God Of War Returns as a Daddy

Chapter 74 Weird Colored Glaze Holy Water! Dad, Help Me
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Chapter 74 Weird Colored Glaze Holy Water!Dad, Help me

His hat was low in the brim. Luis Sanchez was standing, and he wassitting. When Luis looked down, all he could see was his neck and chin,not his eyes.

His skin was dark and bronzed!

He just sat there and did not move. Luis, standing next to him, couldclearly feel an unspeakable chill that made his heart tremble and makehim uneasy!

That was murderous!

If a person killed a lot of people, then his mannerisms would have theirown intimidating murderous spirit!

This man, Bernardo Mason sent to Hilshire to capture Sean back toBeijing, known as Reid.

It was Reid, sent by Bernardo Mason to Hilshire to bring Sean back tothe Capital City.

At the other end of the sofa lay a four-year-old girl. She wasunconscious, as if she were asleep, but her face was serene. So far,she had not been harmed in any way.

Who else would it be but Phyllis?

Luis Sanchez took a double look at Phyllis and steeled himself, "Mr.Reid, when you asked me to kidnap Cecilia's daughter, did you want tothreaten Sean with her?"


Luis Sanchez was worried. "She is Cecilia's illegitimate daughter, withsome wild man, and is not related to Sean. Sean only got engaged toCecilia yesterday morning, so he probably won't care if they live or die."Five years ago, led by the Mason family of the Capital City behind thescenes, three families in the south of the city jointly framed Sean forprison, the details of which was only known by the Mason family of theCapital City and the patriarch of the three families.

For example, it was Cecilia who was thrown into Sean's bed!

And Sean was Phyllis's biological father!

Even Owen Sanchez, Luis Sanchez's father and Hilshire's richest man,only used his connections to find out what was going on behind thescenes.

With so much at stake, Morton Miller, Michael Taylor, and Connor Scottkept the big secret to themselves. They didn't tell anyone, not eventheir son.


Luis Sanchez asked this question.

If he were to swap places with Sean, he would never accept Reid'sthreat for Phyllis, someone else's child!


Reid shook his head, his voice cracking, "In the face of absolute power,all threats are trivial. That's a mean, stupid trick only you impotent foolswould use."

"I disdain it!"novelbin

The implication was that Reid was so sure that he could take Seandown on his own, without resorting to cheap tricks!

Masters naturally had their own pride!

Luis Sanchez's mouth twitched. He certainly believed in Reid's ability,but still couldn't help but ask, “In that case, you want me to take thislittle girl for..."

“I have my own reason."

Before Luis Sanchez could ask, Reid's voice turned cold and hesnorted, "Don't ask questions you shouldn't ask. Out of the mouthcomes evil. There's no guarantee that if you ask the wrong question,you'll still have time to hear the answer you want."

With his icy voice, the temperature in the room seemed to plummet.And that kind of cold murderous atmosphere suddenly become morefull-bodied.

"Yes, okay."

Luis Sanchez reached to wipe the sweat from his brow and nodded,“Thank you for your advice."

As Reid said just now, in the face of absolute power, the so-calledmoney, power, scheming, all of them were insignificant and vulnerable.Like now!

Reid had his pride, and Luis Sanchez had his pride, too.

But Luis Sanchez's pride, built up with money and power, was fine withordinary people, but not with Reid.

Even if he was the son of Hilshire's richest man, he had to stand thererespectfully!

He couldn't help it, because Reid was strong enough and his fists werehard enough. He could have killed Luis Sanchez with one punch

"Get out of here."

Reid stood up and waved his hand impatiently, "No one goes near thisroom, or he will die.”


Not daring to ask another question, not daring to hesitate, LuisSanchez turned away.

Luis Sanchez peeked out of the corner of his eye as he walked out ofthe room and closed the door. He saw Reid walked over to Phyllis, whowas unconscious, bent down and touched her young cheek.

What the fuck?

Luis Sanchez's heart throbbed and his hand shook. He shut the door,patted his chest, took a deep breath, and thought, "Was he..."

"Does Mr. Reid have a thing for little girls?"

He was creeped out at the thought!

Luis Sanchez, however, saw only the beginning, not the end. When heleft, Reid took Phyllis's chin in his hand and studied her young cheek.Then he shook his head and said to himself, "She is so young andcute. What a pity."

“It's always been my policy not to kill old people, women and children.”“Today, I'm afraid, is an exception.”

With that, he released his hand, reached into his chest, and pulled outa small porcelain bottle. Then he pulled out a syringe the size of hispinky finger.

Then he flicked the cork off the small porcelain bottle and inserted theneedle of the syringe. He gently pulled, and the syringe immediatelyinhaled some strange blood-red liquid.

This is the legend Colored Glaze Holy Water!

It was precious!

Reid then reached over and ripped Phyllis's neckline to reveal her rightshoulder. Without hesitation, he plunged the needle into the syringeand gently pushed the blood-red fluid into Phyllis's body.

He said as he pushed, "The only thing you can blame is that you arethe daughter of the Young Mr. Mason. The Mason family runs throughyou."

Soon, the syringe was empty.

Reid put away the syringe, stood up, and deadpanned, "For the next 12hours, you're at god's mercy. You either die, or when I catch the YoungMr. Mason, I'll bring you back to the Capital City with me, and you'llwish you were dead!"

Then he turned and left the dark room.

The unconscious Phyllis moved her fingers and her brow furrowed, as ifin pain or in a terrible nightmare. Her little mouth opened and shemurmured dreamily, "Dad, I'm in pain..."

"Dad, I'm scared...”

"Dad, help me..."

Reid had reached the door and heard Phyllis muttering in pain. Still,there was nothing stirring in his dark, cold face.

He turned a deaf ear!


With a small bang, Reid disappeared completely and the door wasclosed by him. The whole room fell into darkness again, leaving Phyllislying alone on the sofa, silently bearing the endless pain caused byColored Glaze Holy Water...

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