Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 259 Kill Martha
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Chapter 259 Kill Martha

Chapter 259 Kill Martha

After that, the three of them had great fun in the amusement park together, but Martha didn't say one

word to Stefan from the beginning to the end.

This made Stefan very depressed, but he couldn't do anything about it.

Jimmy, who was standing between them, was also very helpless. An idea hit him and then he pulled

Stefan's hand slightly.

"Daddy, I'm tired. Can you carry me?"

After saying this, Jimmy let go of Martha's hand, turned around, and stretched out his hands to Stefan.

Seeing Jimmy like this, Stefan, who was kind of upset, smiled, bent down and picked up Jimmy.

After being picked up by Stefan, Jimmy secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he continued to be the peacemaker. He looked at Martha with concern.

"Mom, are you thirsty? Do you want Daddy to buy you some water?"

"No need."

Martha answered lightly and then looked sideways.

Jimmy stretched out his hand and tugged at Martha's arm.

Seeing Jimmy reaching out for his mother, Stefan unconsciously took two steps toward Martha tonovelbin

prevent Jimmy from falling.

After that, Jimmy said, "Mommy, are you tired? Do you want Daddy to find a place for us to rest?"

When Martha heard this, she frowned slightly, and after a long silence, she finally turned around and

looked at Jimmy who was being held in Stefan's arms.

"Are you tired?"

Jimmy shook his head, with hidden excitement in his eyes, and pointed with his little finger not far


"Mommy, I want to try that."

Martha looked in the direction Jimmy was pointing at, and saw four characters, The Haunted House

Adventure, at a glance.

Stefan turned his head to look, and saw what Jimmy wanted to try, but he pursed his lips and did not

say anything.

After a while, Martha finally spoke.

"You are still a child. This is too scary for you and you might have nightmares after that."

After she finished speaking, Jimmy looked kind of upset. And the excitement in his eyes dissipated.

Martha tried to comfort him and said, "We can go to do some other things, such as rowing and


Jimmy shook his head slightly, and looked at Martha with a sad look.

Just when Martha was hesitating, Jimmy turned his head and looked at his father pitifully. Actually, he

was trying to ask Stefan to cooperate with him.

Unfortunately, they hadn't been staying with each other for a long time so Stefan couldn't understand

what Jimmy was trying to do at all.

Seeing that his father didn't understand what he meant, Jimmy sighed helplessly.

His small body leaned toward Stefan, "Daddy, Jimmy wants to try the haunted house adventure."

"Your mommy is right. If you are scared, you will have nightmares at night."

Stefan carefully hugged Jimmy, trying to persuade him.

When Jimmy heard this, he was speechless.

He was creating opportunities for his daddy, but his daddy didn't realize it.

Jimmy struggled slightly in Stefan's arms, leaned close to Stefan's ear and whispered, "Mommy is

afraid of ghosts."

After saying this, Jimmy raised his voice and said another sentence.

"But you told me boys should be brave."

Stefan paused, and changed his attitude.

"That's right, a man should be brave, and he should try the haunted house adventure."

Martha, who was standing beside them, didn't know what to say when she heard this.

Stefan just said something about nightmares but now he was actually taking Jimmy's side.

Just when Martha frowned, Jimmy turned his head to look at her expectantly.

"Mommy, Daddy agreed, you should go with us."

When Martha was about to say something, Jimmy started talking again.

"Other children go to play with their parents. I want to try this with my parents as well."

When Martha heard this, her heart softened, and she immediately agreed.

"Okay, I will accompany you to try the haunted house adventure."

When Jimmy heard this, he immediately smiled.

He then turned his head to look at Stefan with pride in his eyes.

Stefan understood what Jimmy meant this time, and smiled and reached out to rub his little head.

For the first time, Stefan thought it was nice to have a child.

After the three reached an agreement, they turned and marched toward the haunted house adventure.

The haunted house adventure was divided into several themes, and finally Jimmy chose a haunted

house related to the theme of the campus.

As soon as they walked in, they heard the strange meowing of cats, which was shrill and eerie.

Martha shivered subconsciously, and clenched her hands tightly.

And Jimmy rubbed Stefan's neck, whispering, "Daddy, this voice seems so real."


Stefan responded but he was actually looking at the woman beside him.

The further they went inside, the colder the air became, and the more shrieking the voices became.

The next second, a female ghost with long hair in front suddenly pushed open the door of the

classroom and rushed toward the three of them.

Martha suddenly yelled, looking at the female ghost in front of her with a pale face.

Seeing this scene, Stefan narrowed his eyes slightly, and smiled.

