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Chapter 23

Chapter 23 Willow “Let me love you again…” he whispered with Dex in his eyes. The whole garden fell into a dead silence when they heard Reuben. Frozen down to my very soul, Istared at him with wide eyes. What….what did he just say….Ceri had completely faded from my head when the pack members began to come out of their shock and getup from their seats one by one in surprise. “How is this possible?” Slowly gossip filled the garden. “Did I hear that correctly? Willow is the Alpha’s soulmate?!” “Now it finally makes sense, that’s why Willow was able to give birth to the Alpha’s children.” “True, they have been soulmates from the beginning!!” “But if the Alpha is Willow’s soulmate then what about Ella?” One by one everyone looked at Ella who was still sitting in her chair like a statue. After therevelation of Wyatt and Lori late yesterday, she was on the receiving end of another knock down bya second secret less than twelve hours later. Her eyes were as large as an owl and mouth waswide. Oran, Bix, and Ella had known about Reuben and I’s love for each other since we were inschool together but none of them had ever known that we were soulmates to boot. That secret hadalways remained hidden between Reuben and I up until this point. Ella could not help but shift her gaze to Oran who stood some distance away with a casualexpression on his face. Until she realized that everyone’s attention was now on her. “Is not Ella, the Alpha’s fiancee?” “What will happen to her? I heard their marriage is unavoidable.” Listening to the pack members knocked the sense back into me. Reuben’s wedding to Ella wasunavoidable? I looked at Reuben but he still… he still…. A shiver ran down my spine when I sensed everyone’s hash judging expression finally being cast inmy direction. Suddenly the demons that I had long feared while residing in this pack six years agobegan lurking around the yard as I began to feel everyone’s

1/4 The Secret to Making More Money with Less Effort: Laser Cutting A 76% Chapter 23 29 Feb disgust for me like a layer of film on my skin. The people that had been smiling at me earlier, in mymind, seemed to be laughing at me now. I could feel the years of anxiety and fear that had almostchained me to the point of being immoble as I waited for my biggest secret to be revealed. My head spun and I felt like throwing up. My breathing became so uneven that I felt suffocated. Ibroke out of Reuben’s arms and walked away from the garden with clipped steps. “Willow!” Reuben called after me but I continued walking into the woods without looking back. I hadto be alone. I needed to breathe. I needed to get away from Reuben… “WILLOW!!” he roared but I did not so much as glance back. His roar mixed with the thunder andlightning that had grown worse in the sky with the dark clouds over my head. Moving deeper into the woods, my walk turned into a jog before I began running faster but nomatter how fast I ran, Reuben’s words followed me like shadows… “Willow, will you give me a chance at redemption?” “Let me love you again… Willow…” “No…” I murmured under my breath as the rain began to fall. “Let me love you again…” “No…” I gasped running as I heard him again and again. “Let me…Willow…” “No!!” I screamed, tears welling up in my eyes. I had to forget it. I should not… Rain started pouring down heavily while I aimlessly ran through the woods just to escape thehunting shadows until Reuben’s roar entered my ears again, “WILLOW!!!” I skidded to a stop in the mudd when he appeared in front of me. He seemed to have taken anotherpath to catch me. I turned in a different direction but he raced to catch

me. “STOP!! DIDN’T YOU HEAR ME?!” he growled as the rain soaked the both of us completely, “WHYARE YOU RUNNING AWAY FROM ME?” he grabbed my arms and stared deep into my eyes.“PLEASE GIVE ME A CHANCE… GIVE ME A CHANCE AT REDEMPTION…” 2/4 The Secret to Making More Money with Less Effort: Lacer Cutting A 76% Thu, 29 Feb & B Chapter 23 “Redemption?” I broke out of his grip, raised my hand and slapped him hard across the face. Thesound of the slap echoed in the woods, slowly mixing with the sound of rain, “YOU WANTREDEMPTION? REDEMPTION FOR WHAT?!” I screamed. Reuben looked at me in silence as my fresh tears mixed with rain, “You expect redemption forrefusing to accept our babies six years ago?” I asked, recalling the memory of him tossing thepregnancy test at me. “Or do you expect redemption for accusing me of cheating?” I took a stepcloser to him and poked him hard in the chest. with my finger, “Or do you want redemption forbetraying me, Reuben?” my voice had become a whisper.. Reuben’s eyes shook at my words, I watched as his eyes grew slightly teary. His actions in the pastcame crashing down on his heart as he stared into my eyes, broken. “I want redemption for all of the sins I committed against you,” he whispered, taking a step closer tome slowly. “I want to be punished for all my crimes….” a tear rolled down his cheek as he put hisshaking hand over my cheek. “I want to love you again…” he paused and said with his wolf, “I loveyou… Willow.” My eyes widened at his confession. All the tears that I had been fighting hard to hold back beganflowing down like a river over his words. “I love you, Willow…” his confession brushed my heart, touched my soul and awoked that forbidden feeling that I had scaledaway six years ago.

“I don’t believe you,” I took a step back as I stared into his eyes. “Willow…” Reuben tried to grab my hand but I pulled away. “I am not falling for the same trick twice,” I shook my head. “Willow, trust me… I love you….” “But I hate you,” I cut him off, stopping a reasonable distance away from him and said while lookingdeep into his eyes, “I hate you, Alpha Reuben,” “No, you don’t” Reuben stretched out his hand and pulled me closer, until my breasts bumped intohis hard chest, “You don’t hate me, Willow.” “I do.” “You love me,” he whispered, quickening my heartbeat. “I don’t!” I yelled, shoving him away. “I don’t love you or trust in your love. I just hate you…” Ideclared then turned to leave with tears in my eyes. The Secret to Making More Money with Less Effe Cuttian D Chapter 23 “If you don’t then I will make you fall in love with me, Willow!” Reuben warned, standing in where Ihad left him. I did not turn to look at him or I stopped. “If you hate me then I will chase after you untilyou forgive me even if I have to wait until my dying breath.” My feet paused of their own accord, hearing the possessive obsession in his words. I clenched myfists the once again lifted my feet to continue walking but suddenly I felt Reuben’s arm wrap aroundmy waist from behind, “I will struggle, bleed, and even die to get you back, Willow,” his chest restedagainst mine as he whispered into my ear from behind. “But there is no way that I will ever willinglylet you go, mate…” SEND GIFT The Secret to Making Mara Mannadi 0 COMMENT 13:07 Thu, 29 Febrnovelbin

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