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Chapter 85

Chapter 85 Willow 064% 12.20 +5 In the dead of night, a familiar voice reached my ears, jolting me awake. After making love, I hadbeen too exhausted to move. So we lay by the riverside for a while before we planned to return tothe packhouse. However, it seemed that I had dozed off, Reuben had also fallen asleep beside meafter dressing me. The sudden noise startled me enough to wake Reuben. p “Reuben, wake up,” I said, shaking him twice until he stirred and sat up beside me. hist him! “What’s wrong?” he asked, his voice groggy with sleep. “Do you hear that?” I pointed towards the source of the voice. My heart raced as I noticed Reuben’s expression change upon hearing the distant voice. Weexchanged a glance, both realizing simultaneously, “Wyatt and Lori!” Standing up, we raced back to the pack hospital at full speed, only to find the doctor checking onthe children who were sitting up in their I I S. Earlier, when I heard the children calling for us, I thought I was hallucinating. “Alpha…” the doctors turned to face us with smiles. “The children are fine. They woke up earlierthan we expected.” “Mommy! Daddy!” Wyatt and Lori excitedly called, then leaped out of beds and raced toward us as ifthey had never been hospitalized. I panicked and quickly dropped to my knees with Reuben. Reuben and I pulled our children into our arms, sandwiching them between us. The feeling ofhaving them in my life was one of the best things. “Thank goodness!” Happy tears gathered in my eyes. “How are you two feeling?” Reuben kissed each of them in turn, his voice shook slightly with the

nervousness he had experienced due to the children having fainted. “I’m alright, daddy! I’m a big boy now!” Wyatt proudly stated to Reuben. “Yeah, daddy! Daddy’s princess is also fine!” Lori exclaimed. “Ohh… daddy underestimated his babies! Come and give him a big hug!” Reuben pulled both ofthem into a tight embrace. They both threw themselves at Reuben. Emergency calls only Chapter 85 MU … B63% 12:20 +5 “Daddy, your beard!” Both children complained when Reuben’s slightly grown out stubble brushedagainst them unintentionally. Reuben narrowed his eyes but didn’t let go of them, he held them even tighter and playfully teasedthem. The hospital room, once filled with sorrow, was now alive with the laughter of my children andmate. I watched the three of them with a smile, my heart filled with happiness at getting to see my familytogether safely. A while later Reuben went out to talk to doctors. They were already talking quietly but I could make out a few words, “The amount of shock they hadsustained they were not supposed to wake up so soon. Honestly it feels like a miracle, Alpha!” I could not help but look at my children as they smiled brightly and chatted endlessly with me. Amiracle? If it was a miracle then I would be unimaginably grateful to the Goddess for the rest of my life. Once Reuben returned, he cradled our children in his arms and reached his hand out to me. “Let’s go home,” he said It was already past war Smiling, I held his hand as we made back to the packhouse. 요..

day. I decided to in the morning, but the children, Reuben, and I were hungry, None of us had zefer all day. I decided to make something light and quick to eat, Reuben helped me in the kitchen. Afterfeeding the children, we sent them off to bed. By 5 a.m., neither of us felt like sleeping. We sat at the dining table together, and Reuben joined mewith coffee he had made for us.“How are you feeling?” He held my hand and softly asked. “Better,” I smiled back, gazing into his eyes with love. After a long silence, I spoke up, “I knoweverything you did six years ago after I left.” His smile slowly faded. “Willow, you didn’t need to know about such things. It’s nothing…” “I want to know everything about you, Reuben. I want to be connected to your pain, heartbreak,suffering, and every aspect of you, the good along with the bad,” my voice shook slightly as I bit mylip. “Did I really deserve that much love from you, that you sacrificed your future and life for me?” Bythe end, my voice had become little more than a whisper filled with emotion. A tender smile graced his lips. “You deserve my everything, Willow. I am you, and you are me. Weare one, so what does it matter if I sacrifice something?” He gently touched my cheek. “As long asyou are with me, I am complete, and I don’t need anything else.” My heart sk ipped a beat at the boundless love I had in this lifetime. I couldn’t help but hug himtightly and close Emergency calls onlyMU… Chapter 85 my eyes. “I love you.” 063% 12.20 +5 “I love you too,” His arms wrapped around my waist, kissing my forehead before slowly lifting mynovelbin

