Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 151 Jane’s Strange Reaction
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Chapter 151 Jane's Strange Reaction

The sky darkened very soon, which made the Doyle family upset.

After chatting with Bianca for a while, Jimmy walked anxiously toward Martha.

"Mom, when are we going to leave?"

Martha was stunned. She knew that Jimmy did not want to go.

He would be hospitalized in two days, and he cherished the time spent with his family.

Martha smiled and rubbed her son's head. She said softly, "Let's stay here tonight. Let Grandpa and

Bianca be with you."

"Okay, I like this place."

Jimmy looked up at his mother. His big eyes sparkled with happiness.

He jumped back to his grandfather and said, "Grandpa, Granny Bianca, I'll stay here tonight with you."

"Wonderful! I will make dessert for you later."

Bianca smiled fondly at the lively boy.

Sitting in a wheelchair, Maxwell also smiled and slowly said word by word, "Jimmy is... a ... good ...


After listening patiently to Grandpa, Jimmy licked his lips and smiled from ear to ear.

The two elders were in a good humor because of Jimmy. But Martha and Jane looked grave as they

discussed matters on the other side.

"In the next few days, I need to arrange to get Jimmy hospitalized. So I cannot go to the Doyle Group.

You can handle business on my behalf."

"OK, I understand."

Jane nodded. She turned to look at Jimmy's smiling face. Then she asked, "Does Mr. Harrison know

about Jimmy's status?"

Martha's eyes darkened. She did not know how much Stefan had figured out. What he could get from

the information was not as vivid as what he saw in person.

People could not tell how painful it was until they suffered from a disease.

She took a deep breath and said slowly, "Now I just hope that Stefan's bone marrow can match


Then everything would be much easier.

But she was afraid that it would not work. Then she could only choose the second method, and that

was not the one she wanted.

Thinking of this, Martha managed to stifle her irritation and avoid dwelling on the possibility.

Jane noticed Martha's sullen look. That was how Martha looked during lunch.

"I just noticed that you are in a bad mood. What happened?"

Jane wondered if Martha had had another dispute with Mr. Harrison about the divorce.

Martha looked down. She lowered her voice without hiding it from Jane. "Stefan and I didn't get


As soon as she finished her words, Jane said in surprise, "What? He promised you... How could it be?"

That was exactly what Martha was trying to figure out.

How could Stefan know everything at such a time?

Martha rubbed her temples wearily. She shook her head and said, "Libby got caught. Stefan, on the

other hand, had learned of Jimmy earlier than I expected. Libby probably told him about it."

Stefan refused to get a divorce, knowing that he had a son.

Martha had thought of this before. However long she had kept it a secret, it had all been in vain.

Jane was stunned. She looked down, and at the same time there was a strange gleam in her eyes.

Then she asked tentatively in a low voice, "Libby was under arrest?"

Martha nodded wearily. When she looked up and saw that Jane seemed absent-minded, she thought

that Jane was worried about her. Martha smiled faintly and said, "Don't worry, I can handle thesenovelbin


It had been so many days since Hollie had been imprisoned. But the police could not find Libby at all.

Then she was caught by Eden the night before Martha and Stefan could get divorced.

The coincidence made Martha suspicious.

Libby had to show up at this juncture as if she had been manipulated by someone.

Jane realized what had happened. She looked up at Martha while hiding a slightly strange look on her

face. Then she held Martha's arm and said, "What matters most now is Jimmy."

Martha nodded and did not think much of it.

Jimmy was the only spiritual pillar in her life. She could not afford to lose him.

Whatever happened to Stefan and her, she had to cure Jimmy with all the methods she could use.

At two o'clock that night, Rupert returned to C Country.

He did not call Martha when he arrived. Instead, he found a hotel and rested for the night.

The next morning, Rupert changed his clothes in haste after sunrise and went to the City Central


Jimmy must be treated as soon as possible. He had to figure out whether Stefan's bone marrow would

match Jimmy's. Then he can move on to the next step.

Having arrived at the hospital, he called Martha after he finished Jimmy's admission procedures.

He said, "I have completed the hospitalization procedures for Jimmy."

Then Martha's voice was heard from the other side of the phone, "So soon?"

"Yes, I'm in the City Central Hospital now. Later on, I'll talk with Jimmy's attending doctor."

Rupert looked at the thick stack of documents he had brought with him, the clinical history of Jimmy's

treatment abroad in recent years.

"Okay. I'll take Jimmy to the hospital now, and then... I'll ask Stefan to go to the hospital."

"Be careful when you are on the way."

After hanging up the phone, Martha dressed up quickly, and then she woke Jimmy up.

Jimmy looked at Martha excitedly after he was neatly dressed.

"Can I see my father later?"


Martha answered softly, looking at her son's eyes which were full of expectation.

Jimmy's eyes lit up after he got Martha's promise.

Finally, he could see his father.

He wondered what his father looked like, and whether he looked exactly like his father.

Jimmy smiled and took his mother's hand.

"Mom, does Dad want to see me?"

Martha could not help thinking of what Stefan had said yesterday.

Her eyes glinted. "Yes, of course," she said.

Whatever Stefan's attitude toward Jimmy, it was very likely that he wanted to see Jimmy.

She could not tell what the father and son would think if they found out that they had met before.

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