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Chapter 58

Chapter 58 “Why is her phone switched off?” Walter murmured to himself, frustration mounting as he repeatedlydialed Willow’s number. For the past fifteen minutes, he had been searching all over the packterritory, but neither she nor the children were anywhere to be found. He had only returned this timeto bid her a proper goodbye, yet she had vanished without a trace. Continuing his search, Walter soon found himself re-entering the Thanksgiving party, despite hisdisdain for being among werewolves. His concern for Willow outweighed any discomfort as hescanned the gathering in hopes of locating her. However, amidst the festivities Walter noticed an unusual level of excitement among the packmembers. They were discussing something fervently, but he hadn’t paid much attention until a keyphrase caught his ears. “Alpha Reuben and Alpha Ella’s wedding date is set for this coming full moon!” Those words struck Walter like a bolt of lightning, causing him to pause abruptly. His mind wentblank for a couple of seconds as he processed the unexpected news. “Reuben is going to marry Ella? But what about Willow?” Walter’s mind raced with confused anger. Clenching his fists in fury, he muttered angrily to himself, “Reuben betrayed Willow! All of his claimsturned out to be lies, he chose another woman over Willow.” Walter had accepted the fact that Willow loved Reuben, but this betrayal was too much to bear. Hisblood boiled with rage as his hand instinctively reached into his jacket to grab a silver dagger.However, before he could follow through on his actions a deafening roar shattered the party,freezing everyone in their tracks. “What the heck is going on, who is spreading these rumors?!” Bix entered the party, glaring at thepeople. A dead silence fell over the party, and everyone, except Walter, lowered their heads. “Ga mma Bix, no one is spreading rumors,” a man stepped forward. “The Alpha’s wedding date toElla has been announced. They are marrying on this full moon.”

Bix was stunned for a second before he demanded, “Who said that?” Everyone started to look around for the man who had come out of the packhouse with the news, butno one could find him. Then the man spoke again. “An Elder from the royal family has arrived withan imperial decree containing this news.” “Imperial decree?” Bix frowned at the seriousness of the matter, “Which Elder?” he raised hiseyebrows. “Elder Frank,” someone said./ “What?!” Walter noticed the 180-degree change in Bix’s expression as soon as Elder Frank’s name was 1/5 2 تـ+5 Chapter 58 mentioned. 1 “F uck! Where is Elder Frank and where is Reuben?!” Bix yelled, his suddenly aggressive and wildattitude scaring everyone around them. Sensing that something was not right, Walter walked over to Bix and asked, momentarily forgettingtheir prior hostility, “What’s wrong?” Bix opened his mouth, but no words came out as he stared at the packhouse that the Elder haddisappeared into with Reuben, his eyes wide with shock. Six years ago, Bix’s father held the esteemed position of being the G amma of the Emerald BrightPack while it was under Alpha Louis’s leadership. This role entrusted him with the crucialresponsibility of overseeing the entire security of the pack, which included monitorin camerasstrategically positioned throughout the pack territory. the CCTV Aside from Bix’s father, only Bix himself had access to this security system. It was through this

access that Bix had stumbled upon the distressing footage of Willow being abused and harassed byElder Frank. Everys, he would meticulously edit the footage of the area around Willow’s house whenever Reuben paid her a visit. However, his routine took a drastic turn when he discovered the shockingfootage of her being mistreated. He knew he had to do something about it. With no authority himself and Reuben’s current absence, he made the difficult decision to confide inhis father about the Elder’s reprehensible behavior that had crossed the line. Unfortunately, evenhis father, who had his own sense of justice, found his hands tied in this situation. The Elderinvolved happened to be one of the royals, making the predicament even more complex andchallenging to address. Bix was stunned when his father instructed him to handle the matter discreetly and delete theincriminating clip himself. Unbeknownst to Bix, the Elder had returned directly to the palace to confront Reuben, revealing thathe had seen him with Willow and was aware of their relationship. Hoping to exploit this vulnerability,the Elder aimed to manipulate Reuben. However, his scheme took an unexpected turn, the Elderhadn’t realized that Willow wasn’t Reuben’s weakness; she was his source of strength. “Did you tell father about her?” Reuben’s voice cut through the tension, his gaze piercing Frank’s soul. my Pressed mercilessly against the wall by Reuben, Frank felt the weight of impending doom. With hisneck in danger of being snapped in two, he struggled to find his voice amidst the fear and pain.“N…no…” he managed to choke out, his breaths ragged and desperate, realizing the enormity ofhis mistake in that harrowing moment. Reuben released his grip on Frank’s neck, causing Frank’s body to plummet to the floor with aviolent thud. Gasping for air and coughing uncontrollably, Frank came to the realization that ifReuben hadn’t loosened his grip in time, he would have been dead. He had just narrowly escapeddeath’s door, the sudden shift in his circumstances left him reeling. How had things changed so suddenly? He had intended to exploit Reuben’s secret relationship with

