doctor? He always protects the female lead without asking for anything.

-If the author dares to write a happy ending for the hero and heroine, I will definitely send razor blades

to the author!

Martha was reading the readers' comments, her eyes full of helplessness.


At this time, the Harrison Villa.

Stefan was lying on the bed with a tired face, his narrow eyes slightly closed; he was hiding the


In the middle of the night, the door to his room was suddenly opened quietly.

And then, someone quietly lifted the covers on Stefan's body and slowly approached him.

When she reached out to rub the man's waist, her hand was gripped, and she fell to the floor.

Stefan frowned and reached out to press the switch.

In a flash, the dark room was suddenly bright. A woman was lying on the carpet beside the bed in anovelbin

terrible state.

The man's eyes were dark, and he looked askance at the woman on the floor with displeasure.

"Why are you here?"

If he hadn't subconsciously pushed her away just now, Amanda would have wrapped her arms around


Stefan couldn't help but feel a little annoyed at the thought of this.

Amanda looked up at Stefan with pity and cried out, "Stefan, my knee hurts."

"It's all your own fault."

The air around the man dropped to a freezing point, and his eyes became more and more unkind as he

looked at the woman on the ground.

His eyes narrowed slightly as he glared at Amanda in annoyance.

"What are you doing in my room in the middle of the night?"

"I ... I just wanted to keep you company, that's why ..."

Amanda couldn't help but cry when she said this.

As she cried, she began to tell sadly, "You used to sleep with me in your arms, but since you lost your

memory, you are very reluctant to come near me, and I can't help it, so that's why ..."

"That's enough!"

Before Amanda could finish her words, she was interrupted by Stefan's stern voice.

He frowned, and his voice grew colder and colder.

"Maybe I used to like you very much, but now when I see you, I feel repulsed, especially by your

behavior tonight."

Stefan only felt disgusted when he thought of Amanda's actions just now.

At this moment, he suddenly wondered why his former self would like such a woman.

Hearing these words, Amanda stiffened and her face turned white as she looked at the man standing in

front of her.

"Stefan, do you know what you are saying?"

"Get out."

His eyes sank, and his long, narrow eyes were filled with a cold look.

Amanda lowered her eyes, bit her lower lip reluctantly, and stood up with difficulty.

Then she pretended to get hurt in the feet and fell towards Stefan.

But Stefan directly dodged.

Amanda fell to the ground again and sucked in a breath of cold air in pain.

The next second, the man's cold and heartless words rang out in the room.

"Get out!"

"Why are you kicking me out? Can't you just hug me?"

Amanda looked at the man in front of her reluctantly, her face filled with sadness.

She thought that this look of hers would evoke Stefan's pity, but when the latter saw her like this, he

only felt more disgusted.

His brows were furrowed, and his cold, heartless words came out of his lips.

"If you are short of men, I don't mind sending you a bunch of men."

Amanda heard these words, her pretty face turned white all of a sudden, and she could say no more

with trembling lips.

Then, without waiting for her to speak again, Stefan's cold, stern voice rang out again.

"Get out now!"

Amanda felt the cold air in the room, her body trembled, and she rolled away from the room.

A maid passing by heard the commotion and stood at the stairway to take a look, only to see Amanda

got out of Stefan's room with dishevelled hair.

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