Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 1054 Twist And Turn (8)
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Chapter 1054 Twist And Turn (8)

Chapter 1054 Twist and Turn (8)

"Before the start of that evening's banquet, my colleague drugged me. The effects of the drug impaired my judgment.” she explained. The judgelistened attentively and then asked stemly, "Do you have any witnesses to support this claim?"

Tom gave a bitter smile and shook his head. "No."The judge paused before continuing to ask, "Do you have any physical evidence?”"No," Tom replied, his gaze unconsciously turning towards Rose in the audience.

He knew that the trial had been suddenly brought forward and there must be something fishy going on. He had only met with his sister yesterday andshe probably hadn't had time to find evidence proving his innocence yet. But it didn't matter; knowing that his sister was still alive was already goodenough for him.

Rose sat in the audience watching her brother's appearance with slightly red eyes as she tightly clasped her hands together on her lap. She was.waiting for Khalil's message; she had been waiting all this time hoping everything would turn out alright.

Elliot noticed Rose's nervousness and gently patted her shoulder while Rachel who sat at the plaintiffs seat breathed a sigh of relief after hearingTom's answer. She exchanged a glance with Madeleine who also looked excited about their impending victory.

Meanwhile, as soon as they finished discussing their verdict inside court. there was suddenly a loud rumbling noise outside which caused vibrationseven within the courtroom itself.

Everyone looked around at each other confusedly, wondering what could be happening. "What's going on?" "Could it be an earthquake?”

Madeleine and Rachel exchanged another serious look amidst all this chaos worried about any further complications that might arise from thissituation but Rose's eyes lit up upon hearing the sound — could it be Khalil rushing over?

Elliot sitting beside her relaxed visibly too — he finally arrived!Outside court doors, a helicopter slowly descended while a police officer ran in shouting loudly, "Your Honor! New testimony has just emerged!""What?"

Madeleine and her sister looked panicked as they gazed towards the courthouse entrance, their eyes filled with disbelief. They had thoughteverything was taken care of!

Tom, sitting in the defendant's seat, lit up with joy. Someone could prove his innocence!

Rose also stood up excitedly and looked towards the courthouse entrance.

Thank goodness! It was just in time.novelbin

Elliot, on the other hand, remained calm and collected as he sat in his chair. He seemed to have known what the outcome was.Amidst everyone's intense gaze, a man dressed in South Eskeau attire was brought into the courtroom by police officers.Tom saw that familiar figure and his face darkened with anger. Preston!

As soon as Rachel recognized who it was, her pupils shrank and her pretty face filled with panic. How could he be here?Just then, the judge's solemn voice rang out. "What is your name?"


Preston lifted his gaze; his face pale and voice hoarse.

"Are you here to testify for defendant Tom?”


Preston responded before continuing, "Tom is innocent.”

"All of this Was Rachel's idea," he ~~said. "She instructed me to drug LSTom at-dinner so that he would losecontrol of himself and do somethingthat would be misunderstadd."Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Before he even finished speaking. there were already murmurs throughout the entire courtroomRachel felt everyone's shocked gazes fall upon her; she suddenly felt like she had goosebumps all over her body.

She anxiously turned towards Preston's direction while loudly refuting him, "You're lying!”

"You're frarning me," she continued.vehemently while looking around.ateveryone else present in court.¢didnt instruct you to do anything!Why are you falsely accusing me?"Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

The judge frowned at Rachel before saying sternly, "Quiet!"Rachel took deep breaths, trying hard to steady herself before speaking again, "Your Honor, I object."The judge shifted his attention from Rachel onto Preston instead.

"Preston, what evidence do you have that proves plaintiff Rachel instructed you?"

Upon hearing this question beingposed directly at him now madePreston tremble slightly as he pulledouta cellphone from one of his. Spockets $ which shook visibly whenhanded over to an assistant besidetheJudge. Content belongsto

swnovel. net 4

“Your Honor," Preston said shakily: "there are transfer records on my phone along with messages sent by Rachel which can prove everything I've justtold you.”

Everyone present wore different expressions...

No one expected that there would be such a reversal just as the case was about to be closed. The courtroom was abuzz with discussion.

"So, all of this was just Rachel's own staged drama?"

"Tom was actually wrongly accused?"

At this point, Rose had completely let go of her worries and sat upright in her seat, smiling at her brother.

Now everyone knew that her brother was innocent!

Elliot's eyes had been fixed on Rose the whole time. When he saw her smile, his mouth also curved up slightly.At this moment, the evidence presented by Preston had been verified.

After unanimous deliberation among the judges, the judge sitting in the main seat spoke again with a solemn voice that echoed throughout the entirecourtroom.

"Silence!"The reporters who were previously whispering to each other immediately fell silent.The judge's gaze fell on plaintiff Rachel.

"Now that there is both testimonial and physical evidence present. do you have anything else to say?"

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