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Chapter 15

Chapter 15 Willow “Wyatt and Lori’s father is Alpha Reuben Emerald? You are soulmates?!” Laying on the hospitalbed, Alpha Benjamin stared at me with wide eyes and his mouth agape. In the werewolf world,there was no one that didn’t know Reuben. He was the apex predator, ruthless when dealing withhis enemies. He was the Alpha that was at the top of the food chain. The revelation of my pastseemed more shocking to Alpha Benjamin than Sky’s gambling away the Wade Moon Pack hadbeen. Alpha Benjamin had regained consciousness a day after his argument with Sky, his. m ental statewas worse than anyone could have imagined. With the pack having been gambled away it left morethan 400 pack members facing homelessness, he couldn’t stay calm. The loss of a lifetime’s worthof his hard work left him frustrated, furious, and cursing himself for raising a snake-like son for 26years, only to be betrayed in the end. Thankfully, Sky didn’t show up at the hospital for a visit. Otherwise, Alpha Benjamin. might havesuccumbed to anger. As it stood his wolf teetered on the brink of insanity and even the doctorsstruggled to approach him. Wyatt and Lori were the only ones that managed to reach AlphaBenjamin without getting hurt. Their innocence softened his heart and eased his agitation.. With Alpha Benjamin in a more stable state, I explained to him how the pack ended up in theEmerald Bright Pack’s possession, at the same time I discussed my plan with him on how to regaincontrol of the Wade Moon Pack. Of course this meant that I had to reveal the truth about Reubenand our mate bond. “I apologize for keeping the truth hidden from you for all these years, but the bond with Reubenposed a potential threat to my children and their future. However, now that I need your permissionto depart from the Wade Moon Pack and join the Emerald Bright Pack, it’s necessary for me toreveal it to you. As I mentioned, Reuben is willing to return the papers to you, Alpha. No packmember will be left homeless as long as I move in with him. Please don’t worry, I promise to resolvethis issue,” I assured.

that Alpha Benjamin’s surprised expression softened as he regarded me, “Willow, I won’t inquire as towhy you left Alpha Reuben six years ago or what transpired in the past led to such a drasticdecision while you were pregnant. But are you truly prepared to make the sacrifice that returning toyour soulmate for the sake of our pack will entail?” “It’s nothing compared to what you’ve done forme, Alpha,” I said, placing my hand on his with a smile. “You provided me shelter when I washomeless and had nowhere to go. 1/4 The Secret to Makina 13:05 Thu, 29 Feb 6 B. Chapter 15 Now it’s my turn to repay that kindness. I will do everything within my power to protect the WadeMoon Pack!” I assured him with a smile. 76% Alpha Benjamin couldn’t find the words to express his emotions at my promise. He simply nodded,placing his trust in me, his eyes brimming with gratitude. “I wish your were my real daughter, Willow.Eloise and George were so lucky to have you,” he said, smiling as he gently placed a hand on myhead. I smiled, my heart filled with warmth as we reminisced about my parents. Although I had forgottenwhat they looked like, I still remembered their names. Whenever I felt curious about them, I would SK Alpha Benjamin, who had been a friend of my parents and knew everything about them. After exchanging a few more words, I exited the hospital and got into my car. “Mommy, why did you pack our luggage?” Lori, who was sitting in the back seat with Wyatt,questioned. “We are leaving the Wade Moon Pack,” I replied, driving towards the Emerald Bright Pack.Thankfully, the distance between the hospital and Emerald Bright was not that great. Once we wereon the main road, I sped up the car. novelbin

“Mommy, are we going back to Britain?” Lori’s voice held a hint of panic. “Mommy, I am not going. I want daddy!!” Wyatt’s face grew flushed with unwillingness. He had beenalert since the moment he sensed us leaving Wade Moon. He was so angry that he had evenrefused to get out of the car at the hospital. So I had to leave both of them in the car when I went tovisit the Alpha. “Yes, I want daddy too!!” Lori pouted. Their mood had turned sour ever since I asked them to pack up and sit in the car. Initially, theirreluctance to return to Britain was due to their fondness for spending time at the Wade Moon Pack.However, after meeting Reuben, their behavior had shifted drastically, becoming uncharacteristicallystubborn about wanting to see him. again and again. I had been deflecting their requests with various excuses, but now that we were leaving, the two ofthem were showing a strong reluctance to go back to Britain thanks to Reuben. In the past fewdays, I’d noticed that unlike other children, they avoided discussing Reuben with me, aware thatthings weren’t normal between Reuben and me. They had been keeping a low profile, pretendingignorance about finding their father. However, when they sensed our departure from Wade Moon,their facade crumbled, revealing their strong desire not to leave Reuben. 13:05 Thu, 29 Feb B Chapter 15 76% While driving, my grip tightened on the steering wheel. It seemed that just two encounters betweenReuben and my children was enough for him to steal them away! Suddenly, Lori’s big blue eyes, fixed on the passing signboards, lit up. “Brother… this isn’t the wayto the airport, right?” Wyatt perked up, glancing outside and noticing our car entering a woods that clearly belonged tosomeone else’s territory. “Mommy, where are we going?” he asked curiously, but his question haltedwhen his gaze landed on a tall figure standing a short distance away. I stopped the car in front ofhim. “Daddy!!” Both Wyatt and Lori exclaimed simultaneously as they dashed out of the car.

Smiling, Reuben squatted down, arms thrown wide to warmly embrace Wyatt and Lori. “Did youmiss daddy?” He tightly hugged them. I slowly got out of the car, watching the three of them lost intheir own world. “Yes! We missed daddy!” Lori was so excited that she was louder than usual. “How much?” Reuben playfully raised his brows. Lori spread her short hands wide, “This much!” “Daddy missed you two a lot,” Reuben chuckled, kissing her chubby cheek. I stopped by the cardoor, closely observing Reuben’s expression. His eyes were filled with desperation, his hold onWyatt and Lori’s small bodies had a lot of possessiveness. This level of patience to meet hischildren was not characteristic of him. He was known for sna tching his possessions and ruthlesslydestroying his opponents, but in Wyatt and Lori’s case, he displayed an unusual amount ofpatience. “Daddy, you really kept your promise and fulfilled my dream,” Wyatt wrapped his arm aroundReuben’s neck. “You promised you’d see us again and bring Mommy to your house so we could livetogether!” He tightly hugged Reuben. I froze upon hearing Wyatt’s comment. Wyatt always wanted his biological father in the picturerather than a stepfather. He used to push away any men from getting near me, but I never knew hewanted us all to live together. Unfortunately, it was impossible. Reuben and I were impossible. Hewas going to marry someone else so I had to leave as soon as possible after rejection. “I’ll do anything for my children,” Reuben slowly raised his eyes to look at me. “You two are nevergoing to leave me, his intense gaze quickened my heart. What did he just say?! 13:05 Thu, 29 Feb B Chapter 15 SEND GIFT

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