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Chapter 35

Chapter 35


A gentle brush to my cheek and a hot breath fanning against my face made me slowly open my eyes. Blinking softly I tried to see everything clearly, a pa

“Why are you staring at me like that?” I asked in a slow voice, looking into his were brimming with different emotions.

eyes that

He gently tucked my hair behind my ear, “You will no longer be staying in this room after today. The mere thought of you leaving makes me restless. I jus

I could not help but silently stare into his eyes. It was indeed my last day in Reuben’s bedroom. Yesterday, I felt worlds better due to his taking care of me

I looked away from his pleading gaze that was clearly asking me to not go. “This has to come to an end, you knew that from the beginning,” saying that,

“You are so cruel, Willow,” he whispered, burying his face on my neck, his pain grated at my heart though our mate bond. I clenched my nightgown at my

I opened my mouth and said while controlling my own emotions, “Let go,” my voice was barely above the whisper.


The Secret to Making More Money with Lesa Effort: Laver Cuting


13:10 Thu, 29 Feb & B.

Chapter 35.

Reuben shook his head, “I still have one day to spend with you,” he murmured in my ear, hugging me tightly, “I will not let you go before that. You are tied

Captured in his arms, I could not say anything to him. I stood still, listening to his. breathing and heartbeat that mirrored my own.

Later that day after, I went to my room to get my laptop once Reuben left to deal with some important pack business. There was nothing to do for me in h

Scrolling and ignoring the less important emails, I clicked on my assistant Lola’s emails.

Willow, I have arranged a model for you according to your requirements. The model is new to modeling but trust me they are perfect! Please check the ain the next email,”

Curiously, I checked the attachment to find the details. Surprisingly, the model was perfect but Lola had not mentioned their name. Well, I never cared ab

“Thank you for making the arrangements, Lola. Please send the model here as soon as possible.”

I replied to her email. The event was growing closer by the day and I did not have much. time in hand to prepare. Forhours, I continued to talk with Lola via emails and replied to other emails until someone knocked on the door.

“Willow,” Mia stood in the doorway smiling.


“Hey, come in,” I smiled, putting the laptop aside.

“I have brought Wyatt and Lori back. They got busy playing with other kids in the pack as soon as they got out of the car. I came up here to chat with you

“No, actually I am glad you came. I was getting bored. Please have a seat.”

“Thanks, actually I came to see you so that I could share the welcome party date with you. The pack members want to throw the party over the weekend

“Alright,” I let out a small laugh. “I will definitely come to the party. It will be a good change of pace for Wyatt and Lori too.”

The Secret to Making More Money with Less Effort: Laser Cutting


13:10 Thu, 29 Feb B

Chapter 35

“Correct,” Mia chuckled but slowly her smile became nervous, “Umm… Willow, Ella will be there too,” she hesitantly informed as she continued to gauge

“It’s okay, I don’t have any problem with that,” I gave her a small smile. Ella was not someone in the pack that they could ignore, so obviously she would

“That’s great!” Mia’s face lit up. “Honestly, I can not bear the tension between you and Ella. It scares me. My poor heart is too weak to handle it. I just wa


I rolled my eyes at her theatrics, “I understand, drama queen. I promise even if there is a storm I will come to the party,” I swore as we both laughed at o

“Then I am leaving,” she got up from the other side of the room, “I am gladyou are perfectly fine now. The Alpha took really good care of you. I wonder what he did to keep you alive during that steamy night?” she smiled evilly.novelbin

“Nothing happened. Keep your mind out of the gutter!”

“Really? Then why is your face so red?” she smirked.

My hands immediately flew up to touch my cheeks that were flaming hot. “That’s only because the room is hot,” I reasoned.

Mia laughed, “Alright, I am not going to tease you anymore. I am going home,” she turned to exit the room. I smiled, watching her leave until she stopped

“Thank him for what?” I cocked my brows.

“Girl! Don’t you know that he ran to my house in the middle of the night to get me to come check on you the night you were sickest?!”

My eyes widened, “Reuben came to get you that night?”

“Yes, I was absolutely petrified to see the Alpha at the door too. The Alpha doesn’t show up at any pack member’s house but he did when your conditionstabilized.”

