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Chapter 73

Chapter 73 Willow In the afternoon, I had set the dining table with all of Wyatt and Lori’s favorite foods. Since we hadcome to Emerald Bright pack, they had learned to eat food made by omegas, which was a gooddevelopment in their habits, but they still craved the food made by me. Just as I finished with thesalad and juice, both of their voices echoed throughout the pack house. “Mommyyyyy…” I immediately turned to look at the door, where they both dashed inside the dining room, followingmy scent. I immediately knelt down and spread my arms to hug both of them tightly. “Mummy, you’re finally back!” they exclaimed together excitedly, hugging me back. “Yes, I’m back to my babies,” I smiled, squeezing both of their soft little figures tightly against me tocalm my heart after losing them in the restaurant in Miami. Only I knew how scared I was when Iwas taken and my children were left behind alone. Thankfully, Reuben showed up in time, and theywere back in safe hands. They were living and going to kindergarten well in my absence withoutknowing any mess that was so good to know, “Did you miss mommy?” I kissed both of theirforeheads, hardly holding back my emotions. “Yes, we missed mommy a lot,” Wyatt spread his short arms to show me how much he missed me. I laughed, rubbing his head. “Mommy, missed you two too,” “Mommy, where is daddy?” Lori blinked her big watery eyes. As she asked about Reuben, my eyes slowly went to the stairs. Since Reuben brought me insidethe packhouse, he had been in his office with Oran and Bix. He had asked me to stay at home, so Idid not know what was happening outside or what happened to Alpha Adam or Ella. However, afterwhat took place outside, the whole pack had turned silent, as if everyone was dead. It was anobvious reaction from others after seeing Reuben’s dark side. “Daddy is busy upstairs with Uncle Oran and Uncle Bix,” I glanced back at my children and smiled.“He will come to meet you soon. For now, go and wash your hands and change clothes. I havemade tasty food for both of you,” I grinned. They nodded and obediently left for their bedroom upstairs. Later, when they returned to the dining

room, they started telling me about their kindergarten activities while eating, and I sat there listening to them while waiting for Reuben so we could eattogether. “Mummy, how was your vacation?” Lori excitedly asked. “Vacation?” I blinked. “Yeah, daddy said he couldn’t join us in Miami, so he was taking you for the vacation. How was it?Did you have fun?” she explained what Reuben had told both of them while dropping them back atthe pack that day. The memories of our running, chasing, and steamy night crossed my mind, causing my ears to turnred. I cleared my throat a little and nodded, “Yeah, it was fun.” My cheeks turned red and hot, and Iquickly grabbed a glass of water to calm myself. He was really a good liar and it helped me thistime. After the children finished their food and left to play, I continued waiting for Reuben for lunch.However, even after three hours had passed, he did not come downstairs. Realizing he was busy, Idecided not to mind-link him and went to my bedroom to fold my laundry. That’s when I heardimpatient footsteps approaching my bedroom, and the next moment, Mia burst into the room. “Oh my G od. You’re finally back, Willow!” Mia exclaimed, pulling me into a tight, happy hug. “You’rereally good at running away and playing with Alpha’s heart!” She teasingly blamed me. “I’m sorry to worry you again,” I said, pulling away from her a little and giving her an apologeticsmile. “It’s alright, my dear Luna!” She grinned evilly, glancing at the mark on my neck. My hand instinctively moved to the mark on my neck, and I felt my cheeks heat up as sheaddressed me with a title that seemed far beyond my reach. “Stop it. Don’t call me that,” I protested. “Girl! What do you mean, stop?” she exclaimed dramatically, pulling me to sit on the bed with her.“It’s not just me; the whole pack is now calling you Luna!” “Really?” I gasped. “Yeah, everyone saw that Ella and the Alpha are no longer engaged. The Alpha has marked you,and he brought you to this pack house. That’s enough for any sane person to understand yournovelbin

