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Chapter 104

Chapter 104



I woke up in a cold sweat, my heart racing as flashes of flames and screams from the past filled mymind. The memories that I had forgotten for so long had returned, flooding me with guilt and sorrow.The image of my pack, my family, being engulfed in fire haunted me. It had all happened becauseof my love of fire and my careless wish for everyone to disappear that had been spoken to thewrong person. It was my fault that so many innocent lives had been lost.If only I had not saved himthat day

My heart constricted painfully out of guilt as I pressed my face against the cold hard floor. I hadbeen lying here since I had been knocked unconscious during the mental pressure and memories ofthe past. I couldn’t tell how much time had passed. My entire brain throbbed with pain and my bodytoo for some reason, and I couldn’t even muster the strength to move a muscle. Yet, despite mybroken state, I could still feel a strange sensation through the bond I shared with my children.

My heart pounded in my chest as I forced myself to sit up from the cold hard floor. Two days hadpassed since I sent the first round of pills to Reuben for our children, but I still hadn’t received thelast dose for Wyatt and Lori. Panic consumed me as I clutched at my chest, feeling a heavinessgrowing inside. Something was definitely wrong with our children, time was running out to get thatlast dose to them before it was too late.

My hands trembled as I pushed myself to get up on my feet before the bedroom door. opened. Myheart raced with fear, thinking that he had returned for his sick and twisted desires that he couldnever satisfy with me. He was like a rabid animal, willing to consumet my flesh just to satisfy his

insatiable lust but since Reuben and I had mated and marked each other, my wolf denied hisadvances. He could not force me to for sex, causing him not to rape me at all.


But as the door swung open, it was not him standing there. Instead, an unknown woman strode inwith a large plate in her hands, her expression unreadable yet her shivers down my spine.

presence sent

She stopped in front of me and stated, “please let me help you get ready, Luna.”

Luna? Why was she calling me by that title? What the hell was going on now? “Why do I have to getready?” I demanded, a very bad feeling rising in my heart.

“For your wedding to Alpha Dark. The New Moon is only a few hours away,” she explained.

“My wedding to Dark?” My eyes widened in horror as I stared at her as though she had succumbedto madness. Yet, the meticulously arranged attire and jewelry that had been placed upon the grandtray she presented to me contradicted any of my doubts. “Absurd…” I muttered, vigorously shakingmy head. “I am not…”

Chapter 101

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“Please, allow me to assist you in dressing,” she began advancing toward me, clutching thewedding gown in her grasp. “The Alpha is growing impatient…”

“Have you lost your mind? Stay away from me!” I yelled at her, hurling the wedding gown aside in afit of rage. It landed on the floor, prompting her swift retrieval. “Where is Dark? Where is he?!” I

demanded, but she merely lowered her head in response.

“Please, get dressed, Luna,” she persisted, evidently determined to dress me against my will.

“You understand nothing…” I stared at her in disbelief, then stormed out of the bedroom in search ofDark.







“Dark!” I shouted in the never–ending hallway. The whole place was like a maze. Every hall seemedto be identical. It had been six days and I still had not been able to figure out where exactly I was. Itwas like a palace that had been constructed underground where everything was dark, gloomy, andwanted to consume me whole. There was no escape from here. “DARK! I KNOW YOU CAN HEARME!” I screamed into the air, not knowing where to find him. He was always the one that came tomy room, but when he was not here, I always felt his eyes on me and his presence around me likea curse.


“This is the first time you called me by name,” he said. I paused in the middle of the hallway with agasp when my surroundings drastically changed. Suddenly I found myself in a dark yet verybeautiful room where Dark stood right in front of me, his hand touching my cheek with his face a fewinches away from mine. “Say it again,” he whispered, his eyes filled with sick needs.

I stared into his eyes. “Give me the last dose,” I demanded.

“What dose, Rose?” he replied, feigning ignorance.

His question set off a wave of panic inside me. “The last dose of pills for my children. Theircondition seems to be worsening. Please give them to me like you promised!” I reminded him.


He pulled away from me and turned to pick up a glass of wine. “You will get them later,” he repliedcasually.

“Why?! I need them now! My children’s lives are in danger. They are dying!” I turned to face him,desperation evident in my voice. “I have done everything you wanted and obeyed you. Now pleasegive me that last dose,” I begged.

He frowned and grabbed me by the throat. “I said you will get it later. Now go and for our wedding,”he growled, pushing me away.

get ready

I staggered, struggling to keep my balance as his words hit me like a sucker punch to the gut. Sowhat that woman had said was correct? Dark wanted to marry me? My whole body shook with thisdreadful revelation. By marrying me he somehow wanted to claim my body and soul, “I am notmarrying you!” I murmured, taking a step back.

Chapter 104

“What did you say?” His eyes flashed with


his expression darkening.

I clenched my fists, straightened my back and repeated, “I am not marrying you!” I declared.

He threw the wine glass furiously on the ground and grabbed my throat. “DID YOU FUCKINGTHINK I WAS ASKING FOR YOUR OPINION?!” he barked in my face, his mismatched eyesgrowing darker and scarier. “I AM ORDERING YOU,” he dug his nails slowly into my flesh. “GOAND GET READY IF YOU NEED PILLS. WE ARE GOING TO GET FUCKING MARRIED TODAYON THE NEW MOON AND THAT’S FINAL.” novelbin

“AHHH…” I hissed in great pain but never tore my eyes from him. “This order of yours will never befulfilled. I am not going to marry you, I will not submit to you. I will gladly allow you to turn me into adead body to do those things too, if you are capable of doing that.”