chin to kiss my lips. His lips danced with mine, his tongue adding fuel to the heat rising between us. Suddenly, he slipped a hand under my dress, his actions growing bolder and bolder. I broke the kissand pulled away from him. My cheeks flushed with embarrassment. “The coffee will get cold. Drink,” I redirected his attention to his cup. My body wasn’t ready foranother round if he got aroused He chuckled, sensing my thoughts, and obediently sipped his coffee along with me until he askedsomething unexpected, “Willow, is your surname Rathbone?” My head jerked back abruptly as I looked at him in surprise for a couple of seconds beforeadmitting, “Yes.” He gave a slight nod in response. “How did you know?” I couldn’t help but ask. “My uncle told me when I went to the palace to meet with him,” he explained, but I knew that wasn’tthe whole. story. “Am I under investigation?” I asked, a hint of concern in my voice. “Kind of, but don’t worry, nothing will happen to you. It’s just that when he asked me about yourbackground and past, I realized I knew nothing,” he stated, placing the cup on the table and lockingeyes with me. “Willow, can you tell me why you never revealed your surname?” I pursed my lips, hesitation stopping me every time I tried to speak. Seeing my hesitation, he gentlytook both of my hands and turned my face to meet his completely. “Don’t hesitate. Whatever it is, you can tell me. Like I’ve always told you, I love you in my present,your past will never bother me. I am only asking about all of this because I have concerns that thisDark has something to do with your past.” My hand moved slightly out of panic in his warm hold when he mentioned Dark. I nodded, placingmy trust in him. “My mom asked me to hide my surname from the world at the last moment of herlife,” I finally revealed. “Why would she ask that?” he inquired. “I still don’t know, but I followed my mom’s dying wish and never disclosed my surname to anyone

until now. Other than Alpha Benjamin, who was my parents’ friend, no one knew about my surnameor me,” I explained. Emergency calls only Chapter 85 MU D63% 12:21 +5 “I thought you were an orphan and that you were captured by those rogues then hauled back to thattrafficking ring when you were living in the woods?” he raised an eyebrow in confusion. It was what Ihad told him when we met. “It’s true that I was living in the woods, but only for two months. Before that, I had parents, I used tolive with them before they died,” I explained. “They died? How?” he asked. “Honestly, I don’t remember. I’ve forgotten everything from the first fourteen years of my life,including my parents’ names and even their faces.” “What?” He frowned. “How could you forget?” $ I took a deep breath before continuing, “I don’t know. The only thing I remember is when my motherasked me not to reveal my surname to the world, to live in hiding, and run away as far away as Icould. I had nowhere to go, so I was hiding in the woods. I was captured by the trafficking ring whilechasing a rabbit. Then I met you, when I left the Emerald Bright Pack six years ago, I met AlphaBenjamin who recognized me. He was best friends with my dad, so after finding me after so manyyears, he took me in as his adopted daughter,” I revealed everything to Reuben. He was silent for a moment, lost in thought. “You said your mother asked you to run away. Do youhave any idea or even any memory of who you should be hiding from?” he inquired, I could clearly

sense where he was going with his line of questions. “Do you mean that my mother was asking me to hide from… Dark?” I asked, my voice barely abovea whisper. Reuben nodded. “Honestly, I think so. This guy seems to be connected to your past, and if I’m notmistaken, all these mysterious attacks and fires that are occurring in different packs are the result ofhis search for you. All this time, he’s been looking for you within those werewolf packs…” “I got caught because he found Wyatt and Lori,” I finished the sentence, though I highly doubted it. He nodded, “I think so.” I fell into silence, his words bringing back memories of our encounter in the park, sending shiversdown my spine. “Willow,” Reuben brushed his thumb over the back of my hand and asked, “Tell mewhat exactly happened when you met him. Tell me everything, what he looks like and how he talks.I need to know every detail about him,” he requested. I nodded and recounted the entire story, including his appearance, mismatched eyes, and his callingme Rose. After hearing me out, Reuben took a deep breath, his expression far from pleasant. “Sohe’s someone with immense strength compared to a normal werewolf, some mysterious powers,and he wants to take you away,” Emergency calls onlyMU Chapter 85 63% 12.21 +5 he summarized the main points of the story. “However, I wonder why he didn’t attack the EmeraldBright Pack in search of you when he already had your information from the children,” Reubenmurmured. “Actually, I have always instructed the children to keep the Emerald Bright Pack and your name asecret from everyone, so that they could lead a normal school life with other children. So, I believethat when he asked the children about their father’s name or pack name, they must have said theywere from Britain or Wade Moon Pack,” I explained. 7

“So you mean to say he doesn’t know about me or where you currently are?” Reuben questioned. “I believe so, because I didn’t tell him who the children’s father was. He was furious with me forlosing my virginity to you, being marked by you, and giving birth to our children,” I explained. Reuben’s expression immediately changed, his aura darkening. “What is the meaning of this?” Reuben’s reaction was so alarming that I hesitated before revealing, “He called me his soulmate.” SEND GIFT COMMENT

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