position in the Alpha’s heart and in this pack,” she explained. I bit my lip, feeling a mixture of panic and restlessness swirling in my heart. I never imagined I’dhave to face such a situation in my life. My goal was simply to be with Reuben from the start,nothing more. Growing up with a lot of uncertainty, I had learned to be content with small things andnot to harbor grand dreams. “Why do you look so nervous? If it were any other girl, she’d be on cloud nine,” Mia laughed, clearlyseeing through my façade. managed a nervous, barely audible laugh in response. “I just… I’m not ready for this much change,Mia. It’s all happening so suddenly. I mean…” I trailed off, unable to articulate my feelings, but shenodded in understanding. “I know. You’re not prepared for such big changes, but you were destined for this path from thebeginning, Willow,” she said, smiling and squeezing my hand. “When the goddess paired you withthe Alpha, she had big things in mind for you.” Her words carried a simple yet profound meaning, weighing heavily on me. I just gave a slight nod,my mind swirling with too many thoughts and emotions to fully grasp at that moment. “By the way, it seems the misunderstanding between you and the Alpha has been resolved. Whatare your plans now?” There was a hint of curiosity in Mia’s eyes. “Yes, the misunderstanding has been resolved, but there’s been a six-year gap in our relationship,and the definition of it has changed too. There are a lot of things I need to figure out, and withoutthem, I can’t fully accept this reality. I’d feel like something was missing between Reuben and me.That’s why I’ve decided to take it slowly,” I explained, pouring out what was in my heart. Mia nodded in understanding even though she could not grasp the full meaning behind my words.In reality, I wanted to figure out the events and truth of these past years that I had missed aboutReuben’s life. “Alright. You and the Alpha know best. The third person has nothing to say. And thatthird person is already gone. Actually, she’s disappeared,” she added, clearly indicating Ella. “She disappeared?” I gasped. Ella wasn’t someone who would just run away from a situation. “Well, actually, I wasn’t in the pack when Alpha Adam and Ella’s confrontation took place in the

clearing. I was at college, and then I went straight to pick up the kids. But I heard from some packmembers that after Alpha left with you to the packhouse, Alpha Adam was taken back to Opal MoonPack by his Beta. He should be alive, but there are also rumors circulating that Alpha Reuben didn’tburn down the Opal Moon Pack. However, no one knows where Ella is. She just vanished,” Mia shrugged hershoulders, adding to the mystery surrounding Ella’s disappearance. Ella actually owned a grand house in the Emerald Bright Pack, so her disappearance was just asstrange to me. As for Reuben’s decision not to burn down the Opal Moon Pack, it didn’t surprise memuch. No matter how angry he might be, he wouldn’t resort to taking innocent lives or destroyingtheir homes. I believed that later he probably communicated through the mind-link with his wolves toensure they understood not to harm the pack, after he showed Ella the consequences of heractions. “Now, don’t dwell on Ella. Focus on yourself. The pack now has their Luna, so get ready to facetheir excitement,” Mia chuckled. Something in her words triggered a memory within me, and I looked up at her. “Mia, how come packmembers are cool and accepting of me as their Luna when I’m an Omega?”“So, what if you’re an Omega?” Mia blinked, puzzled for a moment, before something triggered hermemory. “Ohh… you haven’t been in the pack for six years, so you’re not familiar with a lot ofchanges. Actually, since Alpha Reuben took over five years ago, he’s made a lot of changes to thelaws, including those related to Omegas. Now, Omegas are equal to every other pack member.They’re not seen as low-ranking like they were six years ago, and they can even be in relationshipswith higher-ranking wolves. Things are completely different in the Emerald Bright Pack now.” My eyes widened in disbelief. “How is that possible? Weren’t those rules and laws made byReuben’s father, Alpha Louis? Even though Reuben took over his position, how could he justremove those rules for Omegas?” I gave Mia a puzzled look, but her expression suddenly changed.She looked away from me and remained silent. She was definitely hiding something from me. “Mia,” I called her. “Hm?” She looked up at me.

“Since I’ve returned to the pack, I haven’t seen Alpha Louis around. I’ve only seen Alpha in the mallone day, I was honestly afraid of his reaction when he saw Wyatt, Lori, Reuben, and me together,but Alpha’s response was very strange to me. I understand he passed his position to Reuben, butthis is still his home, right? So why doesn’t he live here? And why does no pack member talk abouthim like he doesn’t exist? I wonder why,” I expressed all the doubts and observations that had beennagging at me.

Mia’s lips parted slightly, and she gave me a guilty look for a moment before biting her lip andshaking her head. “There are a few things that we’re not allowed to talk about, Willow. AndAlphLouis is one of those topics. I’m afraid you’ll have to uncover the past on your own her voicewas low and filled with fear. For some reason, when she said it, my heart was unsettled.

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