Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 110 He Was Afraid to Upset Her Again
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Chapter 110 He Was Afraid to Upset Her Again

At the same time, Martha and Stefan had waited a long time but no one came to their rescue.

Stefan tried to talk to her to thaw the tension between them while they were waiting. Unfortunately, she

didn't want to talk to him at all.

And he couldn't upset her again, or it might cause her to have a seizure. After all, last time...

He didn't want to experience it again.

Stefan said patiently, "It looks like they won't be here shortly. You step on my shoulder and try to climb

out. How about that?"

"No, thanks."

Martha turned away and rejected coldly.

She thought she could wait and others might come to save them soon.

Stefan, with deep eyes, looked at Martha who had just rejected in front of him and said, "You can go for

them when you get out."

Martha pressed her lips and hesitated.

'It is a waste of time waiting here. I might as well get out and have them here to rescue us sooner and

then we can go save Jane.'


She finally compromised. Stefan walked toward the corner and squatted down with a smile, "Hop on."

Martha walked over and stepped on his shoulder after a moment of hesitation.

"Stand firm and be careful."

Stefan said gently and then slowly stood up.

He felt that Martha was so skinny that there was little weight on his shoulders.

He squinted as he thought about how little she ate at night in the villa.

He thought he must make sure she ate properly when they got back.

Martha tried so hard to climb up while finding a hold with her hands.

When Stefan stood tight, she found that she could touch the edge of the exit and she wanted to climb

up by stepping on a rock.

But unexpectedly, that rock was unstable. She then fell backward after her foot slipped.

Stefan got a feeling that she was about to fall, so he soon took a step backward and reached out his

arms to catch her.

But they all fell due to the momentum in the last.

Stefan held her into his arms tightly to protect her.

Martha clearly heard a deep hum from him when they fell onto the ground.

She turned and looked at him who was right in front of her face and asked in a calm voice, "Are younovelbin


"I'm fine."

Stefan frowned and replied with pain.

He felt that his arm had broken but it was not the time to say this.

Martha's eyes flashed and she got up from his arms with a smile and said coldly, "Thank you."

Stefan pressed his lips together without uttering a word.

Martha noticed the unnatural movements of his arm. Then she realized that he put his arm under the

back of her head to protect her just now. Could it be...

"Your arm..."

"It's fine."

Martha's face darkened and she wanted to say something to Stefan who was bearing pain. But then

she thought, 'Whatever, I'm not the one in pain."

At the same time, a voice came not far away above them.

"Mr. Harrison, Ms. Doyle..."

Martha's eyes lit up when she heard this and then she replied, "We are here!"

Soon the manager came over with his men and started to rescue them.

Rhys stood aside and looked down at Martha and Stefan who looked quite messy with mud on their

clothes and matted hair.

But somehow they looked like a lovely couple that way.

A weird look flashed in Rhys' dark eyes. He asked gently, "Ms. Doyle, are you all right?"

Jane also asked worriedly at this time-

"Ms. Doyle, are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

Seeing that Jane was fine and up there, Martha sighed in relief.

'Thank god she's okay.'

Soon Martha and Stefan were rescued from this trap.

Rhys then came close to Martha and asked with a wickedly soft voice, "Did you get hurt, huh?"

"Thanks for your concern. Nothing serious. I can take care of it myself."

Martha leaned closer to Jane to pull away from Rhys and then looked at Jane.

"You okay?"

"I'm alright... just my head hurt."

Jane laughed shortly with frustration and then touched the spot she got hit by a rock.

'Luckily, Joann didn't hit me that hard. Otherwise, I might have a concussion now.'

Seeing that they were okay, Rhys said, "Since you are all fine, we should get back to the villa now."

They all nodded. What had happened today was pretty complicated.

Martha turned around and took a look at Stefan who was frowning. A smile that was scarcely

perceptible appeared in her eyes.

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