Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 1037 Catch Her (6)
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Chapter 1037 Catch Her (6)

Chapter 1037 Catch Her (6)

Sean stared coldly at Elliot, his small fists clenched tightly as he spoke each word deliberately. "I didn't push her in.”Elliot was filled with anger at the image he had just witnessed and shouted back, "If anything happens to my son, I won't let you get away with it!"Upon hearing this, Sean's pupils contracted and he felt a sharp pain in his chestnovelbin

His son...?

The little guy hesitated for only a moment before taking a step forward and jumping straight into the crocodile pit!Onlookers were shocked by this scene and cries of alarm erupted


“Another child fell in!"

"What's going on? Where are the parents?”

The staff quickly noticed what was happening and rushed over with tools to open the door of the crocodile pit.Meanwhile, Elliot stood frozen in place with shock written all over his face.

He never expected that this little girl would do something like that! Just because of one sentence from him... she jumped right in! He had intended tocatch her but couldn't move fast enough...

What Elliot didn't know was that Rose had just returned from shopping when she saw everything happen right before her eyes. Her pupils contractedas she dropped what she was holding onto the ground. She pushed through the crowd towards the crocodile pit where her son had fallen into.

All Rose could think about was saving her child. She rushed towards Sean who was standing nearby. looking helpless.

Just then, a voice sounded behind Rose. "Calm down."

Rose turned around abruptly and glared at the man standing before her. Without hesitation, she slapped him across his face.

"You bastard!"

"You heartless monster who pushed such a young child into danger...”

"Are you human?"

Elliot watched helplessly as tears streamed down Rose's face; unable to find any words to say or defend himself against these accusations.He wanted to explain that he hadn’t pushed Leah into danger but knew deep down inside that no one would believe him.

Frowning slightly while pursing his lips together lightly. "I'll explain later," said Elliot as he rolled up his sleeves. preparing himself for jumping directlyinto water trying to save both children

However, the staff beside him noticed what he intended to do immediately and grabbed hold of his arm tightly, preventing him from doing so."Sir! You can't jump down there!"

"Yes, we have professional animal trainers and rescue personnel! It's too dangerous for you to go down there!"

Elliot's face was full of displeasure as he looked at the staff, his gaze sending shivers down their spines.

The staff stiffened and quickly explained, "If you jump down now, you will definitely disturb the crocodile. The situation will become even morecomplicated then."

In the crocodile pool at this moment, Shawn who had fallen in earlier was huddled in a corner staring blankly at the crocodile on the platform staringback at him.

He was terrified and his breathing unconsciously quickened. He could even feel a slight pain in his chest due to excessive fright.His little face turned pale and he wanted to scream out loud. But before he could make a sound, Sean whispered softly nearby, "Don't scream.”

Shawn trembled all over with fear but obediently kept quiet. His expression became even more aggrieved but he still persisted in not making anynoise.

He had just seen that it was this little girl who had jumped down by herself... Could it be... she came to save him?Sean breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that although Shawn was scared, he listened obediently without making any noise.

He took two deep breaths before carefully moving towards Shawn's direction step by step.

Above them, Rose watched herson's moverpents with her heartsuspended like it was hanging froma sharp thread. She stared fixedlyather SOR'S condition and clearlysawhowctightly his small hands werecle§ched into fists while tears welledUpin her eyes again. Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

Sean must be very scared too... It's all her fault; if she hadn't been late then her son wouldn't have fallen into the water!Rose felt both heartbroken and self-blaming: almost biting through her lower lip until blood oozed out from it.

But she knew that under these circumstances she could only listen to what the staff said; not making any noise so as not to disturb the crocodiles.

Those who were worried along withRose included-both staff membersStanding aiishore as well as “audienc&émembers watching aintently without daring to breathedeeply lest they startle an crocodilewhieh might suddenly lunge forwardsWallowing both children whole.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

At this time another crocodile lying on its stomach near one end of the pool slowly crawled towards Sean's directionEver since Shawn fell into water earlier on, this crocodile had noticed movement here but had been observing quietly until now.

When Sean fell down again, the crocodile fixed its gaze on the two prey. Sean sensed the danger and his breathing became rapid, sweat drippingfrom his forehead. He had to save Shawn now that he had jumped down.

Sean recalled everything he knewabout crocodiles, including somevideos on how to tame them. He .pursed his lips and calmly walkedtowards-Shawn, lowering his headand whispering, "Wait a minute:Slowly move backwards unt youreach the shore where someone willpull you up.” Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org


Shawn looked at the brave girl in front of him who seemed younger but braver than himself as she faced an crocodile without fear. His hand tightenedby his side as he tried to adjust his breathing

He also needed to be brave!

Before he could say anything else, Sean's voice rang out again. "Quickly go!”

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