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Chapter 94

Chapter 94 Alpha Benjamin?” I couldn’t believe my ears. My mind went blank, and I couldn’t think straightanymore. Alpha Benjamin testified against Reuben? How could that even be possible? I knew in my heart thatReuben was innocent, but I couldn’t wrap my head around the idea that Alpha Benjamin was theone who framed my mate. Why would the Alpha do such a thing? It made no sense to me.Moreover, I couldn’t dismiss the imperial decree that called for Reuben’s death. Just as I was grappling with confusion and emotion, the strange sound of clinking silver chainsreached my ears. My gaze snapped in Reuben’s direction. “Where are you taking him? Let him go!” I yelled as I witnessed them dragging Reuben’s motionlessbody toward the exit of the packhouse. To my horror, Reuben was no longer responsive, and Icouldn’t discern how long he had been in that state. What I could see was that his entire body hadturned blue. “Reuben!” I screamed, shoving those wolves out of my way before rushing over to him. “Whathappened to you?” I fell to my knees and touched his face, which felt as cold as ice. “Reuben, openyour eyes,” I begged, lightly slapping his cheek. My entire body trembled in fear at his unresponsivestate. “Reuben! Please…” I continued to call out to him, trying to wake him, while Ceri attempted to connect with his wolf.However, she failed, as Reuben’s mind was eerily empty. “REUBEN!” I cried, wrapping my arms around him. The absence of Dex through our mate bond onlyintensified my panic. “What the hell did you do to him?!” I screamed at Black, glaring at him with eyes burning red as Iclutched Reuben tightly to my chest. He crushed some purple leaves in his hand and dropped them to the floor. “I was always curious asto how it would affect a werewolf. Now, I finally found a chance to use it in a live experiment,” hereplied callously. “What?” My eyes fixated on the crushed leaf, and as its alarming scent reached my nose, my heart

leapt into my throat. “Wolfsbane?” My wide eyes snapped up to Black, who wore an evil smile on his lips. The silver chains were coated with wolfsbane! That’s why Reuben was affected so severely by it hiswolf had become nonexistent, and he became unresponsive! 1/4 ד שמר#16:32 10 Chapter 94 “Why are you doing this?” My arm around Reuben’s body tightened subconsciously out of fear oflosing him, and my instinct to protect him with my life kicked in. “WHY THE HELL ARE YOU DOINGTHIS?!” I burst out in anger, tears threatening to spill from my eyes. But then, suddenly, the roomturned completely black. I came to an abrupt halt when all I could see was Black standing in front of me. He leaned downand grabbed my cheek in a punishing grip. “You brought this upon yourself!” he spat, glaring into myeyes with deadly intent. “Someone has to be held responsible for your actions, right? By choosinghim, you automatically substitute him for the punishment you are bound to receive…” he growled,his voice low yet filled with hatred, each word carving guilt into my heart and making me painfullyaware of the crimes I committed by loving Reuben and choosing him. He released my cheek, leaving it red and painful, his eyes devoid of emotion. Pulling away from me,he began to exit the packhouse while my eyes remained wide, unable to blink and struggling tobreathe. Stopping in the doorway, he shot me a meaningful glance. “The game starts now,” he declared withan evil smirk before exiting the packhouse. What did he mean by the game starts now? With his departure, the dark that had flooded the roomaround me returned to normal. Suddenly, my body regained its strength, and I became aware of my surroundings. The monstrouswolves that had been holding silver chains were no longer present. However, as I looked down atmy hand where I had clutched Reuben to my chest, he had disappeared too!

“Reuben!” I panicked, staring at my empty hands in disbelief as the realization hit me that he hadtaken Reuben away. “REUBEN!” I screamed, rushing out of the packhouse in hopes of catchingthem, only to be met with an empty yard. How was this possible? The royal wolves and Black, noneof them were there it was almost as if they never existed. Where did he take my Reuben?“REUBEN!” I screamed again, turning in all directions, but all I got in response was deafeningsilence. “Reuben,” I whispered, tears streaming down my cheeks as I covered my mouth with both hands.What had just happened? Everything had been normal, and we had been living happily together justhalf an hour ago, but now… “They are going to execute him…” I was going to lose my soulmate, and there was nothing I could do about it. His execution wastaking place under a royal decree. Even if I went to the King and explained that Reuben wasinnocent, no one would believe me, especially when Alpha Benjamin had testified against him. 2/4 Chapter 94 “How could Alpha Benjamin lie?” I exclaimed, gripping my hair as my heart pounded wildly in mychest. “Why would he do it?” My mind raced with a thousand possibilities for the Alpha’s actions, butno matter the reason, it had cost me my mate’s life. The mere thought of losing Reuben sent meinto a frenzy. Clasping my fists at my sides, I refused to accept the idea of losing Reuben. He couldn’t die, I wasdetermined to save him. Wiping away my tears, I hurried back into the packhouse and mind-linkedMia, instructing her to come to the packhouse immediately. I quickly searched for my car keys, and as I turned Mia had just entered the living room. “Willow,what’s wrong? You called me in such a hurry. Is everything all right?” she asked, her expressionfilled with concern. “Mia, I don’t have time to explain but I have a favor to ask,” I said urgently. “Tell me!” she exclaimed. “Please take care of Wyatt and Lori for me. Oran and Bix are not in the pack at the moment either,so please don’t leave my children until I return. You will be staying at the packhouse,” I instructed. novelbin

“Alright,” she nodded, and I quickly passed by her. “But where are you going?” she yelled after me. I paused with clenched fists. “To Wade Moon!” With that, I stormed out of the packhouse and droveaway at full speed. I had to visit Alpha Benjamin and ask him why he framed Reuben. I needed to gather evidence toprove Reuben’s innocence before it was too late. Once the Alpha King realized that Reuben wasnot responsible for those mysterious attacks, I could save him. “But what if we can’t find any evidence?” Ceri asked. As she asked, my hand tightened on thesteering wheel. I took a deep breath and held my foot down on the accelerator even more. “Then… the King betterwatch his back because I’ll bring Reuben back even if it costs me my life!” I growled, about to crossthe territory in a matter of minutes when I received a mind-link from Bix. “Willow, I caught an intruder when I was reentering the territory,” Bix informed me, surprising me. “Please handle it on your own, Bix. I’m in a hurry, Reuben is…” I began, but Bix 3/4 Chapter 94 interrupted me. “I can’t handle it when the intruder is calling your name. They are refusing to speak to anyone elsebut you no matter the consequences,” he explained urgently. Frowning in surprise at the intruder’s insistence on meeting me, I asked, “Who are they?” Just as Iquestioned, Bix standing at the border, came into view but he wasn’t alone. He was with theintruder. My eyes widened when I saw who it was. I immediately slammed my foot on the brakes and got out of thecar in a panic. “Sky?”

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