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Chapter 21

Chapter 21 Willow I looked past the crowd to find Reuben standing there watching me. Why… Why did he do that? Myheart ski pped a beat at the intensity of his gaze. What exactly did he want from me? Without breaking eye contact with me, Reuben made his way through the crowd towards me. Myheart suddenly race. What was he planning? I looked around a little. There were way too manypeople. The pack members moved out of his way while Wyatt and Lori raced from my side toReuben. I did not know why but I felt as if he was going to do something only because he wasdistracted by both of the children. “Daddy,” they happily hugged Reuben’s legs but I could tell that they were nervous as if he weretheir life line in a turbulent sea. They had been incredibly shy around all the admiring visitors,especially the women. Reuben rubbed Wyatt and Lori’s little heads and smiled, “These are all our pack members. They aregood people, friends, and are just like family,” he calmly explained to them. Both children looked upat the smiling pack members and gave a hesitant nod before their big eyes came to me.I smiled and nodded. “Wyatt, Lori, say hello to everyone,” I remarked. They had never lived amongso many people so I could understand their hesitation. “Hello,” they said together in a low tone. “AWWWW… Your children are so cute, Willow,” the woman’s heart melted.” “Alpha, your daughter is so beautiful. Just like Willow,” someone said. Reuben’s eyes immediately went to me as he replied, “It’s true, really beautiful,” hist voice was likea whisper. The tips of my ears turned red as I quickly looked away, acting normal. Reuben put his hands on Wyatt and Lori’s backs and announced to everyone, “Today breakfast ison me for all the pack members.” I blinked in confusion. Breakfast? Why so suddenly? An excited cheer broke out in the living room.

Everyone wanted to hang out, chat, and have fun but Oran’s voice was louder and he was the mostexcited. 1/6 The Secret to Making More Money with Less Effort: Laser Cutting 會76% Chapter 21 “Let’s go out into the front yard. I will have the ser vants set up tables and chairs there,” he yelled. One by one everyone started exiting the living room and mind-linking other pack members to invitethem to the Alpha’s breakfast gathering. One of my friends turned to me, “Willow, let’s go. We have a lot of catching up to do!” “Okay,” I nodded but then I got a call from Alpha Benjamin. I had called the Alpha the previous nightbut the signal was poor for some reason. Hearing my phone ring, Reuben turned to look at me. “Ummm, everyone should head outside, I’ll join you shortly. I just have to take this call,” I smiled atthem and turned to the backyard. I would be alone there and it was a good place to talk. “Hello Willow, how are you doing girl?” “I am perfectly fine, Alpha. How is your health?” I asked worriedly. “I am absolutely fine. How are my little angels doing?” “They are fine, Alpha. Very excited and still exploring the pack though they are a little shy aboutmeeting new people.” Alpha Benjamin laughed, “that’s alright. I will talk to them later. Bring them over to the pack whenyou are free.” As we spoke I heard Beta Ken’s voice in the background, he seemed to be talkingabout some files. “Alpha, did you return the pack already?” I exclaimed. “Yes, I left the hospital this morning. I can’t stay in the hospital at a time like this when you are doingyour best to save the Wade Moon Pack. I have to find a way to save the pack…”“Sorry for interrupting you Alpha but I have already retrieved the Wade Moon Pack papers fromAlpha Reuben.”

“Really?!” Alpha gasped in disbelief. “How could he have given up such a thing so casily…I haveheard Alpha Reuben is ruthless. He did not make you do anything weird, right? Are you okay?”There was a hint of panic in his voice. “He did nothing wrong, Alpha. I am completely fine, Alpha,” I chuckled. “The terms of our agreementfor the exchange were already set. I am doing well here, now I want you to get some quality restand be tension free. The papers are safe in my possession and 2/6 The Secret to Making More Money with Less Effort: Laser Cutting 13:07 Thu, 29 Feb 6B. Chapter 21 the Wade Moon Pack is still yours. I will come to visit you soon to handover the papers,” I calmlyexplained. On the other end of the phone, the Alpha’s breathing became stable, which gave me a sense ofrelief. “I still can not believe that we got our pack back, Willow. If it was not you then…” “Please, stop thinking about it now, Alpha. Everything has returned to normal and the Wade MoonPack is safe. Don’t worry,” I assured. “Actually the pack is not that safe, Willow,” suddenly the Alpha’s voice became serious. I co cked my brows, “Why are you saying like this, Alpha? I have secured a peace treaty with theShine Moon Pack…” “This is not about the Shine Moon Pack or the peace treaty. It seems you have not heard the newsabout the Silver Moon Pack. They were wiped out under mysterious circumstances yesterday.” “Wiped out under mysterious circumstances?” My eyes widened at the shocking news. I had goodworking knowledge of how powerful Silver Moon used to be. On top of that they were friends of theEmerald Bright Pack. Alpha Benjamin told me about the rumor surrounding the fire and the terrorthat had spread all around the werewolf world due to this incident. After exchanging a few more pleasantries, I ended the phone in a state of confusion. It wasimpossible that Reuben was unaware of this news. I slipped my phone back into my pocket andwalked to the front yard where the atmosphere was lively. A large table was set in the middle of the

