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Chapter 11

Chapter 11 relocate to Britain,” he added. 2.12%D My expression immediately darkened. How dare he send my mate away? So that was why I couldnever find Willow, regardless of how hard I tried. “Did she change her name in Britain?” I inquired. Ihad even searched for Willow in foreign countries through packs connected to friends of mine, butno one seemed to have heard of a woman by that name. “She did not change her name, but I see she used a stage name everywhere. She never appearedin front of cameras or at any other fashion shows. She remained anonymous except to a select fewhigher-ranking people and models.” Oran relayed, reading from the notes, then hesitantlycontinued. “Reuben… she has been hidden incredibly well for six years with her two children… ifthis time she escapes then…” “She will never escape from me now, Oran!” I growled, the intensity in my voice shook Oran. “Iwould turn any place that she escaped to into ash until she returned to the path that leads her backto where she belongs, with me,” my wolf spoke with me, sending shivers down Oran’s spine. “I… I did not mean that,” Oran stammered. “You see… Willow thinks that you have betrayed her.She sees you as the one that abandoned after getting her pregnant. She was heartbroken. It seemsthat she has chosen a new life…” “She is my life…” I interrupted him sharply. “She can choose a new life but she will always be mychoice and my life.” Oran remained silent for a moment before asking, “Then what are my orders?” I stared ahead at the dark road with intensity, saying firmly, “Get me all the information there isabout Wade Moon and the Alpha family.” “The Alpha family?” Oran asked in surprise. I hung up the phone, speeding towards Emerald BrightPack while my wolf kept growling in displeasure in my mind. “We can’t leave her in the Wade Moon Pack,” my wolf, Dex, grew increasingly impatient,aggressive, and loud, as he vividly recalled the six years we spent without our soulmate. “She hasnovelbin

to be with us!” Dex’s sense of impending actions from Willow mirrored my own. “I know,” my muscles tightened. “Then turn the car around and take her back with us,” Dex growled. “Forcing her will only cost us Wyatt and Lori, Even if I forced her to come to my pack, she’ll stillscheme to escape at the first chance she gets,” I explained. “Then what’s your plan?” Dex probed, peering out of my eyes. 19:09 Wed, 28 Feb 27 Chapter 11 12% I remained mute but shifted my gaze away from the road. fixing it on the picture I had taken fromher room. A photo of her. Wyatt, and Lori with Alpha Benjamin and his son. Willow The following day. I received a $10 million check from one of Reuben’s men. Beta Ken hesitated toaccept it, but eventually relented when I mentioned it was for our injured pack members anddamages to the pack. Over the next two days, I worked hard to quell rumors about an unknown wolfintruding on the territory, hoping to minimize Alpha Benjamin’s attention to it upon his return.However, what I failed to achieve was leaving the country entirely. I discovered I couldn’t book a plane ticket and was also barred from departing via transatlanticcruise liners. What shocked me most was my inability to leave in any direction-West. North, orSouth-each of which was controlled by different influential Alphas, all of whom were friends withReuben. Sitting at the dining table. I stared at my coffee, teetering on the edge of fury. I couldn’t see any wayto escape the country. Reuben had ensnared me from every possible angle, but I had decided notto give up. “Wyatt!” Lori’s voice drew my attention. I looked up to see them darting into the room, closelyfollowed by Beta Ken. I smiled and stood up, You two are back. Did you have fun?” I asked.

