Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 121 An Eye for an Eye
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Chapter 121 An Eye for an Eye

Ten minutes later, the car stopped before the police station.

Stefan looked at the child sitting beside him, "Here's the police station. You can ask the police for help."

"Okay." Jimmy put on his little sunglasses, unfastened the seatbelt and jumped off.

Stefan took out the small suitcase for the kid and put it next to him.

The kid turned around and gave him a big, warm smile. Then, he waved goodbye.

"Thank you, sir. When I find my father, we will express our gratitude in person."

"Alright," Stefan answered softly in a casual way and sat in the car again.

He could still hear the child saying goodbye to him.

As he was watching the child walking away, there was something flickering in his eyes.

He did not move his eyes away from the little kid until he disappeared into the police station. It was until

then that Stefan went back from his reverie.

Somehow, he felt the kid quite familiar.

But why would he have such feelings?

His brows furrowed slightly. But without overthinking, he started the car and drove to the Doyle Manor.

Both Martha and Hollie were at home, he was worried that Martha might get hurt.

Though according to his memory, Hollie was the weak one, he couldn't help worrying about Martha.

In the Doyle Manor.

Martha and Hollie were still confronting.

Martha's anguished voice kept coming out of the video. After struggling and screaming for help, the

voice finally faded to nothing.

Both Maxwell, who was in the wheelchair, and Bianca were shocked.

They never knew what Martha had gone through.

Watching her lying on the bed and watching her bone marrow being removed by the doctor, they only

felt prickling pain in their hearts.

For a wonderful person like Martha, why did God let her suffer so much?

Maxwell's eyes were wide open. They were filled with anger, but mostly they were filled with sadness.

If he had known Hollie would do this, he would never have raised her.

But now, he could only sit in the wheelchair doing nothing for his daughter.

Bianca could not bear watching it and sobbed to Hollie, "Stop. Stop. Don't..."

"It will not stop just because you ask. I'll show you the consequences of being my enemy."

Hollie lifted her brow complacently.

Since Martha came back four years later, she had been holding grudges against her.

Now that she had the opportunity to humiliate her, how could she let it go?


Bianca clenched her teeth and tried to seize her phone.

But due to the huge gap between their age, the minute she laid her hands on Hollie, she was grasped

on the arm and was shoved to the ground.

Though Bianca was pushed to the ground, she stared back at Hollie regardless of the pain in her


Hollie's voice, mocking Bianca, echoed through the hall, sounding even harsher than usual.


When Martha realized it, she went forward and held Bianca up, "Are you alright, Bianca?"

"I'm okay." As she was saying, she snapped at Hollie, "Get out of this house."

Hollie did not pay much attention to her words. The smile on her face grew bigger.

She shrugged her shoulders as if nothing had happened, "What are you talking about, Bianca? I'm the

second daughter of this family. If anyone should leave, it's you."

As Bianca heard the word, she felt even more heartbroken when she saw Martha who was standing

right beside her.

She couldn't believe that the girl she treated like her real daughter had experienced so much pain.

She slowly stood up with Martha's help, her body trembling slightly with anger.

Hollie smiled even more wildly when she saw the scene.

"If you don't want to make the same mistake, Martha, I suggest you get the hell out of here with the two

of them. And stay far away from here."

she smirked and continued, "Oh, yes. And your little bastard. If I ever see him, I swear I will kill him, just

like what I have done to your mother. I will make him disappear silently."

As she narrowed her eyes, there was something creepy in her eyes.

Stefan belonged to her. She wouldn't let anyone take him away from her or do anything that would

threaten her position.

Only she deserved a man like Stefan.

Meanwhile, Martha let out a relieved sigh.

Jimmy was not in Hollie's hand.

Thank God...

If so, Hollie was not a big threat for her.

It meant it was an opportunity for her to beat her in her own game.

Martha's pupils shrank. Why not? It was the time to end all the feud between them, old and new.

She would never forget her mother's death.

Mother saved Hollie with her own life, but who could tell that in the end the girl she saved were

sabotaging others the whole time.

She'd been quite vicious since young.

"My mother shouldn't have saved you. She should've let you drown and let you stew in your own


Libby stepped forward and sneered, "Your mother was too silly to see through a kid's trick. Who's to

blame except herself?"

Martha glared at Libby and gathered all her strength and slapped Libby in the face.

It was her mother's life. How could they take her life and behave like they did nothing wrong?

If it were a sin to be good, would there be any reason for the righteous to live in this world?

Libby continued despite the burning pain on her face, "If you don't want to end up like your mother, you

should leave here while you are young."

"What are you going to threaten me with this time? Do you think I'm still the old Martha?"

Harsh words could not scare her away. If they were bold enough, they should do something practical.

Martha was not the timid little girl anymore. Now that she was here, she might as well do something

she had always wanted to do.

She stared at Hollie with a weird expression and approached Hollie step by step.

"My mother saved you with her own life. You, however, instead of showing gratitude, was trying to

destroy me the whole time."

"The reason why I tolerated you so many times was merely because you and I were family. But what

you owe my mother, you must pay her with your own life."

The last words were uttered with extreme menace.

Martha looked at the knife on the table.

Before Hollie could figure things out, Martha had taken the knife and headed toward her...

Both Bianca and Maxwell were shocked. They exchanged a glance with each other and held each

other's hand closely.

When Hollie saw Martha approaching her with a knife in her hand, she could not help shuddering with

fear, her hand grasping Libby's clothes in a nervous way.

What was Martha doing?

It never occurred to her that Martha would not be threatened, instead... novelbin

Was this crazy bitch going to kill her?

It was only then that Hollie really realized that Martha had changed and was nothing like the old her of

four years ago.

Honestly, she was kind of scared by Martha.

Libby slightly frowned, but she thought Martha was not going to do anything extreme.

She patted Hollie's hand gently, trying to calm her, and then turned to Martha, snapping at her, "What

are you doing?"

"Like I just said, I want you to pay her with your own life."

There was a faint smile on Martha's face, covered with a thin layer of ice that chilled anyone who saw


Now, no one could stop her.

She raised the knife in her hand and cut a deep gash in Libby's hand which Libby held out to protect


The blood soon ran out, dripping on the floor and turning into something maroon.

The pain suddenly hit Libby. She took a deep breath and threw herself onto the sofa, crying loudly.

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