Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 247 Visit Her Mother’S Grave
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Chapter 247 Visit Her Mother'S Grave

Chapter 247 Visit Her Mother's Grave

Martha nodded and added, "I don't know much about rich businessmen abroad, so I wonder if you've

heard of the Caesar family. May I cooperate with them?"

Bowing his head, Maxwell was lost in thought while staring at Martha in a daze.

He rang the bell as he had heard of Louis before but couldn't remember where or when exactly.

A while later, Martha didn't get his response. She asked in confusion, "Dad, you know Louis Caesar,


Frowning, Maxwell shook his head slightly.

"I've heard of this name before but don't know him."

"Do you know anyone else from his family?"

Martha gaped at him in shock.

Maxwell shook his head to deny it. "I don't remember."

Feeling disappointed, Martha sighed. Then she asked him with concern, "Dad, how are you feelingnovelbin


"Pretty well. I can tell I'm recovering."

Maxwell waved his arms with a smile, seemingly happy with his status.

After chitchatting with Martha for a few minutes, he suddenly recalled something, and his face changed


"Martha, tomorrow is your mother's death anniversary. Still remember?" he asked hoarsely.

"Of course, Dad. Will you also visit her grave tomorrow?"

Maxwell nodded solemnly, staring at her in sorrow.

Time flies. His wife had left him for almost 20 years. They used to be a happy couple.

Martha could see that her father had been lost in thought, realizing he had missed her mother again.

Ariya was the only woman Maxwell had loved all his life, while Bianca was a life companion he did not



After returning to her bedroom, Martha leaned against the bed and took out her photo albums from the

nightstand drawer. There were her group photos with her mother when she was little.

When she was young, she was naughty and didn't like having meals. Ariya patiently persuaded her and

told her she could only grow taller after eating.

Yet little Martha was still unwilling to eat, always starving herself.

In the end, Ariya learned cooking skills from a chef. She made bread rolls and rice balls into the shapes

of different animals for Martha.

Martha still remembered her mother liked smiling and was pretty gentle. However, to save Hollie's life,

Ariya died in the sea.

Martha wondered if her mother would have saved Hollie if she had known it was schemed by Hollie.

Casting down her eyes, Martha smiled bitterly. She knew the answer would be positive as her mother

was kind-hearted.

She collected her thoughts and continued to browse the photo album. Suddenly, something dropped

and fell to her feet.

It was a small badge. Martha picked it up and studied it carefully.

Last time, when she broke the lamp by accident, the badge fell out. Then she casually put it into the

photo album.

The lamp was from her mother, so Martha believed the badge must have something to do with her

mother. She wondered why her mother had hidden it in a lamp.

Curiously, Martha photographed the badge and searched for its information online.

Unfortunately, she didn't find anything.


The following morning, Martha took Jimmy to Jane's apartment and asked her to babysit him.

When she arrived at the Doyle Manor, Maxwell and Bianca were packing in the living room.

Hearing the sound, Bianca turned around and asked tensely, "Martha, what else do we need?"

Martha took her arm dearly and answered, "Bianca, you've always prepared the offerings to my mother.

I don't think we need anything else."

Bianca became relaxed, breathing a sigh of relief.

Her eyes reddened slightly. "When your mother was gone, you were still a little girl. Time really flies,

Martha," she sobbed.

Martha gave her an embrace and patted her shoulders gently. "Bianca, thank you for being with us for

so many years," she said.

Maxwell sighed when listening to their conversation. A bitter smile appeared on his face.

Martha gently let go of Bianca and said, "It's almost time. Shall we set off?"

Maxwell and Bianca nodded slightly. Martha picked up the offerings. Bianca pushed Maxwell's

wheelchair out of the Doyle Manor.

At the gate, they encountered an unexpected guest--Stefan.

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