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Chapter 6

Chapter 6 Willow “Nothing.” I whispered, locking my eyes with Reuben.. Hearing me his eyes darkened, his expression turning devilish. “Oran!” he suddenly yelled for hisBeta, who had been standing at a distance like an invisible presence all along. Alarmed, I lookedtoward Oran to find him swiftly picking up Wyatt and Lori in his arms and striding away. “Mommy!” “Mommy!!” Both Wyatt and Lori screamed, squirming to get free from Oran’s firm grip. But they wereno match to a tall strong man. Oran effortlessly carried both children as though they were feathers. “Wait! I won’t let you take them!” I screamed as I desperately tried to free myself from Reuben’sgrasp. My attempts were futile, his hold on me too strong and tight, “Let me go! Let me go!!” “Let you go so that you could run away from me again?!” Reuben’s voice boomed, resonatingacross the balcony with an ecric intensity. “How dare you run away from me, Willow?” His griptightened as he drew me closer, his eyes burning with intensity. “How could you ignore my love andleave without a word? You fled even after seeing me at the airport! Do you have any idea what thepast six years have been like without you?!” “It was you who betrayed me, Reuben!” I screamed, wrenching myself free from his grasp. “Youchose to obtain the Alpha position over being with me. You couldn’t accept my unexpectedpregnancy and basically accused me of cheating on you,” I pointed out, my emotions in disarray.Never in my whole life had I expected that I would be talking about the most painful moment of mylife. “What?” His brows furrowed. “I was betrayed, rejected, and abandoned. What else did you expect from me?” My voice trembledwith the hurt of the past. The memory of that full moon night, discovering Reuben’s engagement toan Alpha’s daughter still haunted me. The dreams. that I had woven with him six years ago beingshattered, left scars so deep that I hadn’t been able to forget it for even a second. My soul waswounded and having him reappear in my life only opened those old wounds again.

“When did I ask you to leave me? Did I even reject you, Willow?” Suddenly, he was close to meagain, his voice turning into a growl, “You should have waited for me!” His wolf eyes bore into mine,filled with intensity. “You should have waited for my return 2 Chapter 6 instead of leaving me. You shouldn’t have hidden from me all these years, Willow. Moreimportantly…” he paused, gripping my hair and pulling me closer to his face. “You shouldn’t havehidden my children from me,” his breath warm against my skin. When he mentioned Wyatt and Lorihis eyes held very different emotions. “They are not your children,” I retorted, staring right into his eyes. “They are…” he murmured, feeling the bond with Wyatt and Lori the moment they met. Now, seeingthem with me, he was certain. “They are my flesh and blood. They are a part of me. They are mychildren…” “That you rejected from before they were even born,” I cut him off sharply. Reuben froze, his grip onmy hair faltering as my words struck a chord within him. “You rejected your own child before theywere even born, Reuben. You lost them at that moment when you said that they were not yours.You lost any opportunity that you had to be called their father!” I pulled away, my eyes slightly moistand tinged with red, “So let me go.” “Impossible…” Reuben murmured, closing the distance between us. “There’s no way I’m letting yougo, Willow,” he growled, his aura becoming sharper. “I’m already gone.” I declared, stepping back. “And I’m never coming back…” I whispered, holdinghis gaze for a moment before turning to leave. This whole diabolical plot on his part had to end here. The story that had concluded six years agocouldn’t be restarted. I needed to get away from him. As I neared the doorway, two strong handsturned me around and pinned me against a nearby wall. I gasped in surprise, meeting Reuben’s eyes. “If you’re gone, I’ll bring you back, Willow,” he gentlypressed his body against mine. “If you’re never coming back, then I’ll steal you away from yourself,Willow,” he softly trailed a hand behind my neck, whispering near my lips. “I’ll do anything to reclaim

you, but you can’t run away from me now, mate…” My eyes widened, my heart racing at his words. I tightly clutched my dress, trying to steady myheartbeat as his obsessively possessive gaze met mine. My wolf was also stunned in my mindwhen she heard him call us mate. Tearing my large eyes away from him, he glanced at my parted lips. Just as his breath brushed mylips, I lifted a hand to his chest. “You can never win me back, Reuben,” I shoved him away. “I hateyou,” I declared, then turned and walked away from him. Walking down the empty hallway and quickly returned to the ball. I closed my eyes for a moment,trying to rein in my emotions. What did he mean when he said that he would not let me run awayagain? My fists clenched at my sides. We meant nothing to each other. Why did he want anything todo with me six years after he rejected me anyway, especially when… when he was married tosomeone else? 19:08 Wed, 28 Feb Chapter 6 My wolf growled within my mind, furious. No, I couldn’t let myself be played by him again. I refusedto let Reuben take Wyatt and Lori from me! Following Wyatt and Lori’s scents, I arrived at the banquet area where I found them seated inchairs, Oran offering them a glass of juice with a smile. They shook their heads, not wanting toaccept anything from a stranger. “Mommy!” Wyatt and Lori noticed me approaching and rushed over to me. “Are you okay?” Wyatt asked. “I’m fine,” I smiled, holding their heads to my chest. “Let’s go,” turning away, I left the ball without abackward glance. Having them back in my arms brought a sense of relief. Once we were back inthe hotel room, I couldn’t help but hold my children tightly. “Mommy, we only came to the ball so that we could give you the invitation that you had dropped inthe room,” Wyatt clarified. “We were not being naughty and were going to return to the room rightaway!” A small smile appeared on my lips. I just remained silent, hugging their warm little bodies.

“Mommy…what’s wrong?” Wyatt and Lori asked together, hugging me back with their little arms. I pulled away from them and shook my head, “Nothing, mommy is just so happy to have both of youin her life,” my voice shook with emotions. I kissed both of their heads. and said, “Let’s grab ourluggage and go to grandpa’s pack now.” “Yay! We are finally going to grandpa’s pack!” Lori jumped in excitement as they both raced to grabtheir bags. I smiled at the sight of them bringing out my luggage. We were supposed to stay at thehotel tonight but not anymore. I couldn’t risk staying in this hotel any longer and couldn’t wait forBeta Ken to show up in the morning to take us to the Wade Moon Pack. Grabbing my luggage, I exited the hotel with my children. Outside the hotel, the taxi stood waitingfor us as I had called in advance. Wyatt and Lori jumped into the taxi while the driver put ourluggage in the trunk. Still standing outside, I messaged Beta Ken about our impending arrival before putting the phoneaway then I felt someone’s eyes on me. I slowly turned to the hotel, unconsciously my eyes went tothe terrace where I found a dark figure standing dangerously close to the edge, watching me. “Mommy, let’s go!” Lori called out. I tore my eyes away from the terrace and climbed into the taxiwithout looking back. 19:08 Wed, 28 Feb Chapter 6 SEND GIFTnovelbin

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