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Chapter 749

749 Enhanceable Divine Artifact— Regal Sacred Dao Sword!

Alright, it was actually acceptable.

The profits from the Monster Ranch’s Mist Cores this morning alone had reached nearly 30 million

Legendary-Tier Mist Cores after all!

It was naturally not a problem to take out a third to buy a Master God-Tier talent.

Zhou Zhou did not waste his breath. He took out a Spatial Ring and threw it to Zhou Chengmin.

“Boss is generous!”

Zhou Chengmin took it and read it. Then, a smile immediately appeared on his face.

Zhou Zhou did not reply and left with the three goods.

In a study room in the Advance Grade Lord’s Paradise.

In a cultivation room.

Zhou Zhou looked at the three goods he had just brought back from the Lord Shop and naturally

ignored the Yellow Gold-Tier Advance Grade accessory.

He also casually put away the growth weapon, the Ghost God Demon Slaying Halberd, prepared to

reward any general he liked with it in the future.

Then, his gaze landed on the last Summon the Immortal Sword Talent Crystal.

Zhou Zhou picked up the Talent Crystal and took a deep breath. Then, he chanted to absorb it.

The next second, the golden Talent Crystal suddenly shattered into countless golden light spots and

flew into Zhou Zhou’s glabella.

Zhou Zhou was already familiar with this scene. He watched calmly as the light spots fused into his

glabella and fused with the soul in his glabella sea of consciousness.

Zhou Zhou’s sea of consciousness was enveloped in a vast chaotic airflow, revealing a chaotic color.

His soul was also chaotic. At this moment, he was sitting cross-legged in the center of the chaotic

airflow, allowing it to revolve around him. From time to time, it would rush into his soul and turn into

nourishment for his soul to grow.

This scene looked as if Zhou Zhou’s soul was a Chaos Ancient God guarding the Chaos.

After the golden light fused into the soul body, Zhou Zhou’s originally chaotic soul actually emitted a

faint golden light.

At this moment…

A sudden mutation occurred!

A huge golden divine dragon head suddenly broke through the chaotic airflow and appeared in front of

Zhou Zhou.

Zhou Zhou looked at it calmly.

The unknown golden divine dragon head also lowered its head and looked down at him.

“Who are you?”

Zhou Zhou asked.

“You are qualified to know my name.”

“I am the number one dragon in the world…”

“Regal Dragon—Ao Zun.”

The Regal Dragon—Ao Zun looked at Zhou Zhou with his golden and dignified dragon eyes and said in

a rumbling voice.

Zhou Zhou’s body trembled.

Regal Dragon—Ao Zun?!

The legendary dragon race!

It was an existence on the same level as the Extreme World Honored Dragon that he had seen before!

Moreover, he naturally did not forget that the Emperor Dragon Robe he was wearing was created with

this big shot’s inspiration.

‘That’s not right.’

From its words, “His” level was probably much higher than the Extreme World Honored Dragon!

Such an existence basically disdained lying, so what “He” said should be true.

“Is Your Excellency Ao Zun here for my Intrinsic Immortal Sword?”

Zhou Zhou asked.

“There’s no need to say anything else.”

“Prepare to accept your Immortal Sword.”

The Emperor Dragon—Ao Zun did not say anything else. After saying this, he suddenly roared at the



At this moment, the world shook!

With the Blazing Sun Kingdom’s territory as the center, and all the living beings in a radius of a trillion

kilometers heard this soul-shocking dragon roar in their hearts.

This dragon roar seemed to contain supreme dignity. When all the living beings heard this dragon roar,

those with weak will could not help but kneel down.

Even if one’s will was strong, they could only barely maintain not to kneel, but his face revealed

extreme shock.

“What happened?”

“Is this a dragon roar?”

“What kind of dragon can emit such a terrifying dragon roar?”

“It’s the dragon roar of the Legendary Dragon Race?! A Legendary Dragon Race has descended upon

the High Continent?!”

When the dragon roar gradually disappeared, all the living beings gradually recovered from it.

Then, they started discussing fervently.

Some life forms were puzzled, some were afraid, some were excited, and some were worried…

Of course, there were also some life forms who could tell that this dragon roar came from the legendary

Mythical-Tier dragon.

There were even some existences who could tell that this was the roar of the Emperor Dragon.

“The appearance of the Emperor Dragon…”

“Could it be… that a new Regal has appeared?!”

They muttered.

Blazing Sun Kingdom.

In Advance Grade Lord’s Paradise.

Zhou Zhou opened his eyes.

“I didn’t expect that

the talent of Summon the Immortal Sword actually attracted the appearance of a mighty figure like the

Regal Dragon.”

“Was Chi Xuantian like this back then?”

“I don’t think so…”

“Chi Xuantian’s Summon the Immortal Sword summoned the Scarlet Mystic Immortal Sword.”

“And mine is…”

Zhou Zhou raised his right hand.

A dazzling golden sword appeared in his hand.

The hilt of the golden sword was carved with a high-spirited and domineering Regal Dragon.

The sword body was like autumn water, looking reflective.

The blade was extremely sharp.

Just being exposed to the air naturally caused dark and deep spatial cracks to crack in the space

around the blade. It could not even heal.

Just as it was about to heal, it was cut into pieces by the sharp sword energy that pounced on it again.

A supreme emperor’s aura appeared from the divine sword.

He felt extremely oppressive just by approaching it.

“This is…”

“The Regal Dragon Sacred Dao Sword?”

Zhou Zhou muttered.

[Divine artifact Name: Regal Sacred Dao Sword]

[Divine artifact Grade: Legendary-Tier Elementary Grade – Enhanceable]

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[Divine Artifact Law Three— Regal Luck: As a natural Regal, your luck exceeds 90% of the life forms in

the world. You will often encounter good luck in your daily life. When you encounter danger, it will be

easier for you to turn misfortune into fortune.]novelbin

[Divine Artifact Law Four— Destiny Regal: As a natural Regal, you are extremely compatible with the

Regal Law. When comprehending the Regal Law, your comprehension ability will increase by 10


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[Prompt One: The soul has been forced to recognize you as its master. It cannot be removed.]

[Prompt Two: As the grade of the Regal Sage Dao Sword continues to increase, the effects of its

various divine artifact laws will also increase in Enhancement. It can be upgraded to a Master God-Tier

Advance Grade!]

After Zhou Zhou saw the Effect of the Regal Sage Dao Sword’s divine artifact Law, he could not help

but gasp in shock.

Then, he was overjoyed.

As expected of a Master God-Tier Lord Talent!

Not to mention giving him a divine artifact with top-notch growth potential,

The effect of this divine artifact was also extremely powerful!

There was no need to mention the abilities of the first few divine artifact Laws.

The fourth divine artifact law ability, the Destiny Regal, made Zhou Zhou unable to help but be


This was because this was the ability he needed the most!

The Regal Law was the Lord Law!

For the past two days, he had been worried about how to speed up the comprehending of the Lord’s


Now, he was actually given a buff that specialized in comprehending the Lord’s Law.

It would be strange if Zhou Zhou was not pleasantly surprised.

Not to mention the last Regal Dragon’s protection, a divine artifact Law ability.

Tsk tsk.

The Regal Dragon itself had appeared to protect him.

That was a Regal Dragon.

It was at least a Master God-Tier existence!

If “He” could personally appear to protect him, no one in the myriad worlds other than the Supreme Will

and the Crimson Overlord should be able to hurt him.

Even though he could only use the Regal Dragon’s protection once,

it would not be able to hide the power of this divine artifact law.

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