garden, people were chatting, and I noticed something surprising. Wyatt and Lori were playing with other children! They had returned to their usual naughtiness butinstead of playing amongst themselves they were making new friends which had never happenedbefore. Wyatt was playing catch with some boys while Lori who was playing on the swings withboys and girls. How did they… That’s when I noticed Lori waving. She had obviously not seen me so who was she waving to? Itilted my head to find her waving at Reuben who was talking to Oran about something important.Yet his focus was on Lori as he smiled and waved at her in response. I blinked witnessing all of this. Wait, so… Reuben had intentionally invited the pack members tobreakfast today so that he could give Wyatt and Lori a normal environment and help them to meetother children and make new friends. I was so lost 3/6 The Secret to Making More Money with Less Effort: Laser Cutting 13:07 Thu, 29 Feb G+ Chapter 21 in thought that I did not realize that Reuben had caught me watching him long ago. That’s when someone bumped into my shoulder, “Want a coffee?” Mia, my previous neighbor andfriend asked. “Thank you,” I took the offered cup from her hand with a smile. “I am so glad you returned to the pack Willow. Since you have decided to live here, have you lookedinto a kindergarten for your children?” she asked. d curiously. “Yes, I have looked for a shifter’s kindergarten and have talked to the kindergarten to start theregistration process. I will send Wyatt and Lori in a day or two,” I explained, noticing Reuben hadoverheard me with his wolf ears. After learning the extent of Reuben’s conditions for me staying inthe Emerald Bright Pack, I had started looking for a kindergarten for my twins. Luckily I found ashifter kindergarten where all the staff and children were going to be werewolves. Thankfully, Wyattand Lori were not going to be treated differently there. Mia nodded and started talking about other things but I noticed something very odd. Why were the

pack members acting so normal after finding out about me giving birth to the Alpha’s children? Sixyears ago, if this secret would have been revealed then it would have been considered the ultimatestain on the pack’s reputation but now people were acting as if that Omega rule never existed. Noone was asking uncomfortable questions or being rude. Heck there was not even one judgmentalstare among the group. “Let’s eat everyone,” Oran attracted everyone’s attention. The Omegas had finished placing thedelicious breakfast on the table. People started sitting at the table while Wyatt and Lori camerunning back to me. I pulled a chair for both of them telling them. that the food prepared by theOmegaswas just as good as mine and they should try it then suddenly everyone went silent. I raised my head only to find everyone’s attention focused on one particular location. I followed theirline of sight to find Ella entering the front yard with Bix. His face was still badly injured and helooked like he had only gotten out of the hospital just now. When our eyes met he gave me a blanklook but Ella had a smile pasted on her face. “Wow everyone is here. I hope I am not late,” smiling, she elegantly walked in. She was wearing aknee length dress and looking beautiful like always. “Willow,” Ella smiled at me. The silence remained in the yard as people slowly looked at me to seehow I was going to respond.I recalled Reuben’s claims about Ella and their impreding marriage. He said there was The Secret to Making More Money with Less Effort: Laker Cutting 13:07 Thu, 29 Febr Chapter 21 nothing between them but still I could not bring myself to return her smile. Of course, my silencecaused a wave of gossip. “Ella is the Alpha’s fiancee but Willow is the Alpha’s children’s mother. Now they are both in oneplace…. “Could it be that the Alpha is finally going to announce his wedding date with Ella?” someonewhispered. Wedding date announcement? But Reuben had said… was he lying to me? My mind. went blank at

the news as I could no longer hear what the gossip said next. The gossip’s attention went to Reuben who just now returned to the garden after a phone call.. Thegossip immediately died with Reuben’s dangerous presence. His steps slowed when he saw Ellaand Bix. With guilty eyes Bix abruptly walked away at the sight of Reuben but Ella stayed behind. I glancedat Reuben once then ignoring the eyes of the other people at the breakfast, I began serving toWyatt and Lori. Slowly everyone began taking their seats. and the lively atmosphere returned. I raised my gaze to find that Ella had taken the seat beside the head of the table where Reuben hadto sit. Everyone was acting normal about it. It seemed that Ella had been sitting beside Reuben allthese years. A strange feeling rose in my chest that I decided to ignore until Reuben approachedhis chair., “Reuben,” Ella smiled at him, “I heard you are going to announce something…” she placed somepancakes on his plate. Watching her prepare Reuben’s plate made that feeling in my chest growsharper. Standing in the middle of the table Reuben looked at me. “Yes, I have something to announce but it is more like a confession,” he stated without tearing eyesfrom me. My breath slowly grew uneven. He was really going to announce his wedding date withElla. Everyone grew excited talking about their impending wedding while my emotions were gettingthe best of me. I tuned it out, deciding to leave before Reuben could make his announcement. Why was my heart so upset? I knew he had been lying to me. He was marrying Ella. I should takethis news in stride. So why…why…were my eyes teary? I closed my eyes tight to help control my emotions. This was how it was from the beginning… “Willow!” Reuben suddenly called me out. 5/6 The Secret to Making More Money with Less Efort Laser Cutting 曲:76% Chapter 21 My feet stopped of their own accord. Why was he calling my name instead of novelbin

announcing his wedding? I slowly turned around to find Reuben standing right behind me. Hisfeatures were as sharp as ever but his eyes looked different than I had ever seen. “Willow…” he called my name again only softly this time, decreasing the distance between us as hewrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into his chest. “Willow, will you give me a chanceat redemption?” “What are you doing, Reuben?” I gasped, putting my hand against his chest. He locked eyes with me and said, “Trying to win your love back, mate…” An uproar erupted in the garden as my eyes widened. Reuben…he….he just revealed our matebond… He put his hand on my cheek and confessed, “Let me love you again…” 6/6 SEND COMMENT The Secret to Making More Money with Less Effort Laser Cuiling

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