Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 1003 Is She Rose? (2)
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Chapter 1003 Is She Rose? (2)

Chapter 1003 Is She Rose? (2)

Fifteen minutes later, the prepared lunch was all laid out on the table.

Madeleine glanced over at the dishes and picked up a piece of sweet and sour spare ribs, placing it in the man's bowl.

"Elliot. the sweet and sour pork rib is delicious. Try it," she said

Elliot didn't even acknowledge Madeleine. His attention was entirely focused on Shawn sitting next to him.

He noticed that Shawn's eyes were fixed on the sweet and sour fish dish, so he picked up a piece of fish for him.

"Try this. It's good," Elliot said to his son.

"Thank you, Daddy," Shawn replied with excitement as he happily ate his father's offering.

Madeleine quickly followed suit by picking up a piece of meat for Shawn as well

"This crispy pork is your favorite. Eat more,” she urged her son with affectionate words.

"Thank you, Mommy!" exclaimed Shawn before continuing to eat his meal with gusto.novelbin

Seeing that the man sitting across from her remained entirely unmoved, Madeleine pursed her lips and picked up another bite of celery."The celery today is quite good. Elliot. you should give it a try.”

Elliot gave Madeleine a faint glance and let her place the food onto his plate. However, he never touched anything in that plate again

Rachel, sitting beside them, watched her sister constantly attending to Elliot, and he didn't refuse. The nervousness in her heart had dissipated quitea bit.

She looked up and saw Madeleine giving her a signal with her eyes.

Rachel immediately understood, feigning discomfort as she rubbed her forehead. "Sis, I'm not feeling too well. I can't eat.”"Do you want me te call a doctor to take a look at you again?"

Madeleine looked at her younger sister with concern, her face filled with worried expression.

Rachel forced herself to appear energetic. weakly shaking her head. "No need, I'll just go upstairs and rest for a bit.”

"That's okay then; let me know if you need anything.” Madeleine expressed concern before watching Rachel walk upstairs, then turning back towardsElliot with worried eyes. “Rachel has been struggling mentally since being traumatized recently."

Upon hearing this, the intensity in Elliot's eyes deepened, but he still didn't say anything. He absentmindedly picked up some green vegetables andplaced them in the child's plate.

"Eat more vegetables to get your vitamins.""Thank you, Daddy.”The little one thanked him obediently and then scooped up some cold dishes for his father.

"Daddy, this is really tasty. You should try it too.”

"Okay," Elliot replied in a gentle voiceand took a bite of the dish. But soonafter, his face changed andhe ==>leaned weakly against the back ofhis chair. His handsome face turnedpaleand his breathing becamerapid, Content belongs to__ S

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"Daddy, what's wrong?!" Shawn exclaimed."Elliot, what's wrong? Where does it hurt?"

The man furrowed his brows and struggled to catch his breath before saying with effort: "I'm having an allergic reaction... get me my emergencyallergy medication."

"Okay, right away." Madeleine panicked and immediately called out to the servant, "Quickly! Call the doctor for emergency allergy medicine!

Soon enough, he emergency allergymedicine wa’ brought beforeMadeleineby one of their servantg:>She trembled as she handed it Qverto Elligt along with a cup of waémwater that had just been delivered byanother servant. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org on

"Elliot, take your medicine quickly.” she urged him.

Ten minutes after taking the medicine, Elliot visibly improved. He stared intently at the dish on the table in front of him while speaking in an icy tone,"I'm allergic to pepper."

As soon as he finished speaking, Shawn blamed himself. "Daddy, I'm sorry! It's all my fault; if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have eaten that dish..."Elliot softened at Shawn's words and reached out to gently touch his son's messy hair. "It's okay, sweetheart: this isn’t your fault.”

He then looked across at Madeleine with cold eyes that made her tremble uncontrollably from fear. She explained anxiously, "I... I didn't know youwere allergic to pepper: I really don’t know what happened here."

After finishing her explanation, she turned around with an unfavorable expression towards the butler who was standing nearby.

"Tell me now, what happened with today's dishes?”

The butler shuddered involuntarily before answering nervously, "Missy. there wasn't any pepper added into any dishes today!"

The innocent tone used by the butler left everyone present stunned including Elliot whose brow furrowed even more deeply than before.

Someone must have deliberately added pepper without anyone knowing about it — not even their own butler knew about this incident!

At that moment, the butler suddenlyrememberedsomething andexclaimed,."The dish that Mr. Harperhad an ‘allergic reaction to was _brought t by the maid who just wentto th kitchen. Could it be that: sheadded pepper?" Content betongs toNovelDrama.Org 4

As soon as the butler finished speaking, Madeleine became furious.

It was that maid again! She had just tried to seduce Elliot and now she did something like this.

Madeleine glared at the butler with cold eyes and said angrily. “Find her immediately!”

The servants present all responded before turning around to search for Rose

However, half an hour passed and everyone in Russell family searched high and low for Rose's figure without success.

The butler approached Madeleine tremblingly. "Miss, it seems like she ran away.”

Madeleine was infuriated. This maid came prepared! What exactly did she want?!

Elliot wasn't as agitated as Madeleine though. He simply stared at the cold dish with a stern expression while contemplating something

In this world, only Rose knew about his allergy to pepper...

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