Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 1006 Is She Rose? (5)
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Chapter 1006 Is She Rose? (5)

Chapter 1006 Is She Rose? (5)

After leaving the Russell mansion, Rose went straight back to Snadewoods Villa. The owner of the villa was Valentin, and since Elliot had found herprevious location, she had nowhere else to go but here for now. Once she arrived at the villa, Rose removed her holographic projection and revealedher true face.

Valentin's eyes lit up as he saw her and he eagerly greeted her. "Mrs. Russell, you're back!"Rose responded with a simple "Hmm." then headed straight towards Sean who was sitting on the couch.

"Mommy, did you find anything?" Sean asked worriedly as he looked at his mother across from him. He was concerned that they wouldn't be able tofind anything that could save his uncle

Rose pursed her lips before speaking about what she heard while at the Russell mansion. "The surveillance should be with Elliot, so it might bedifficult to obtain it if it's true.”

After a moment of silence from Sean, he couldn't help but ask, "Mommy, should we ask Khalil for help?" He thought that if Khalil could get involvedand hack into their father's computer system they might have a chance of obtaining the surveillance footage.

However, Rose shook her head in disagreement. "Right now our priority is finding a way to rescue your sister."

Sean's eyes lit up upon hearing this statement; suddenly an idea popped into his mind - one which he knew his mother would never agree with...So instead of saying anything about it; all Sean did was nod in agreement silently.

That night when everyone else had gone off to bed; Sean took advantage of this opportunity by sending Leah a message.

"Mommy has entered into the Russell mansion looking for clues about how we can save Uncle... She overheard something regarding surveillancefootage being in Dad's possession... Can you try stealing it?”

"Mommy entered into the Russell mansion to search for clues and ultimately overheard the footage that could prove Uncle's innocent was at thehands of our scumbag father. Can you figure out a way to steal it right now?"

Leah replied quickly, "I'll try my best."

That evening, after pretending to be asleep and tricking the housekeeper, Leah sneaked her way into Elliot's room. Normally, that deadbeat dad didn'treturn until ten, and it wasn't even nine yet. She had a whole hour.

Leah searched high and low inside and outside Elliot's room, but found nothing. In the end, she paused in front of a pair of small clay figurines on thedesk.

Leah reached out and gently touched the pair of little clay figures. feeling a mix of emotions inside.Mommy must have really liked Daddy before.

But why were these things Mommy made still being kept in scumbag dad's room?

Could it be...

Scumbag dad really likes Mommy?

Leah blinked her eyes and felt that her guess was right!novelbin

Ever since she arrived at that deadbeat dad's place, many things he said indicated that his feelings for Mommy weren't as they had thought beforeMoreover, if he didn’t like Mommy, why would he still keep the clay figurines she made all this time? And why leave them on the table in his bedroom?

After pondering for a while, the little one suddenly had a thought cross her mind.Scumbag dad must regret it!

He regreted what he did before that hurt mommy!

Just then, the light in the room suddenly turned on and Leah was startled stiff.The next second, an unhappy voice came from near the door.

"What are you doing here?”

Elliot had planned to come back early and rest. He didn't expect that as soon as he pushed open the door, he saw this little girl standing in his roomstaring at his table.

Leah stood frozen for several seconds before immediately putting on a pitiful look and turning her head towards Elliot with grievances.

.. I'm scared sleeping alone.”Elliot raised an eyebrow slightly when hearing this. His tone softened unconsciously when speaking again, "Where is your nanny?”

He had arranged for someone to take care of this little one's daily life but why couldn't he see that person now?

The little git pouted pitifullyandsaid, ‘That nanny has no experience,she doesn't know how to coaxiieinto Sleep. Besides... besidest don'tlike-her coaxing me into sleep.’Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Elliot pursed his lips together, as he looked at this pitiful young girl standing before him; there was deepening color within his eyes.He could clearly sense that this young girl's attitude towards him wasn't as tough as before.It seemed like all children were afraid of darkness but even more so afraid of sleeping alone.

Thinking up till here caused Elliot's eyebrows raise slightly; staring seriously at Leah who stood right before him with an almost imperceptible smileplaying around his lips.

"So what do you want?"

The little girl pouted pitifully and walked up to Elliot, grabbing onto his clothes. "I want a new nanny," she said with big, watery eyes that tugged at theheartstrings.

Elliot couldn't-help but find heradorable, buthe also couldn't forgether behavior at the company earliertoday. He-knew he would need herfor hisupcoming collaborationwithRH,-80 he decided to go along \ withherfequest. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org 4

Looking down at the small figure in front of him, Elliot replied calmly, "Sure.

The little girs face lit up ina happysmile thatrnade her eyes crinklec ”adorably: She looked up at her.- =father's handsome face and noticeda softhess there that made kim evenmare attractive. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org <

Suddenly an idea popped into her head. Maybe she could try to get Mommy and Daddy back together! It was bold. but she wanted to give it a shot.

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