2/5 14:03 Sat, 2 Mar GFR · Chapter 58 39% an Omega to his advantage, but now he found himself on the brink of death. As the terror andreality of his pathetic condition sank in, Frank flinched at the sight of Reuben squatting down in frontof him. +5 “Now that you’ve discovered her, let me share a secret with you, Elder Frank,” Reuben’s voiceresonated low and deep, sending a gaze away chill down the old man’s spine. Frank I couldn’t tear his from Reuben’s dangerous wolf-like eyes, his own wolf quivering in fear. “That woman is not an ordinary woman,” Reuben continued, each word weighted with “She is my treasure,” he declared, his voice unwavering. “She is my life,” Reuben affirmed, his conviction palpable. $15nce. “She is my soulmate,” he concluded, his words carrying a weight that reverberated through thetense air between them. Reuben’s revelation left Frank paralyzed with shock. His eyes widened like an owl’s, his mouthgaping in horror. Soulmate?! The realization hit him like a ton of bricks, draining the color from hisalready wounded and blo ody face. The woman he had labeled a wh ore was actually the other half of the royal bloodline?! It seemedimpossible, yet the truth stared him in the face, mocking his ignorance. Suddenly, memories of hisown actions flooded his mind like a tidal wave. The slap, the insults, the despicable acts ofmolestation he had inflicted upon Willow came crashing back, and he felt a surge of panic.Thankfully, he realized that he hadn’t let any of his atrocious actions slip to Reuben earlier.However, standing before the imposing Alpha, Frank couldn’t shake the feeling that he might as well

have surrendered his own soul to the devil after his reprehensible deeds. “Now that you know all my secrets…” Reuben paused, wiping the blood from his hand on thetrembling Elder’s royal robe. “From now on, if anyone-anyone, including my father-finds out aboutWillow or my bond with her, I will come and find you.” “If even the slightest scratch appears on her body, then I will come and find you,” Reuben’s voiceheld a dangerously sharp edge. “If you ever show your face around her, even accidentally, I will come and find you,” Reubendeclared firmly, his gaze piercing into the old man’s fearful eyes. “Do you understand?” Frank nodded his head repeatedly, his head moving like it was on a spring, despite the paincoursing through him. He was so terrified of Reuben that, at that moment, if Reuben had demandedhis heart in exchange for his life, Frank would have willingly torn it from his chest without hesitationto save himself. Only Frank knew the sheer terror of surviving the beast’s claws that day. From then on, he madesure to never cross paths with Reuben nor did he utter a word about their encounter. With theblessing of the Alpha King, he swiftly transferred his job to that of a pacemaker, a role that kept himaway from the Kingdom and beyond scrutiny unless the King personally wished otherwise. Running inside the packhouse alongside Bix, Walter questioned, “So what’s the problem now?Wasn’t that issue already settled, he never disclosed Reuben and Willow’s relationship?” 3/5 Sat, 2 Mar 14:03 Chapter 58 38% +5 Bix shook his head, “Actually, the problem is before my father deleted that clip from the CCTVfootage that day I had already saved a copy of it. When Reuben returned to the pack two monthslater, I showed him that clips Walter was stunned into silence as they continued running, that was when the realization hit him likenovelbin

a ton of bricks as they approached Reuben’s office. “Does this mean that all these years, Reubenknew about Frank’s actions towards Willow, and he had been waiting for the Elder’s return like asnake hidden in the grass?” Bix nodded, “The Elder actually walked in the devil’s den!” he said as both he and Walter stormedinto Reuben’s office only to freeze in shock at the sight of Elder Frank’s body partially strung up inthe middle of the room with a large iron rod stabbed through his throat. His entire face wasdisfigured, his intestines were hanging out, and his figure could barely be called human. In front of him a bl oody Reuben stood leaning against his desk, a smoking imperial decree layburning between them. Bix rushed into the room in panic, “Reuben, you burnt the imperial decree!” There was no one that did not know the consequences of disobeying or denying the imperial decreelet alone burning it! “So what?” Reuben raised his dark eyes at him. “Nothing can force me to marry someone that is notWillow,” his eyes filled with obsessive craziness. His words left Walter confused, “What do you mean?! DId you not agree to marry Ella, your weddingdate is fixed for this coming full moon?” 1914 “Who the f uck said that?” Reuben frowned. “Why would I f ucking agree to such nonsense?! I have Willow.” Bix’s throat went dry and he took a step back that did not go unnoticed by Reuben’s sharp eyes.“What’s the matter?” he demanded, his expression looking more dangerously aggressive with thesplashes of blood. “Someone announced a while ago that you and Ella’s wedding date is fixed for this coming fullmoon. That you take her, as your Luna on that day.” Reuben’s expression darkened as he crushed the cigarette in his hand, “Where is Willow?” Hisvoice was low but the danger beneath it was clearly audible. “Reuben!!” That’s when Oran raced into the room yelling, “Willow has run away with children!” Reuben’s expression changed completely at the news of Willow’s escape. He raced out of thepackhouse to the parking lot where Willow’s car really was missing, he could no longer smell her in

the pack. His eyes landed on the broken necklace on the ground, his mind went blank. “WILLOW!!!” he screamed at the top of his lungs burning in anger and his eyes red. Crushing thenecklace in his hand, he spoke, “You should not have run away from me. You should not have!” | 4/5

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