“Say that again and see if you ever get the last dose from me,” he growled lowly. My face turnedwhite at his threat. “Another refusal from those lips will cost you the lives of your children. Theirlungs will burn, their blood will run dry, and there will not be a single part of their body that will notrot until death…”

“NO! YOU CAN’T DO THAT!” I screamed in horror as he made me envision my children dying in allthe gruesome ways he described. “GIVE ME THE PILLS! GIVE THEM TO ME!!!” I screeched like acrazed woman, scratching his chest with my sharp claws and drawing blood.

He slid his hand from my throat to my cheek, his touch sending shivers down my spine. “Whathappened so suddenly? Weren’t you just talking about death and some other shit?” he grinned

wickedly. “I would even marry your dead body, but do you have the guts to see your children die theworst death imaginable? Do you have the guts to watch your soulmate commit suicide as I burn hispack and his people to ash, then have you in front of his eyes? Do you have the guts to watch himdie?” he questioned, his eyes glinting with malevolence as tears finally gathered in my eyes. “Thelast time, you sacrificed yourself to save him, but now, do you have anything to offer me when I amclose to claim every hole of your body tonight on our wedding bed?”

As he spoke, memories of those dark nights flooded my mind–the moments when I couldn’t escape,I had to leave Reuben and our babies.

He smiled at my shattered state and traced his finger along my lips. “You’re refusing to marry mebecause you’re still clinging to Reuben’s love, aren’t you?” he taunted. “But will he accept a womanthat has stayed with another man day and night over three days?” he grinned.

I wanted to die at that moment when he mentioned it, “Nothing happened between us!”

He loved the expression on my face and leaned closer to my lips, “it is something only you and Iknow. Will Reuben believe it? Every bite mark on your body screams my name. I’ve made you mywhore, my bitch that will spread her legs only for me from tonight! Do you think he’ll accept awhore?” he jeered.

I bit my lip to stifle my tears and replied, “Reuben will believe me. He loves me for who I am,


Chapter 101

not just my body”

“What a blind love,” he scoffed angrily, yanking violently at my hair. “But I wonder if he’ll still love thewoman who won’t be his anymore, not just physically but also down to her soul.”

I shuddered at his words. “What do you mean I won’t be his, not even my soul? I belong to Reuben,now and always,” I retorted, only to then recoil as his gaze slid from my eyes to my neck, where mymate mark was. “What… what are you looking at?” I began to struggle in his grasp, terrified of thesinister intent in his eyes focused on my mark.

“What if you are no longer his soulmate?” he locked eyes with me, the corner of his lips curling intoa meaningful smile.

“No…” I shook my head, understanding his intentions. “Please don’t,” I struggled wildly, waving myarm around, “NOOOO!!” I cried, pushed him away then turned around to run out of the room. Butjust as I was getting away, the door closed itself and Dark caught me.

“Where do you think you are going?” he growled and pinned me on the floor.

“NO! DON’T!!” I screamed, but he ruthlessly tilted my neck to the side and bit my neck, marking meover Reuben’s mark. “NOOOOO…” I howled loudly in pain seeing it felt like my soul and wolf werebeing ripped out of my body. His mate mark killed something inside me as Reuben’s mate mark onmy neck disappeared.

He pulled his canines out, licked the blood clean and whispered in my ear, “Now you are only mine,”he kissed my lips and got off me. I lay on the floor motionless and in pain. “You have half an hour toget ready for the wedding. Don’t make me come find you,” saying, he turned and left the room.

I slowly lifted my hand and touched my neck where Reuben’s mark had once been. Tears gatheredin my eyes and I cried loudly. “Reuben….”

I couldn’t feel him anymore. I could not feel our mate bond. I lost him. I curled into a ball and criedloudly. I had lost everything that meant anything to me; my parents, my children, and now Reubentoo.

“Luna,” that woman once again came with the wedding dress in her arms. “Please take a showerand I will help you to get dressed,” curled on the floor, I stared at the wedding gown for a long time.So it was how everything was suppose to be from the beginning? Reuben and I could never betogether?

I lay on the ground like a dead, staring at the wedding gown that was nothing but grave- clothes forme. I bit my lips harder and dug my nails in my palm.

I got


and took the dress from the woman’s arms and entered the bathroom. She looked at me in surprise.Standing under the shower, I recalled the death of my parents and every pack member. My childrenwere in coma, my dignity was long gone and I no longer shared a bond with Reuben. I had nothingto lose.

09:55 Mon, 22 Apr Chapter 104

I donned the wedding dress and did my own hair before I looked at myself in the mirror,


From then on there would be no tears or pain. I opened the door where the woman stood with abouquet of flowers in her hand that I snatched and tossed the train of the long gown- behind mebefore I walked to the room where Dark was standing under the glass roof from which the dark skycould be seen.

He looked me up and down before locking eyes with my dead ones. My claws secretly came out inblood thirst as he extended a hand to me.

I would take revenge for everything he had done to me. From now on there would be either Dark orWillow in this world, not both.

I had nothing to lose.

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