Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 131 How About Marrying Me?
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Chapter 131 How About Marrying Me?

On the other side of the phone, Rhys curled his lips and chuckled as he heard what Martha said.

The woman was not that obtuse.

However, when Martha heard his chuckle, she frowned and bit her lip.

She thought there should be nothing between her and him except company business.

But now, she was beholden to him.

Then she said calmly, "Mr. William, anyway, I think I should express my gratitude to you. But for the

doctor's help, Hollie would have not been convicted."

"It's not a big deal. But if Ms. Doyle does want to repay me..."

His voice was in a flirtatious tone, pausing intentionally.

Martha frowned slightly. She knew he was acting like that on purpose. But since he gave her a hand

just now, she would satisfy his needs to requite his kindness. Then she proposed, "Treat you a dinner?"

He called her for this purpose, didn't he?

No sooner had Martha asked him than he teased her with a laugh.

"Ms. Doyle is far better than than a dinner."

"What do you mean?"

Martha had her lips pressed and her brows knitted harder.

As expected, what Rhys said next was astonishing-

"How about marrying me?"

Martha tightened her grip on her phone and then responded coldly, "Mr. William, it's not funny."

"I'm not joking."

The man said sincerely in a low voice. It seemed that he didn't tease this time.

Martha stared ahead in a trance.

"Martha, I can give you what you need."

She looked down with emotions that were hard to read in her eyes. And then she said in an ironic tone,

"I don't even know what on earth I need."

She wanted the Doyle Group and she wanted to have Jimmy's disease cured... And then she wanted

to leave this place where she suffered a lot and restart her life with her family.

However, without Stefan's help, she couldn't make it...

What could Rhys offer her?

Martha closed her eyes heavily at the thought of it.

"Rhys, you can't."

Rhys chuckled and said faintly, "Wait and see."

It was too early to draw a conclusion.

Then the man hung up the phone. Again, Martha was lost in thought in the sound of phone ending.

There was a tinge of confusion in her eyes. 'Rhys, who on earth were you?'

Why did he know all about her experience? Even... He told her that he could give her what she needed.

Did he really know what she wanted now?

Martha gave a chuckle. Could Rhys replace Stefan and help her save Jimmy?

If so, she would not have been in such a dilemma.

Pitifully, it wouldn't happen.


Jane drove somewhere to have a meal with Jimmy and then returned to her apartment.

No sooner had Jimmy stepped in than his eyes roved around curiously.

"Jane, the style of your home is totally different from my home."

"Due to cultural diversity, the decor of each designer is different."

Jimmy nodded, seeming that he had understood. And then he trotted to Jane and took the cup of water

Jane offered him.

"Thank you, Jane."

Jimmy was so polite that Jane smiled at him gently.

"You're welcome. Do you like here?"

"Yes." novelbin

The little guy had a sip of the hot water and smiled sweetly,

"Mommy said C country has a long history of more than a thousand years. She has told me about its

rich cultural heritage since my childhood."

"Jimmy, if you are curious about it, I can give you some books about the history of C country."

Jane looked at Jimmy with her eyes full of love.

Although he was only at the age of four, he had been a little genius and loved reading.

Besides, he got an excellent learning ability that he could almost remember every book he read.

Such a child would be clearly going to do great things.

However, it was a pity that he had suffered from his illness since he was born. It was hard to tell

whether his disease could be cured or not.

The thought made Jane feel distressed for him.

Jimmy sensed the change of Jane's expression. And he took her hand with his little hand.

"Don't worry, Jane. Jimmy will be fine."

"You will."

Jane nodded affirmatively. Such a smart and cute boy would definitely grow up safely.

Suddenly, he tilted his head and asked, "Jane, have you seen my dad?"

Jane was speechless.

Of course she had.

But Ms. Martha Doyle didn't want Jimmy to know that Mr. Harrison was his real father.

In addition, they were about to divorce. As an outsider, Jane couldn't talk about it.

In the respect of the child, she did hope Jimmy could live in a whole family.

However, she knew that it was difficult for Martha to feel relieved for her painful experience.

Thinking of this, Jane smiled and changed the subject, "You mommy will soon be back. Do you miss

your mommy?"

As Jimmy didn't hear anything about his dad, there was obvious disappointment in his big eyes.

He nodded and replied quietly, "Yes. It's been a long time since I left my mommy."

Jane noticed his appointment and felt much worse for him.

Just then, the door bell rang.

Jane stroked Jimmy's head and said, "It should be your mommy, Jimmy. Would you like to open the



Jimmy turned and rushed towards the door with his disappointment vanishing.

Jane watched Jimmy all the way and sighed silently.

As the door was opened, Jimmy saw his most familiar person standing outside.

He jumped on to Martha and gave her a hug.

"Mommy, I miss you badly!"

Martha was finally relieved as she felt his hug.

Jimmy stood in front of her, looking good.

It was the best thing to see he was fine.

After she sighed with relief, she pretended to be angry.

"Who taught you to run away from home? Do you know Rupert and I were worried about you. Jimmy,

that's very disappointing."

Jimmy loosened his hug and looked up at Martha appealingly, saying in a pitiable tone, "Mommy, I was


Jimmy's apology made Martha no longer angry.

She sighed resignedly and softened her tone of voice.

"I appreciate that."

"Mommy, give me a hug."

Jimmy reached out his arms towards Martha. There was a smile on a clingy child's face instead of


Martha chuckled. She stooped to pick up the little boy.

After she walked in the apartment with Jimmy in her arms, she then asked, "How did you get the

money to buy the plane ticket?"

"I met a beautiful lady in the international airport and she paid it for me."

Then he pulled out a slip of paper where there was a phone number.

"Here you are. After I earn enough money, I'll repay her."

The little boy put his hand on his mother's shoulder and looked at her lovably.

After a while, Jimmy leaned his head on Martha's shoulder and said cutely, "Mommy, I really miss you!"

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