Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 138 The World Has Always Been So Unfair
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Chapter 138 The World Has Always Been So Unfair

In the next second, the window was wound down, and a wicked male voice spoke-

"Miss Doyle, you don't look well. Shall I take you to the hospital?"

A faint smile appeared in Rhys' face, and Martha frowned with doubts.

'He's not here to pick me up, is he?'

It seemed that he knew exactly where she was.

She remembered that when they were at the station before, Rhys not only knew all her past, but also

found out the most crucial witness for her.

He had said he could give her what she wanted, and now... did he want to show his cards?

Thinking of this, she scowled and moved toward Rhys' car, and then sat in the front passenger seat.

She fastened her seat belt and asked impassively, "How did you know I was here?"

Rhys chuckled, his low and mellow voice tinged with a touch of wickedness.

"I know more than that. I know the woman in it... is unrelated to you by blood."

Hearing this, she changed colored and her eyes gradually became cold as she said, "Did you

investigated me?"

The man's smile widened, his voice flirtatious. "I am not that snaky. I just happen to know that you got a

paternity test report from the hospital at noon. That's all."

Then she kept silent.

She tilted her head slightly to look at the man who was driving with doubts.

He was the one who called the surgeon to testify for her, otherwise Hollie would not be convicted so


In fact, Rhys helped her.

Whatever his intentions were, she owed him a debt of gratitude.

Then Martha masked her displeasure and speculation, looking ahead, with a calm expression.

Seeing her look, Rhys smiled and said, "It is still early, and I will take you to somewhere."

Not waiting for her to answer, Rhys started the car and drove towards the destination.

Martha blinked and turned her head to look out of the window without answering.

She wanted to know where they were going, and her intuition told her that Rhys really wanted to tell her


Rhys raised a slight smile and felt better as she did not refuse.

For the next half hour, they did not speak.

They finally arrived at the destination, and parked the car outside the Sunny Orphanage.

Martha frowned slightly at the name, and felt a bit surprised.

She thought Rhys might take her to a restaurant, or to the seaside, and do something frivolous.

However, she never expected that the man would take her to the orphanage.

But... What were they going to do here?

Despite her deep confusion, she appeared calm and got out of the car.

Rhys looked at her without speaking, and frowned.

How funny it was, as she tried to keep her cool when she was actually having a lot of doubts in her


His eyes darkened, and he held out his long fingers to unbuckle his seat belt.

He got out of the car with a smile on his lips, and went straight into the orphanage without looking at


Baffled, Martha followed Rhys into the orphanage.

As they entered, they saw a little boy running toward them.

The boy grinned, and there was surprise and delight in his voice.

"It's Uncle Rhys! He came here!"

At the words, a crowd of children ran toward Rhys, crowding around the lanky man.

"Uncle Rhys, you haven't come to see us for a long time!"

"Have you forgotten us?"

"Uncle Rhys, do you still remember me?"

"We all miss you!"


Rhys was not vexed at them. On the contrary, he was much happier.

He leaned down to pick up the boy beside him, and said, "Daniel, do you behave well? Did you steal

Sophia's snack again?"

The little one who was asked the question immediately shook his head, looked at Rhys solemnly, and

answered seriously, "I have been behaving very well recently, and I have been listening to the


"You told me last time that a man can't bully a girl, so I never stole Sophia's snack again. I even taught

her to wash clothes!"

With these words, the little boy raised his chin slightly, and his face assumed a proud expression.

Looking at the boy who wanted praise, Rhys smiled and stroked his small head. Then he said in a

bright voice to the children, "That's right. You look like a little man."

Then the boys around him shouted, "We're all men!"

Rhys smiled and looked at the children with genuine tenderness in his eyes. novelbin

Martha, who was standing near, saw this with some surprise.

This was the first time she had seen this side of Rhys.

At this time he did not look like a dandy, but like an ordinary, warm-hearted big brother. He was very

patient and answered the children's questions, always with a smile.

It would have been difficult for Martha to have imagined, had she not seen it, such an excellent

relationship between him and the children.

After a while, Rhys told the kids to go play somewhere else.

He rose with a faint smile on his lips, and moved gradually toward Martha.

The sun was shining on him and lengthening his shadow, so that he looked very gentle.

Martha was in a trance for a second.

She looked at the approaching man and asked him with a faint smile, "What did Mr. Williams bring me

here for?"

"These children are lovely, aren't they?"

Rhys answered with a light smile, but Martha was still doubting.

She remained silent, watching Rhys as he stood in the shade of a tree before her, and wondering what

he meant.

The man saw the confusion in her eyes, and said meaningfully, "These are homeless children who

were abandoned by their parents."

Martha noticed the man's expression.

Rhys' sorrow on his face was so unconcealed.

Was he talking about the kids, or someone else?

It seemed that he had a deep empathy with these orphans.

Was he... abandoned by his parents, too?

Martha at once denied the idea. The Williams Group was founded a hundred years ago, and Rhys'

father had just passed away a few years ago. How could he be like these children?

She tried to pretend to be disinterested, and replied, "The world has always been so unfair."

There were a lot of poor people in this world.

Some didn't even look at the world for a second time before they died.

The world was full of people suffering difficulty and bitterness.

Rhys chuckled at this.

Yes, and such was the caprice of the world.

He raised his eyebrows, peered at the woman's indifferent side face, and said in a husky voice, "If you

could understand it, why did you deliver a baby?"

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