Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 1100 Being Framed (1)
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Chapter 1100 Being Framed (1)

Chapter 1100 Being Framed (1)

Elliot held Rose tightly as they entered the garage, but she immediately began to struggle.

"Elliot, let me go!"


The man's grip on the woman tightened slightly as he thought about Lawrence helping Rose earlier. It made him angry.After calming down a bit, Rose took a deep breath and broke free from Elliot's embrace.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

"What do you want from me, Elliot?" she asked.

What did he want from her? He already had another woman in his life. Why was he still bothering her?

Rose fought off dizziness and looked at the man in front of her with anger in her eyes. "If you care about Madeleine so much, why don't you just focuson her?"

Elliot's pupils shrank when he heard this and his expression grew even darker. "Did you have something to do with what happened tonight?" heasked coldly.

"No," Rose replied firmly.

"You had nothing to do with Madeleine's situation?" The man narrowed his eyes suspiciously at Rose. If it wasn't her doing, then why was she foundopposite the room where Madeleine was staying?

Elliot knew exactly what kind of person Madeleine was. so when he discovered what happened tonight, he knew that it couldn't have been voluntaryon Madeleine's part. If it wasn't voluntary, then someone must have set her up, and right now that someone seemed like Rose herself.

As he thought of this, his voice was icy as he asked, "Where were you tonight?"

Why weren't you in the banquet hall?

And why did you come out of the same room as Lawrence?

What happened that I don't know about?

As Elliot pondered these questions, he felt a painful tightness in his chest, making it hard for him to even breathe.

Rose became even more furious upon hearing Elliot accuse her, "Do you think I'm responsible for what happened to Madeleine?""Isn't it obvious?" came Elliot's icy reply as he stared intently at the woman before him.

Rose's hand clenched tightly at her side as she looked at Elliot and spoke each word clearly, "I have never set up Madeleine. I was the one who wasset up tonight!”

"If it wasn't for Lawrence, do you know what almost happened to me?"

Elliot's eyes grew even more intense when he heard the name "Lawrence." He tightened his fists and coldly retorted, "All you're saying is just yourside of the story. What evidence do you have to prove that Madeleine brought this upon herself?"

In fact, he knew deep down that Rose wasn't that kind of person.But when he heard Lawrence's name mentioned, anger boiled inside him.Why wasn't he there with Rose when she got into trouble? Why was Lawrence the one accompanying her?

As Rose listened to Elliot's words, she became increasingly angry and felt like this man in front of her was unreasonable! She glared at him andasked in frustration, "Do you really need to see me get hurt before believing me?"

"Or are you just like those people who think I'm a fickle woman?"

After finishing her sentence, Rose suddenly felt dizzy and lost consciousness completely.

Elliot frowried slightly as if about tospeak butthen saw the woman ostanding’ in front of him fall straighttowards him. He instinctively caughthold'of both her arms so that shewouldn't fall down. Content belongst&"NovelDrama.Org od

"Rose! What are you doing again?"But there was no answer from her; only silence filled the air.

After a while, Elliot hesitated for a moment before reaching out his hand to grab Rose's shoulder. Unexpectedly though his hand touched somethingwet, blood from a wound on the back of her head.

Panic flashed across Elliot's eyes as he spoke anxiously, "Rose! You're injured!"

Realizing this, he scooped up Rose and rushed to his car in quick strides.

Ten minutes later, Elliot skidded to a stop in front of the hospital, cradling Rose as he rushed to the emergency room, shouting for help:"Someone please come quickly!” The nurses on duty heard Elliot's urgent cry and rushed out as fast as possible.

Soon enough, Rose was pushed into emergency room.

Elliot stared atthe closed doors ofthe emergenty room, his heartheavy with pain. Rose had been >injured, 4 and he couldn't believe he”hadn' tmoticed sooner. He had been

arguing with her about something

trivial, Content belongs to_ N

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Elliot felt a deep sense of guilt as he stood outside the emergency room, waiting for news. After half an hour, the lights went out in the ER and adoctor in a white coat emerged

He rushed over to ask how Rose was doing. "The patient is fine," said the doctor. "She only suffered some minor injuries that require rest.”

As Elliot turned to leave. the doctor added, "We also discovered that she has severe anemia and will need further treatment.”

Elliot nodded gravely before heading inte Rose's hospital room where she lay pale and still on her bed.

He vowed never to let anything like this happen again; he would protect her from harm no matter what

After bringing her back home late at night, Elliot hesitated before deciding to take Rose into his bedroom instead of waking up Leah in hers.

With great care, Elliot placed Rose on his bed and covered her with blankets while slipping off her shoes. He even warmed up a towel to wipe Rose'sface.

But when he touched her forehead with his fingers, something didn't feel right. She was running a fever!

Without hesitation or delay, Elliot gotup from beside Rose's bed,intending-{o-get some cold towelsfrom thetbathroom, but then ~stoppedshort as she grabbed ph Foldof hire tightly by one hand, saying,"Your have to listen! I didn't frameMadeleine!” Content belaigs toNovelDrama.Org

"She was the one who first designed me. At that time, I passed out and I... I really didn't frame Madeleine.”

"I really am not that kind of person.”

Elliot listened to Rose's intermittent explanations, and his heart suddenly became soft deep down.

He turned around and sat back down by the bed, looking at the woman lying on it with a heartache.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that the words he had just said in the underground garage were really hurtful.

If it weren't for hurting Rose, how could she think of explaining to him even when she was unconscious?

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