Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 1095 Provocation (2)
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Chapter 1095 Provocation (2)

Chapter 1095 Provocation (2)

In the spacious dance floor, only Rose and Lawrence, Elliot and Madeleine were dancing.

The man was handsome and the woman was beautiful, like a dazzling scenery that caught everyone's attention.

Lawrence's gentlemanly hand was placed on Rose's slender waist, with a warm smile playing at the corner of his mouth.

"Rose, after knowing you for so many years, I just realized that you are such a good dancer.”

"You're not bad either.”

Rose slyly blinked at the man in front of her, but her dancing feet never stopped.

Before jumping into the river, as a celebrity, she often attended banquets. Dancing is just a piece of cake for her.

The atmosphere between the two of them is very harmonious, while Elliot and Madeleine's atmosphere is very tense.

Madeleine wanted to take advantage of this great opportunity to get closer to Elliot and show everyone who the true mistress of the Harper family is.Unexpectedly. since the two of them entered the dance floor, Elliot's gaze has only been fixed on Rose and he hasn't even glanced at her.She suppressed her anger and spoke gently, "Elliot, all my sister can think about now is that man."

"I don't know what's going on, but this man locks so handsome and he actually has a crush on my older sister.”


No matter how many questions Madeleine asked, Elliot remained indifferent to her and still focused all his attention on Rose.

After Lawrence and Rose shared another intimate moment, Elliot could no longer contain himself.

At this moment, the music playing in the banquet hall reached its climax.

Just as the four of them were spinning in a circle, Elliot's eyes darkened and he reached out to push Madeleine towards Lawrence. He then tock twosteps forward and wrapped his arms around Rose's slender waist.

Rose locked at Elliot, who was dancing with her at the moment, and her face immediately darkened. She lowered herself and scolded him.

"Let go of me!"

"You are my wife, it is only natural for us to dance together.”

Elliot said this naturally, holding onto Rose's waist with his hand unconsciously tightened, afraid that if he relaxed, this woman would disappear againCn the other hand, when Madeleine was pushed in front of Lawrence, his brows furrowed and he immediately let go of her.


Madeleine's expression suddenly grew cold. and she turned to leave the dance floor immediately.

She was going to be Mrs. Harper, so there was no way she could continue dancing with this man!

After they left, only Elliot and Rose were left on the dance floor.

Elliot danced with standard steps, and even though Rese didn't want to, she was still led into a beautiful dance.

The skirt swayed slightly, and the -.small black diamonds embedded:inthe black dress shone brightly anderthe lights, making it feel like they haddiscovered a scene from a: Fairy tale.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Just after one spin, Rose bent down slightly and made a graceful move.

Elliot quickly held onto her waist and smiled as he led her to complete the next move.

Their bodies were very close together; Rose could feel Elliot's breath on her neck.

Her cheeks turned slightly red; she felt uncomfortable and wanted to push away this man in front of her.

Elliot's lips curled up into an even brighter smile as he whispered hoarsely, "Rose, you really are my perfect match."

Upon hearing this statement from him, Rose furrowed her eyebrows at him incredulously, looking at him full of disdainLunatic! She didn't want to be his perfect match at all! He was just an overly affectionate jerk!

After their dance ended, Rose made a curtsy gracefully before turning around to leave.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

As soon as they separated on the dance floor, all those guests began their own socializing activities again.

Rose quietly walked over to the nearby terrace wanting some fresh air when suddenly Elliot followed behind right after her..

Locking at the woman leaning against the railing beside him, he pursed his lips tightly together while coldly questioning, "Why did you dance withLawrence without my permission?”

When Lawrenge took hold of Rose's. Ihand earlier Igading them both ontothat same dance floor, Elliot couldn'thelp but admit that he felt jealousdeep down inside... Jealous that.”Lawrence could get Rose's attentionso-edsily while also being abte torirake jokes together effortlesslytoo... Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

Upon hearing Elliot's words, Rose suddenly found this man's behavior rather strange.

Why did she feel like Elliot had become much more childish since her return?

Especially now, she felt that he was being completely unreasonable.Initially, she didn't want to respond, but Elliot, appearing as if he hadn't heard her answer and wearing a dissatisfied expression, took a step closer.

"Rose, do you really like him?” The woman sighed helplessly. "Dancing with Lawrence is Mr. Gomez's requirement, I just followed the pairing of thewristbands to complete the task."

Elliot heard the word "wristband" again and his hand clenched at his side. "The person who should be dancing with you is me, Lawrence stole mywristband!”

Rose couldn'ttake it anymore andfelt that the fhvan I in front of her wascrazy. Just Because he didn't dance:with her first, he thought Lawrencestole tris. wristband. Her face Cdarkened and her voice becamecofder as she spoke. Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org «

"Enough Elliot! Lawrence is not that kind of person. You can't accuse him just because you didn't dance with me.”

"I'm accusing him?" Elliot angrily retorted, his voice sounding like a demon from hell once again. "If he didn't steal my wristband, how could he matchyour number on it?"

Rose locked at the man in front of her coldly and felt that this man was becoming more irrational by the minute.

"In any case, I believe in Lawrence's character,” she said firmly.

"And besides," she continued calmly, "it's just a wristband for attending a banquet; who would steal it? It's not even worth anything.”Elliot pursed his lips and had a deep gaze in his eyes.

He wanted to tell Rose that before attending the banquet; he had arranged for their respective numbers on their wristbands to match each other'snumbers.

And if it weren't for Lawrence stealing his own wristband, then how could Rose have ended up being paired up with Lawrence instead?

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