Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 172 You Have Three Days
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Chapter 172 You Have Three Days

Chapter 172 You Have Three Days

Martha's face darkened. She had certainly known that before Stefan said it.

At this moment, she didn't want to enrage him or he might do something crazy again.

She replied gently with her eyelashes fluttering, "I know he has ulterior motives."

Stefan froze and then asked in confusion, "Then why were you there to see him?"

"What else do you expect me to do?"

Martha looked at the man beside her, smiled self-mockingly, and asked rhetorically.

"He's the only one who could save my child now."

Stefan pressed his lips hard and then what he wanted to say stuck in his throat.

A while later, he struggled to say in a deep voice, "It's not like he can save Jimmy for sure. Why do younovelbin

have to..."

Why did she have to give so much of herself?

Martha surely got his point.

She stared at him with determination and her hands clenched.

"I won't quit even if there was even the slightest chance."

Stefan were dark with mixed feelings. Was she implying that he wasn't willing to save Jimmy?

But that was not the truth.

It was not that he didn't want Martha to save Jimmy. But Rhys was really suspicious, as he sent her the

test report showing that he was a match when Jimmy was in critical condition.

He slightly frowned and said deeply, "Rhys is not even related to Jimmy. How could he be a match?"

Martha pressed her lips together and remained silent.

Of course, she doubted the test report Rhys had given her, so she kept asking him about it the minute

she was in that chamber.

But Rhys answered her frankly and even agreed to do another matching test.

As for whether Rhys was related to Jimmy, they had to resort to medical tests.

Seeing that Martha didn't reply possibly with hesitation and consideration, Stefan added, "This can't be

a coincidence. Maybe he planned all this."

Though he had no idea why Rhys was doing it, or what he was doing it for.

Stefan had his men investigate Rhys before and there wasn't much information. But the one thing that

was pretty weird was that there was literally nothing about his life in Sunny Orphanage until he turned


Stefan didn't believe that anyone could conceal his past so perfectly. There must be some dark secret

behind this.

Martha thought for a while and then raised her eyes at Stefan.

"If Rupert does a test between Rhys and Jimmy again, and the result turns out to be the same, what do

you have to say then?"

Stefan was rendered speechless as he didn't expect she would say that.

In that case...

Then he still wouldn't let her marry Rhys!

"Even in that case, I don't allow you to trade your marriage for that."

Martha couldn't help but sneer because she had expected he would say this.

It was so typical of Stefan, domineering and shameless.

"Stefan, I'll file a divorce even if Rhys didn't ask me to marry him."

This choice was not about Jimmy or anyone else.

This was only for her sake.

"As I said, it's not gonna happen!"

Martha stared at him aloofly with a mocking smile on her face.

"Getting a divorce is something we can't avoid to this point. You may keep putting this off but I'll insist."

She would never quit even if he tried to do this the hard way.

Stefan was stunned by her decisiveness. And it was weirdly quiet all at once.

A few minutes later, Martha's phone screen lit up.

She got a message from Rhys and it was short-

"You have three days. And that's it."

Three days...

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