“Yes! Uncle Ken took us to the training grounds, mommy!” Wyatt exclaimed. “There were lots ofwolves, fighting and running around, then we went into the woods!” “After that brother and I caught fish!” Lori chirped. “Look, mommy, I caught this one!” She proudlyraised a small fish in her hand. I chuckled. “Well done!” I used my handkerchief to gently wipe the dirt from their cute little faces,which they’d acquired while playing with Beta Ken’s wolf. Thank you, Beta Ken,” I smiled at him. Lately, he had been taking Wyatt and Lori around on hiswolf’s back, allowing me time to focus on my design work and new ideas. “If you want to thank me, treat me to Wyatt and Lori’s fish,” he teased. “Of course, I chuckled. “Lunch is ready. You three, go and quickly wash up…” I started but stoppedabruptly when I saw a tall blo ody figure entering the door. When curly blonde hair and brown eyescame to my view, I recognized him, “Sky?!” I gasped in horror. Beta Ken immediately turned to find the Alpha’s son standing there covered in his own blood,“Alpha… what happened to you?” Beta Ken panicked as we both hurried toward 19:10 Wed, 28 Feb 7 F b Chapter 11 him. He returned to the pack after a month away, his condition questionable. “Willow?” His brown eyes widened in surprise at the sight of me.. “Sky, why are you in this state? What happened?” My eyes scanned the blood trailing from his headto his cheek. A deep cut marred the side of his face, and his shirt was. torn. “It’s nothing,” he suddenly flashed a smile at me. “If I had known you’d returned, I wouldn’t havewasted my time on the wolf outside the territory.” 12% A “So, Alpha, you were fighting with a rogue outside?” Beta Ken frowned. “You should have informedme, Alpha. I would have sent a warrior to deal with it.” “It’s not a big deal, Beta Ken. I just happened to encounter a rogue on the way. You know how much

I despise them. Once I saw it, I had to get rid of it,” he chuckled, then glanced back at me.. I just forced a smile, sensing Sky’s lie. Despite being only a year older than me, as his best friend, Icould easily read his body language.. My gaze shifted to his torn shirt, revealing numerous bite marks on his body, deep and still bleeding.There was no way a rogue could have inflicted such severe wounds on a powerful Alpha like Sky.If Iwere a betting woman I would say that Sky had been attacked. Simultaneously, I caught the scentof numerous wolves emanating from his body, a scent distinctly different from that of a rogue. Sky noticed my assessing eyes and quickly turned away. “I’m going to take a shower,” he hurriedlyclimbed upstairs then added without looking back, “Beta Ken, I need some rest, so please don’tdisturb me. Enjoy your lunch.” I stood there, a mix of feelings swirling within me. This was the first time Sky avoided talking to mewhen our eyes met. He had eagerly awaited my return to the pack all these years, yet upon myarrival, he seemed indifferent. What was he hiding? Why the lies? “Am I overthinking things?” I questioned myself. “Mommy, I’m hungry,” Lori fugged at my clothes, seeking my attention. “Okay, let’s go clean up then eat,” I smiled. Later, I returned to the dining room to have lunch with Beta Ken and the kids. But when Sky didn’t show up for evening tea and dinner, I felt uneasy. After putting the children tobed, I decided to check on him. His room was on the second floor, as I 45 19:10 Wed, 28 Feb FD Chapter 11 approached I heard Sky talking to someone on the phone. 自12% “Didn’t I promise I’d pay you the money! Why are you calling me like I’ll run away?!” Sky shouted, throwing his phone to the floor in anger, where it landed on my foot. He slowly liftedhis eyes to find me standing on his doorstep. “Willow…” His face paled when he noticed me.

“Sky…did you….did you start gambling again?” My voice trembled with shock as I stared at himwith wide eyes. When I joined the Wade Moon Pack, Sky struggled with a gambling addiction. It had angered AlphaBenjamin, considering Sky was the future Alpha of the pack. Over time, as Sky and I becamefriends, he had ceased gambling for my sake, focusing on the pack and business. However, what Ihad just heard was a sudden and shocking revelation. “Willow… I’m sorry. I couldn’t stop myself,” Sky dropped to his knees. “My business was on theverge of bankruptcy. I’d invested so much in it and couldn’t afford to lose it. So… so I gambled atthe shifters’ gambling house and lost everything,” his voice quivered, tears welling in his eyes. “What…” My legs felt weak. “What did you gamble, Sky? What did you lose?” I managed toapproach him and I knelt in front of him. He slowly raised his gaze to meet mine, and my heart raced with anticipation before he uttered themost devastating outcome possible, “Wade Moon Pack.” “You lost the Wade Moon Pack?” My eyes widened, a chill racing down my spine. “You gambledyour father’s pack?!” I gasped in horror. He gambled the land that he grew up on? Sky broke down completely, crawling closer to me. “Willow, please don’t tell my father. Please…” Hegripped both my hands in his cold trembling ones. My entire body turned cold as I listened to his begging. I stared at him in shocked disbelief for amoment before asking, barely above a whisper, “To whom did you lose the Wade Moon Pack?” He looked at me with red teary eyes and said, “The Emerald Bright Pack.” SEND GIFT

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