Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 116 No Turning Back
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Chapter 116 No Turning Back

"What really happened?"

He frowned. No matter how Martha snapped at him, he had to know what was going on here.

Martha bit her lower lip and could not push him out of the way.

Seeing that she didn't intend to say anything, Stefan was even more confused. He reached out to grab

her arm, refused to let go.

"Tell me, what exactly are you going to do?"

"It has nothing to do with you."

Martha took her arm back, and without Stefan noticing, she walked around him and trotted back

upstairs to the room.

As soon as she got back to his room, Martha had no time to pack up her luggage and immediately

called Jane.

As soon as the phone was answered, she said anxiously, "Book me a ticket to U Country right away.


After Jane said okay, Martha packed up her things and was about to go to the airport.

Jimmy was missing, so she must go to U Country as soon as possible.

It must be because he hadn't seen her for a long time and missed her that he...

Stefan followed her upstairs. Standing outside the door, he heard Martha's words about going to U

Country and frowned.

Why did she need to go to the U Country?

Maxwell was home. Was Martha worried about someone else?

Subconsciously, Stefan didn't want Martha to leave the villa, especially after the kidnapping incident.

If she went out at this time, what if something else happened to her?

As he thought, he had entered the room unconsciously.

"Where the hell are you going?"

Martha was packing her things and ignored him.

As she finished packing and turned to leave, Stefan frowned and grabbed her arm. novelbin

"Say something."

"Mr Harrison, I don't need to explain my private business to you, do I?"

Martha looked coldly at the man in front of her and she was being unfriendly.

Martha didn't know where Jimmy was. She had to go to U Country as soon as possible.

Otherwise, something might happen to Jimmy...

But Stefan gripped her hand even tighter and said, "Give me a reason.

She eventually came back, so he would never let her go so easily.

Besides, she had promised him that she would stay here for three months.

It hadn't even been three months and he wouldn't let her go.

"No reason."

Martha was no match for him in terms of strength.

Stefan's eyes darkened and he pinned Martha against the wall, his hands on either side of her,

preventing her from escaping.

"You have promised to live with me for three months. Time is not up, so I don't allow you to leave."


Martha was speechless. She did not expect he would bring this up.

There were both worries and anger in her eyes. She didn't know where Jimmy was but Stefan was

making a scene here.

"Stefan, get out of my way."

"I need a reason, or I can't let you leave."

Stefan's eyes were dark, staring at Martha.

She had just been so flustered. It must be something important that had happened.

He must know why she was leaving. What if she didn't come back?

He had an intimidating look on his face and his voice was a bit hoarse, "Tell me, what is going on?"

Martha was clear that Stefan would not let her leave if she didn't give him the answer today.

But how could she tell him about Jimmy?

She concealed her emotions in her eyes, calmed down and gently explained, "I just have something

important to do in the U Country."

"What is it?" Stefan frowned and inquired.

She said almost nothing.

Obviously, she was hiding something from him.

Hearing this, Martha was unhappy and turned her head. She didn't want to look at him anymore and

said in a cold voice, "It has nothing to do with you."

When had Stefan become so nagging? She had given him the answer. Why didn't he let go? Why

should he get to the bottom of it, and why should she tell him?

Stefan looked down at her with dark eyes.

Was she so sure he wouldn't hurt her?

Stefan squinted and said, as if threatening her.

"You cannot leave until you tell me."

"How can you restrict my freedom?"

Martha turned her head and stare at him angrily.

He was threatening her at this moment?

Who did he think he was?

Stefan seemed to have seen her anger, knowing that he had gone a bit far just now.

But he just wanted to know the reason. Was it really so difficult for her to tell him?

"If you can't tell me, I cannot let you leave the villa."

Martha's hands suddenly clenched.

She wanted to retort upon him, but she knew that he would do as he said.

She did not want to waste any more time, but in the face of Stefan's unreasonable questioning, Martha

found herself in a dilemma.

It was at that moment that Rupert's words came to her mind.

Jimmy had been in poor health and rarely left the hospital, and now nobody knew where he went.

What if his health deteriorated?

When she thought of this, her eyes gradually turned red.

Stefan saw her red eyes and felt sorry for her, his hands on the wall trembling slightly.

Finally, he sighed helplessly, lowered his arms, and released her.

Then he softened his tone, "I was just worried about you and want to know what has happened."

Stefan didn't want to argue with Martha. He really just wanted to help her. That was all.

"I'll go to U Country with you. I want to help"

Martha was stunned when she heard this.

She was surprised that Stefan would say these things to her.

Worried about her? Help her?

But where was he when she needed him before?

If it weren't for Rupert, she might not have survived the four years abroad.

At that moment, he even had the nerve to say such words? Wasn't it ridiculous?

She lowered her eyes, which were filled with sadness. She was sad, not because of Stefan, but

because of what she had gone through. She bit her lip, trying not to show her weak side.

Looking at her holding back her sadness, he was at a loss for what to do.

Did he say something wrong?

Obviously, Martha's mood was a bit different from just now.

Stefan pursed his lips and was lost in thought.

He thought actions spoke louder than words, but Martha didn't want his help. What could he do to

make her forget the past and move on?

"Martha, I was wrong before. Can you give me a chance to help you now?"

A chance? It was so easy for him to say that.

Had he given her a chance?

Martha calmed herself and looked up at the man so close to her now.

Her answer was resolute.


There was no chance for him and no turning back for her.

Stefan's eyes darkened at her words.

Martha didn't want to waste more time. He needed a reason? She would give her one.

"It's Rupert. He got into an accident and I have to go to U Country now and help him."

Did Stefan understand it now?

If there was some dignity left to him, he shouldn't keep stopping her.

However, when Stefan heard that familiar name, he was first stunned and then grew angry.

Rupert Turner!

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