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Chapter 653

653 Zhou Zhou’s Condition! The Confused Military Industry Lord!

When the Military Industry Lord mentioned discussing this matter, his face turned slightly red.

In fact, the descendants of kingdoms who had the resources of kingdoms or even heroes had originally

wanted to dominate the federal countries in the beginning.

Facing this situation, the Military Industry Lord and the others did not think of a way to deal with it at


Even in search of Survival, some of the higher-ups of the Alliance even suggested that they might as

well obey their suggestion and compromise for the time being.

In any case, who could say for sure what would happen in the future?

But at this moment, a higher-up of the Military Industry Alliance suddenly had an idea and asked if he

should pull the banner of the Lord of The Blazing Sun to boost their confidence.

Even if he did not convince the other party in the end, he might be able to fight for more benefits and


With the intention of giving it a try, they told them in the next meeting that the Lord of The Blazing Sun

was of the same race. They even thickened their skin and said that His Majesty the Blazing Sun was

actually their backer.

In the end, they were stunned.

After hearing that the Lord of The Blazing Sun was their race and backer, the attitude of these

descendants of the kingdom, who were originally quite arrogant, actually changed drastically. They

were even willing to treat him as an equal.

Only then did the Military Industry Lord and the others realize that the Lord of The Blazing Sun from the

Cerulean Planet actually had such an astonishing reputation and status in the eyes of the life forms of

the High Continent, especially the human life forms.

Lords of the Cerulean Planet were already smug that they had some Initial Acquaintance Diplomacy

with Kingdom-level forces.

He did not know that the Lord of The Blazing Sun had already achieved such a high Reputation status


On the other side, Zhou Zhou cursed in his heart when he heard the Military Industry Lord’s words.

He had to admit that he was jealous.

It was so easy to obtain the resources and heroes to build a kingdom. In comparison, his act of building

a kingdom with his own hands was simply a model among the Lords.

However, when he thought about how the Military Industry Lord would not receive any good rewards

even if he built a kingdom as the first person to eat the benefits of establishing a Kingdom-level Lord

faction, he felt much better.

He had to give others some soup, right?

Zhou Zhou reminded himself and gradually calmed down and began to think about how much benefits

this matter would bring him.

He now had five Kingdom Tokens.

Among them, he would use the Epic-Tier Elementary Grade Kingdom Token of the Ice Demon

Kingdom to build an Intermediate Kingdom in the future.

The other four Kingdom Tokens came from the four Beginner Kingdoms, Aurora Kingdom, Original

Tahan, Original Titan, and Original Nether Bark.

He could sell one to the other party.

In any case, there was no point in keeping it.

As for using the additional Kingdom Token to build an additional kingdom as his subsidiary kingdom,

this was not beneficial to him at all.

If he had the time and energy, he might as well focus on developing the Blazing Sun Kingdom.

Zhou Zhou thought for a moment and typed:

[Lord of The Blazing Sun: I can sell you a Kingdom Token, but what can you give me?]

After Zhou Zhou sent it, he waited for a long time before the other party sent a message.

[Military Industry Lord: What does His Majesty want?]

[Lord of The Blazing Sun: What do you have?]

[Military Industry Lord: We have recently figured out a portion of the manufacturing process for nuclear

level Arms. After appraising it, we realized that it has the destructive power of a Low-Tier Deity. I

wonder if Your Majesty needs it?]

The Military Industry Lord was a little helpless when he raised this condition.

This was originally their greatest trump card.

However, the industrial foundation needed to make a nuclear weapon was too much and too broad.

Coupled with the current situation, he could only use it as a bargaining chip, hoping that the other partynovelbin

would take a fancy to it. Zhou Zhou was a little surprised.

He actually created Arms of that level so quickly.

Zhou Zhou thought for a moment and typed:

[Lord of The Blazing Sun: Not enough.]

[Lord of The Blazing Sun: What you’re talking about is just a half-finished product. It’s not even a half-

finished product. It’s just a production method. Its production requires very professional talents. I don’t

have anyone in this field. I can’t make it even if you give it to me. I can, but this alone isn’t enough.]

Zhou Zhou had the Ultimate Lord, Zhou Zhou, Wen Ya, and a series of robot armies. After obtaining

the production method and gathering enough materials, there was a high chance of making nuclear


However, he naturally could not expose his background so easily.

He would bargain first.

[Military Industry Lord: I knew His Majesty wouldn’t fancy such things… There’s another benefit. After

the Holy Army Kingdom is established, our Holy Army Kingdom and the Cerulean Planet Lord of the

Military Industry Alliance under my command will follow His Majesty the Blazing Sun’s lead in the


[Military Industry Lord: If Your Majesty needs any Cerulean Planet Technology Arms, we can provide

complete and detailed manufacturing blueprints and corresponding military manufacturing talents for


[Military Industry Lord: We can also become His Majesty’s substitute factory. If His Majesty needs

orders for Cerulean Planet Arms, we can provide Arms manufacturing and later maintenance services

to His Majesty at an absolute cost price!]

[Military Industry Lord: In addition, if you encounter the Lord’s territory of our Military Industry Alliance

during the development of your territory, the Lord of our Military Industry Alliance can directly give up

his status as a Lord and offer the territory to you with both hands.]

Zhou Zhou raised his eyebrows.

This Military Industry Lord was really willing to spend a lot of money.

[Lord of The Blazing Sun: Can you make decisions for those two sides?]

[Military Industry Lord: I have to make a decision even if you can’t… Now is not the time to be willful.]

Zhou Zhou was silent.

It seemed that the Military Industry Alliance was really not in a good situation.


[Lord of The Blazing Sun: It’s still not enough.]

The Military Industry Lord originally thought that his sacrifice was great enough, but when he saw Zhou

Zhou’s reply, he could not help but feel angry no matter how good his temper was.

Wasn’t His Majesty of the Blazing Sun going too far?

He had already given him everything he could, but this Emperor of The Blazing Sun was still not


He already had the thought of retreating.

He no longer had any other assets after all.

However, at most, he would discuss with the other top Cerulean Planet Lords and see if they could join


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However, it was still a path that could be tried.

At this moment…

The Lord of The Blazing Sun sent another message.

[Lord of The Blazing Sun: You came to ask me for the Kingdom Token. The descendant of that

kingdom should have lost the Kingdom Token, right?]

[Lord of The Blazing Sun: You’ve already sacrificed so much. Why don’t you let the other party pay a

little too?]

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Military Industry City.

The Military Industry Lord looked at the text sent by Zhou Zhou in shock.

There was only one thought left in his mind.

Why was his appetite so big?

A third of the kingdom’s wealth?!

How could he think of that?

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A moment later, the Military Industry Lord walked out of a temporary palace in a daze.


Facing the harsh conditions given by the Lord of The Blazing Sun, that descendant of the kingdom

actually agreed after only thinking for a moment?

And he looked very excited.

What was going on?

Could it be that the King of the Blazing Sun had eaten the fruit of his pride?

He actually agreed to such a huge matter so easily?

At this moment, the Military Industry Lord felt that his worldview had been overturned.

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