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Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Six years ago, when I had expressed my desire to go to Britain to Alpha Benjamin, he hadn’t beenpleased. He wanted me to give birth to my babies in the care of his pack before considering movingon to other opportunities. However, when I insisted on raising my child independently, the Alpha hadto agree. He sent me to Britain for studies and supported me financially until I could do so myself. Originally,the plan had been for me to return to America, to the Wade Moon Pack, as soon as my studieswere over. Still, the Alpha allowed me to pursue my career and stay in Britain. However, I neverimagined that an Alpha would ask me to return for an “Alpha Ball.” It took a few seconds for me to grasp his words. “I should attend it on your behalf?” “Yes,” he nodded seriously. “You remember our enemy, the Shine Moon Pack, right? The Alpha ofthe Shine Moon Pack has finally agreed to meet and discuss a peace treaty with us. Since theAlpha is so busy, we can only meet him at the ball. Originally, I was going to attend this Alpha Ball,but my heart surgery is scheduled for that day here in Britain. If I miss this opportunity to meet withthe Alpha, we risk our pack’s safety. Neither the Alpha Ball nor my surgery can be avoided. So, Ithought of you, a person that could secure this peace treaty for our pack without any loss,” heexplained. His face was filled with pride and confidence, and rightfully so. When I joined Alpha Benjamin’sWade Moon Pack as his daughter, he had imparted extensive knowledge of pack politics andsurvival in the werewolf world onto me. I had learned a great deal from him, and I was eager torepay his kindness. I worked behind the scenes, solving old disputes among neighboring packs withWade Moon, and helped the Alphat establish numerous new treaties. That was all before I had leftfor my studies. “Willow, the Shine Moon Pack is a two-headed snake that has lusted for our lands for decades, girl.We need this peace treaty no matter the cost,” the Alpha emphasized. “But I’m just an Omega, Alpha,” I reminded him. My identity had been a curse for me my whole life. Ilost everything in my life in the past due to the very fact that I was an Omega. “How can I go on your

behalf? It goes against the rules of the Alpha Ball, and besides, I think Sky should be the one toattend the ball, not me,” I pointed out. Sky was Alpha Benjamin’s only son and the next Alpha in line. When I was pregnant, he and I hadbecome best friends. He was the one who always attended Alpha Balls and mating ceremonies forthe Wade Moon Pack. Alpha Benjamin sighed, “Sky has gone to a friend’s pack to help them with rogue issues. I wanted tocall him back, but it seems the situation over there has grown worse, and I can’t contact him. Skywouldn’t be able to make it in time for the Alpha Ball, so I looked for the help of my daughter,” theAlpha took my hands and looked into my eyes with D Wed, 28 Feb Chapter 3 hope. “Willow, you will help, won’t you?” I stood there, my mind completely blank after listening to the Alpha. What kind of game was theGoddess playing with me? 12% Due to bad weather, the plane landed two hours late. Stepping into the lobby of the airport, I took adeep breath. Six years later, fate had led me back to the place that held my past and memories inits palm. It was the place that I never wished to return to, but I could not refuse Alpha Benjamin’s request. Hewas in poor health and this was the first thing he had ever asked of me. I understood the significantproblems the pack would face if the peace treaty slipped through our fingers. So, here I was, backin America. “Mommy,” Wyatt and Lori’s voices entered my ears. I tilted my head to find their small hands filledwith chocolates and snacks. Behind them Beta Ken walked with a handsome smile on his lips. Hehad come to pick us up in front of the airport, now I understood where he had disappeared to withthe kids. He loved Wyatt and Lori just like Alpha Benjamin. “Mommy, Uncle Ken bought us these treats. Can we accept them?” Lori chirped. novelbin

“Okay, but remember that we are going to behave here. I only brought you two with me becauseyou are not going to kindergarten at the moment and have never been to Grandpa’s pack. Promiseme that you two will not run around and that you will obey me, okay?” “Okay,” they both gave a serious nod. I smiled and looked up at Beta Ken. “Long time no see, Willow. I am glad you returned,” he smiled, walking closer to give me a hug. “Thank you, Beta Ken,” I pulled away and said, “I could have returned to the pack on my own, BetaKen. You should not have come out here to pick us up with your busy schedule,” I stated. “I am never too busy when it comes to my little Alphas,” he grinned, picking up our luggage in hishands. “Let’s go. I’ll explain to you about the Alpha Ball while driving.” I nodded. Wyatt and Lori walked with Beta Ken, chattering away. They were walking so fast that Iwas left behind. I couldn’t believe my twins were so happy about visiting their grandpa’s pack. Ishook my head and checked my phone while I continued walking. The Alpha Ball was being heldlater this evening at a five star shifter hotel. I decided to go straight to the hotel and prepare for theball. Just as I was thinking about all of these things the familiar sharp scent entered my nose,awakening my wolf. 19:07 Wed, 28 Feb Chapter 3 12%1 I froze in my tracks as my heart started to drum in my chest. My body turned cold when I found thisfeeling very familiar to me. I slowly lifted my eyes to find a pair of intense green eyes looking rightinto them. My eyes widened, as I took steps back. How could the first person I meet after six yearsbe… Reuben? “Willow,” Reuben whispered my name like a prayer under his breath, his eyes dark and. intense. Iclenched my fists at my side and turned to walk away. The memories from six years ago when hebetrayed me flashed in my minds’ eye. “Willow!” Reuben yelled again, but I did not stop. I heard his wild footsteps behind me, wanting tofollow me, but I took advantage of the large cargo that four employees were carrying. It blockedReuben’s path and gave me enough time to vanish from his sight.

“WILLOW!!” Reuben screamed like crazy again and again, looking here and there for me. “WILLOW!!!” “WILLOW!!!” The police came hearing that commotion, but no one dared to stop the most dangerous andpowerful Alpha and the country’s richest man, Reuben. Hiding my scent, I leaned on the bathroom entrance wall with slightly red eyes. My hands were stillclenched at my side. “WILLOW!!” He growled at the top of his lungs without caring about the humans. around him. Mywolf stared into my eyes deep as I heard that six-year-old obsession and craziness in Reuben’svoice. Why… Why was he looking for me? SEND GIFT COMMENT

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