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Chapter 669

669 The Dark Martial Lord Is Removed From The Group Chat

When the Military Industry Lord said this, he could not help but want to complain.

In terms of the difficulty of adding him as a friend, His Majesty was definitely the most difficult Lord to

add as a friend among all the Cerulean Planet Lords.

If not for the fact that he had some trade relationship with the King of the Blazing Sun previously, his

friend request would probably have been deleted long ago.

Zhou Zhou was stunned.

He opened his friend request list and saw billions of friend request messages.

After a few seconds of silence, he opened the search bar and typed the names of these Lords.

Soon, he saw the friend requests of these Lords.

Moreover, it was not the first or second time they had requested it.

The most recent time was more than half an hour ago.

Zhou Zhou did not think too much about it. He approved all their applications and pulled them into a

group alone.

[Lord of The Blazing Sun: Hello, everyone!]

[Lord of The Blazing Sun: I heard from my little brother that everyone is interested in my Kingdom


[Military Industry Lord:|_?`) Hide]

[Dragon Lady Lord: Yes, I wonder if the King of the Blazing Sun is willing to sell it?]

[Black Martial Lord: King of the Blazing Sun, the entire Cerulean Planet is currently experiencing thenovelbin

crisis of the Tribulation of All Races. Only when our Cerulean Planet’s human Lords join forces and

build our own kingdom can we unite all our strength to protect ourselves. As a Lord who has done so

much with the Kingdom Token, why do you still have the intention to sell it? You should hand the

Kingdom Token to us, the top Lords of the Cerulean Planet. Only then can you minimize the losses of

the Cerulean Planet’s human race. If you ask for too much and we can’t obtain the Kingdom Token, the

human Lords of the Cerulean Planet will suffer heavy losses because they are alone and helpless in

this Tribulation of All Races. Can you bear this responsibility?!]

As soon as these words were spoken, the entire chat group fell silent.

The Military Industry Lord, the Undead Lord, the Overlord Lord, and the Dragon Lady Lord broke out in

cold sweat.

[Lord of The Blazing Sun: You’re really lucky to be alive until now with your intelligence.]

[Lord of The Blazing Sun: Show some information about the Compass of the Soul of Vengeance.]

[Lord of The Blazing Sun: Bye-bye.]

[Lord Black Martial has been moved out of the group chat.]

About 160 billion kilometers away from the Blazing Sun Kingdom.

Black Martial City.

When the Dark Martial Lord—Fan Yin saw that he had been removed from the group chat, he was first

stunned, then furious.


A golden jade cup was smashed to the ground.

“A Lord with dog luck walking in front is probably just a low-level person who earns a few thousand a

month and has no power when he returns to the Cerulean Planet. How dare he treat me like this?!”

“If you dare to do this to me on the Cerulean Planet, I’ll let your entire family live a life worse than


Fan Yin was so angry that his entire body was trembling, and his gaze was ruthless.

He was once an only child. With his family connections and doting, he controlled a lot of power in both

the underworld and the underworld.

On the Cerulean Planet.

He was a person praised by tens of thousands of people. Women, wealth, power… It could be said that

he could get whatever he wanted. Even if there were some things that he could not obtain for the time

being, he could easily obtain them with some small tricks.

Who would have thought that the Supreme Will moved countless Cerulean Planet people, including

him, to the High Continent on a whim.

At the beginning, Fan Yin, who had lost everything, felt very desperate.

However, the Subjects at the bottom obediently bow down to him with an order and he let his

subordinates snatch the beautiful daughter of a commoner for him to enjoy during the day with a casual

sentence, when there was no national law to punish him.

He suddenly fell in love with this lawless life where he made his own decisions.

This was because the supreme right to be a Lord was something he could not enjoy on the Cerulean


Even though he could almost do whatever he wanted on the Cerulean Planet, there was still a limit.

On the High Continent, as long as he did not leave his territory, coupled with the extraordinary power

given to him by the Black Martial Artist Lord Talent, he could really do whatever he wanted without any


At that moment, the Lord of The Blazing Sun appeared in his vision.

His achievements, the wealth he had, the power he controlled, and his reputation among the Lords of

the Cerulean Planet and even the Lords of all races… were all things he was very jealous of and

yearned to have.

He had once tried to add the Lord of The Blazing Sun as a friend.

It was because he wanted to use the methods he was good at to deceive the other party and transfer

everything to him.

And yet…

His request was not approved!

The Dark Martial Lord was very angry about this, but he had no choice.

Later on, the Kingdom Token was discussed.

Even though he was arrogant and domineering, he was not stupid. He naturally knew the value of the

Kingdom Token.

If he had the Kingdom Token and could build his own kingdom, the enjoyment of being a top-notch Lord

would definitely increase by hundreds or thousands of times!

Therefore, he asked his friend to find the Military Industry Lord to join this transaction.

Then, he, who was very stingy, was unwilling to pay a high price. Therefore, he wanted to use

righteousness to coerce the other party. He did not expect the other party to not fall for this at all and

directly move him out of the group chat.

“No way!”

“I definitely can’t give up on the Kingdom Token. As long as I have the Kingdom Token and build my

own kingdom, the identity, status, wealth, and everything else I have will increase by more than ten


“Now is the best time to build a kingdom. Otherwise, there will definitely not be such a good opportunity

for me to possess so many resources in advance and build a kingdom after this special period of the

Tribulation of All Races!”

Fan Yin quickly thought about it and quickly thought of the Military Industry Lord and the others.

“If they can obtain the Kingdom Token, I can try to see if I can snatch the Kingdom Token from them.”

A ruthless glint flashed across his eyes.

He was more afraid of fog monsters.

However, he was best at dealing with his fellow clansmen.

He came back to his senses.

He was about to close the chat group in front of him that could no longer speak.

Then, he saw the treasure information of the Compass of the Soul of Vengeance sent by Zhou Zhou.

“How… How can there be such a treasure?!”

When he saw the ability of this compass, his originally ruthless expression suddenly turned pale.

On the other side, in the chat group.

At this moment, no one spoke.

All the Lords in the chat group, other than Zhou Zhou, were staring fixedly at the treasure information of

the Compass of the Soul of Vengeance.

Such a treasure actually exists?

All the Lords present were terrified.

Why did someone still dare to scold the Lord of The Blazing Sun in the world channel of the Cerulean

Planet at this stage?

To put it simply, he thought that he was untouchable with this distance between them.

No matter how powerful you, the Lord of The Blazing Sun, is, are you going to come to my territory to

capture me through the Cerulean Planet’s World Channel?

Since you can’t then why should I be afraid?

I can scold anyone I want. Who cares who you like or dislike?

Such an aura was like a keyboard warrior.

The reason why this Dark Martial Lord dared to say such brainless words was partly because of his

personality and his desire to coerce Zhou Zhou.

However, the main reason was because he was not afraid that Zhou Zhou would come and take

revenge on him.

However, he never expected that Zhou Zhou actually had a treasure like the Compass of the Soul of


Therefore, he was dumbfounded.

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