He stretched out his hands, put Martha into his arms, and comforted her softly, "Don't be afraid. I'm


Martha felt the temperature of Stefan's body and her face became less pale. However, she was still

grabbing the hem of Stefan's clothes tightly.

Stefan felt that Martha didn't push him away as before, and felt much happier unconsciously. Then he

gave Jimmy a look as if he was praising Jimmy.

Jimmy proudly raised his head. He didn't seem scared at all

"Mom, these are all fake ghosts. You don't have to worry."

Martha nodded, and looked at the classroom door not far away in fear. She was still afraid that another

female ghost would rush in from there.

After she calmed down, she turned her head and glanced around the classroom she was in.

She then saw a line of red words on the blackboard in the classroom saying that she would come back.

Martha shuddered, and suddenly felt that the whole classroom was even weirder.

Noticing that Martha was very scared, Stefan stretched out his arms to hold her in his arms, and led her

forward slowly.

After Martha felt the warmth of Stefan's body, she calmed down a little. However, she was still not


After the three of them walked out of the door, at a corner, a female ghost in red clothes suddenly

appeared, holding an ax with blood stains on it.

Although Martha knew in her mind that the blood stains were not real at all, she still couldn't help being


After the three of them walked for almost an hour, they finally reached the exit.

As soon as they walked out of the haunted house, Martha pushed away the man who was holding her

in his arms.

She turned her head to look away in embarrassment, pursed her lips and said nothing.

Seeing Martha like this, Stefan frowned slightly.

Stefan then said gently, "You seem much more obedient when you're inside."

Martha lowered her head and said nothing, but her clenched fists got wet because she was sweating.

Jimmy, who was held in Stefan's arms, blinked unconsciously when he saw this scene.

For some reason, he felt that his mother was blushing because she was shy at that time.

Stefan and Martha weren't talking again. Jimmy then said something to cheer them up.

"Mommy, do you want some ice cream?"

"You want it, right? I will buy some for you."

Martha turned around immediately, replied softly, and then walked to the ice cream shop not far away.

As soon as Martha took two steps, she was stopped by Jimmy.

She turned around, only to see Jimmy shaking his head at her. Jimmy said, "Mommy, don't go, I want

you to buy balloons with me."

"But you want to eat ice cream, don't you?"

Martha was curious. She did not understand why Jimmy suddenly wanted balloons now.

Jimmy patted Stefan's shoulder seriously, and said, "Daddy, let me go."

Stefan heard Jimmy, bent down and put Jimmy on the ground.

The next second, Jimmy smiled, pointed at his daddy standing in front of him and said, "Daddy is going

to buy ice cream, and Mommy is going to buy balloons with me. Are we clear?"


Stefan and Martha responded in unison with gentle voices.

When Martha heard Stefan's voice, she froze. She lowered her head again and stopped talking.

And Jimmy turned to look at his father with a happy look, and stretched out three little fingers.

"Daddy, I need you to buy three ice creams for the three of us."


Stefan patted Jimmy's head, turned around and walked toward the ice cream shop not far away, and

took a meaningful look at Martha before leaving.

Martha looked away, and her face turned kind of red.

Jimmy saw it, but he didn't say anything about it. He just excitedly took her mother's hand and walked

toward the balloon-selling stall not far away.

"Mommy, let's go buy balloons. I just saw other children have a balloon tied to their hands. It looks so


"You can get two tied on your hands."

Martha smiled and looked at her son.

When they got to the balloon-selling stall, Jimmy smiled and said to the owner of the stall, "Sir, I want

that blue Doraemon balloon."


The boss responded, and swiftly untied a balloon and handed it to Jimmy.

After Jimmy thanked the owner, he turned around and immediately tied the balloon to Martha's wrist.

He raised his face and said, "Mommy, you are the prettiest in the world."

When Martha heard this, she smiled and thanked her son.

This bright smile was caught by a woman not far away, which deeply hurt that woman.

The woman held the steering wheel more tightly. Her eyes were scarlet as she watched the scene in

her car.

Why did Martha have everything while she got nothing?

She thought it was all Martha's fault.

She didn't think Martha deserved to be so happy.

The woman stepped on the accelerator hard, and drove toward Martha and her son who were not far


Hollie came to the amusement park early in the morning, and after waiting for several hours, she finally

got this opportunity.

This time, she must kill Martha and that bastard.

In this way, no one could take away what belonged to her.

The amusement park was originally full of laughter, but suddenly a car rushed out, and the situation

suddenly got a little out of control.

The tourists who were still smiling just now fled in panic. No one wanted to be hit by the car.

When they fled, things on several booths were trampled to pieces, and several people were knocked

down and unable to get up.

Soon, the car rushed toward Martha and her son.

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