Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 1009 Is She Rose? (8)
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Chapter 1009 Is She Rose? (8)

Chapter 1009 Is She Rose? (8)

Elliot finally agreed, and said, "Okay, she can stay.”

Leah's eyes lit up when she heard this and she looked happily at her mom standing nearby. "Serena, come with me to my room.” Leah saidRose nodded gently and tried to show a warm smile. "Little one, what's your name?” Rose asked kindly.

“Just call me Leah," the cute little girl replied obediently.

Rose smiled gently from a distance and spoke softly, "Leah, could you please take me to see the room now?” The little girl nodded obediently andwalked aver to take her mom's hand before leading them towards their living quarters.

Elliot stood still in place as Serena and Leah disappeared into the stairway at the end of the hall. His eyes unconsciously deepened in color as hewondered if they really didn't know each other.

In the room, after Rose followed Leah inside and locked the door behind them anxiously, she knelt down in front of her daughter with concern writtenall over her face.

“Leah,” she asked worriedly, are you okay? Did you get hurt anywhere?”

The little girl reached out sweetly to touch her mommy's hair while smiling. "Mommy, I'm fine; I didn't get hurt.”Saying so, Leah stood before Rose while whirling around. "Mommy look! I'm perfectly fine!"

After making sure that her daughter was not injured for real or pretending otherwise, Rose suddenly became angry.

She glared at the small child who was standing right in front of him without good humor, and said unkindly, "Do you know how dangerous it is for whatyou did?”

Leah hugged her mommy's neck pitifully while patting her mommy's back gently with one hand, and explained pitifully, “I’m sorry, Mommy. I made youworry." She continued by saying,”"But don’t worry, Mammy, I'm smart enough not to get myself hurt."

Rose suddenly had nothing more left to say because indeed among all three children, she knew that Leah was definitely the most clever one.Now seeing that everything was alright, she realized that even alone outside, Leah could protect herself well enough

Rose sighed helplessly, then couldn't help but ask, "Why do you suddenly hire me as your nanny?"

She planned to take Leah home, but instead her daughter brought her here

Rose furrowed her eyebrows and looked at Leah with a slightly stern expression

The little girl lowered her eyes guiltily and immediately started explaining.

"Mommy, it was Sean who said you needed surveillance footage to prove Uncle's innocence, so I..."

The little one didn't finish her sentence, but Rose already knew what she meant.

It was probably because Sean told Leah about the security footage being in Elliot's possession that Leah came up with this idea.

Rose sighed helplessly and gently touched Leah's head with her hand

"You're really brave," she said. If Elliot found out that she was Rose, the consequences would be unimaginable. They might not even be able to leavethennovelbin

"But Mommy," Leah continued speaking. "Isn't it more convenient for us now that we're inside the villa? We can find the surveillance footage fasterthis way.”

After thinking for a moment, Rose realized that what Leah said made sense. She needed an opportunity to sneak into the Harper Villa and find thesurveillance footage; becoming a maid was probably the most direct method of doing so.

After all, being close gives one an advantage in battle.

Thinking this over carefully in mind, she hugged her daughter lightly before saying, "Alright then. Once Mommy has stolen the surveillance footage,we'll leave right away."

Remembering what had happened earlier in the hall, she asked another question,

“You just mentioned helping Elliot pass something? Did you make same sort of deal between yourselves?”

Elliot wasn't someone who would easily compromise or make deals without getting something out of them first.

As soon as Rose asked this question, Leah's heart sank again .

Leah couldn't tell Rose how she helped Elliot pass through Khail's level to facilitate cooperation between their two companies.If her mom found out, she'd probably not only get scolded but also be punished.

The young girl quickly thought up a perfect excuse.

"Mommy, Elliot won't let me leave because he needs a child star spokesperson, and I happen to fit his requirements perfectly.”"So, we reached an agreement on our cooperation."

Listening to her daughter's explanation, Rose couldn't help but furrowed her brows slightly. She felt like things weren't as simple as they seemed fromwhat Leah had explained .

Seeing her mommy looking like this, Leah quickly changed topics trying divert attention elsewhere.

"By the way, ¥-Mommy, I havepreparecthew clothes for you!" Thelittle oné said and ran to the closetwith "squeak" sound, taking out themaicoutfit that had already beenprepared. Content belongs.toNovelDrama.Org -

The little girl looked at Rose with shining eyes. "Mommy, do you like the clothes I prepared?”Rose looked at her daughter with a helpless expression on her face. Maid outfit... How did Leah think of preparing this for her?

After waiting for a moment without hearing her mommy's answer, Leah blinked in confusion and took a few steps closer to her mommy while holdingthe maid outfit.

"Mommy, don't you like this dress? It looks so pretty!"Rose quickly refused her daughter's "kindness".

"I don’t like this dress and I don’t want to wear it! I will never wear such clothes!"

Last time when she wore somethingSO consetvative, she was almost.violated I by that beast Elliot. If shewore this maid outfit in his houseagain, would he not just tear it off ofHer? Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

The little girl peuted when she heardthis. She originally wanted hermommy te, Took beautiful andappear if iMfront of her daddy so fewouldbe dazzled by how beautifulshewas and never look at arrotherwoman again. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org 4



But now seeing how her mommy reacted it seemed hopeless.Just then, there was a knock on the door.The mother and daughter stopped what they were doing when they heard it but didn't say anything to each other.

Elliot waited outside for a moment but no one answered him, so he became annoyed. "It's me! Open up."

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