Mia exposed a truth that I was unaware of. I did not know Reuben had so much for me


The Secret to Making More Money with Less Effort: Laser Cutting


Chapter 35

29 Feb

that night then in the morning he did not breathe a word about any of it. “He reallywent through a lot for you. I even saw a deep cut in his left arm. It would be great if you thanked him, Willow,” Mia smiled and left.

I sat on the sofa surprised as my heart raced like crazy in my chest, “Why did he…” I bit my lip.


“The fire that consumed the Shine Moon Pack territory has finally been put out completely this morning. I am ready to enter the territory with your permis

“Be alert when you enter the territory. Even though it is burnt, we can’t take any risks. It have sent Oran to help you,” I replied, glancing through the livingthe other children in the far garden.

“Actually, Oran already arrived but I sent him back sometime ago.”

“Why?” I frowned, resuming my walk.

“As soon as we met up, he received a phone call from Blue Heaven Pack’s Beta. After the incident with the Shine Moon Pack, they changed the date of

“Fuck!” Frustrated by the news of the meeting, I glanced at my watch. I only had two hours at best and I wanted to spend that time with Willow. I wanted

My head was ready to explode when this sudden meeting ruined the precious planned time I had with Willow. It was not easy for me to get close enoughif she had her walls up, I was not going to give up!

Just as my mind was boiling with anger, a familiar smell entered my nose instantly calming my mind. My legs immediately walked into the kitchen where six years ago. Surprised, I continued to closethe distance between the two of us. It did not matter if a thousand years had passed I would never be able to forget its smell. She used to make it for me

Was she…making it for me? Happiness and excitement flooded my entire being. She looked at me and walked closer. “Give me your hand.”

The Secret to Making More Money with Lena Efort Laver Cutting

Thu, 29 Feb & B

Chapter 35


She took my hand in her own, rolling up my sleeve a little to find a deep cut on my wrist that I had gotten two days ago at Wade Moon while searching fo

I pulled my hand away, “It’s nothing, don’t worry about it,” but she took it back, pulling out her beautiful and soft handkerchief.

“Heal it before it gets any worse,” she murmured, wrapping the handkerchief around my wrist.

My heartbeat raced like a galloping horse to see her caring for me. She noticed my expression and said dryly, “Don’t overthinkthis. I am only doing it due to the fact that you got hurt because of me. I don’t want to feel like I owe you,” she explained but it only deepened the smile o

Before I could tease her, I got a mind–link. The tea water had yetto boil so I quickly made my way up to my office so that I could return to have it with Willow.

“What’s the matter Ella?” I hastily entered the office.

“It is about the treaty papers that we have to review together,” she explained.

“Whatever itis, get on with it quickly,” I took the papers from her hand as she pointed out the problems. I answered all of her concerns and pointed out the part that I d

“Is there something else?” I raised my brows.

She smiled softly, “Yes, actually Alpha Jones asked me out for a date.”

I cocked my brows, “Why are you telling me?”

“I thought you would want to know,” her voice shook slightly.

“Why would I? Date whomever you wish,” I remarked, straightening some of the on my desk.

Ella suddenly took a step closer to me, “I thought you would be jealous.”

“Why would I?” I frowned at her strange behavior.


“I am your fiance,” she remarked, suddenly touching her lips to mine. My eyes widened,

I was totally caught off guard for a second. “I love you Reuben,” she confessed.

The Secret to Making More Money with Less Effort: Laser Cutting

Chapter 35

29 Feb


“What the fuck!” I snapped, pushing her away. Why did she kiss me all of a sudden? That was when the sound of a cup dropping attracted my attention t

“Willow…” my heart was in my throat at the sight of her standing there. She took a few steps back before turning and running out of there.

Fuck! She saw Ella kissing me! She saw everything yet misunderstood it all!

“So what if she loves me?” I grabbed her hair and pulled her face closer to mine. She looked at me with wide teary eyes, feeling betrayed. “Willow…” I ra

More tears rolled down her cheeks at my confession. “What do you mean?” her voice


“Nothing else matters when we love each other, right?” I lifted her chin and kissed her tears away, “Reuben has always loved Willow and will continue to




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