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Chapter 60

60 Great Increase in Military Strength! First Time Hearing Of The Conqueror’s Blast Furnace!

Zhou Zhou looked at the 44 people.

Among them were 22 male subjects and 22 female subjects.

The distribution of men and women was very balanced.

There were seven Professionals among them.

The five Professionals were subjects that the Gate of Summoning could definitely summon.

The other two Professionals were naturally subjects summoned by the Gate of Summoning based on

their own probabilities.

Among the seven Professionals, there was a Green Bronze-Tier Elementary Grade Cavalryman, a

Green Bronze-Tier Architect, two Black Iron-Tier Advance Grade Sword Shield Soldiers, a Black Iron-

Tier Intermediate Grade Tailor, a Black Iron-Tier Elementary Grade Blacksmith, and a Black Iron-Tier

Elementary Grade Carpenter.

The cavalryman was the first of his soldier type.

His name was Zhang Xiang.

He was wearing cavalry equipment. There was a spear and a sword on both sides of his horse’s back,

and under him was a Green Bronze-Tier Elementary Grade Cloud Horse.

Under Zhou Zhou’s inquiry, he told his Lord that the Cloud Horse was a warhorse-type mount that

could be raised artificially.

They were good horses that could be used in war!

There was a Yellow Gold-Tier regional territory called Cloud Gallop City in the Aurora Kingdom.

That was the Aurora Kingdom’s horse breeding base specially used to raise Cloud Horses!

Apparently, they even had a Horse Raising Lord to enhance these effects in Cloud Gallop City.

He was valued by the current King of the Aurora Kingdom because of this. The King completely

entrusted the heavy responsibility of nurturing cavalry mounts to him.

After Zhou Zhou heard this, he opened his information.

He realized that the cavalry was the same as the poisonous crossbowmen. They were both beginner


Zhou Zhou was not surprised.

Each cavalrymen with the warhorse under them could fight against two ordinary soldiers.

This was definitely stronger than basic soldiers.

However, he did not know how much combat strength the cavalrymen would have left if they did not

have their warhorses.

His skills were similar to the Sand Cavalrymen he had summoned with the Emperor of Sand’s spatial


However, he did not have Sand Soldier racial skills like the Sand Body, Sand Revival, and Sand Stealth


Other than this cavalryman, the other life professionals such as architects, tailors, blacksmiths, and

carpenters were all necessary life professionals in his territory.

Naturally, the more the better.

Therefore, Zhou Zhou was quite satisfied with this summoning.

After that, he arranged the placement for these 44 new subjects and the seven professionals naturally

went to their respective professional venues.

As for the remaining 37 subjects, Zhou Zhou arranged for the female subjects to help in the kitchen

while the remaining male subjects went to help Elder Zhao build buildings.

Bai Yi was still in a deep slumber after making arrangements for them.

On the other hand, the cartographer, Wu Tu, called all the members of the reconnaissance team and

prepared to go to Fish Spring Town to redraw the regional map of Fish Spring Town.

Zhou Zhou told him to be careful and not expose his identity.

Wu Tu received the order and left with his men.

Seeing this, Zhou Zhou also called for Nezario. Then, he found Zhang Cang and asked him to bring all

the soldiers, including the 26 Elemental Archers recruited yesterday, to the monster ranches to clean

up the monsters.


In front of the Monster Ranches…

Zhou Zhou looked at the monster ranches in front of him.

Sandmen wandered around the monster ranch. There was no internal conflict, nor was there any

hostility towards Zhou Zhou and the soldiers outside the fence. They looked abnormally obedient.

“Yes, My Lord.”

“750 Desert Fog Lizards, 750 Black-tailed Fog Scorpions, and 750 Sandmen have all been nurtured.”

Mu Gu said respectfully.

Zhou Zhou acknowledged.

He clicked his tongue.

There were a total of 2,250 monsters in these three monster ranches alone.

This was already more than the number of Sandman subjects under the regional Scarlet Lord!

“How many Green Bronze-Tier Elementary Grade monsters have you nurtured?” Zhou Zhou asked


“A total of 11 Green Bronze-Tier Elementary Grade Desert Fog Lizard leaders, 18 Green Bronze-Tier

Elementary Grade Black-tailed Fog Scorpion leaders, and 13 Green Bronze-Tier Elementary Grade

Sandman leaders!” Mu Gu replied.

Zhou Zhou acknowledged.

He was very satisfied.

From today onwards, his monster ranches would be able to provide him with Green Bronze-Tier

Elementary Grade ‘products’.

“Let’s begin.” Zhou Zhou said.

Then, he looked at Nezario, who was not far away.

Nezario and Zhou Zhou were telepathic.

It immediately spread its dragon wings when it saw Zhou Zhou’s gaze. Then, it suddenly flapped its

wings and flew above the monster ranch as it stirred up a violent wind.


An earth-shattering dragon roar.

Accompanied by an irresistible dragon might!

All the sandmen were immediately stunned by the dragon might and could not move.

Many sandmen fainted.

“Same old rules!”

“The soldiers who feel that they are about to break through should go in and kill these fog monsters


“Come out after breaking through and give up the place to other soldiers!”

Zhang Cang immediately began to make arrangements.

The soldiers obeyed and immediately began to move.

Soon, the first batch of soldiers who were about to break through entered the sandman’s monster

ranch and began to kill monsters to break through.

Among them were five Green Bronze-Tier Elementary Grade soldiers, including Zhang Cang.

They were already close to breaking through after emerging from the Time Ruins yesterday.

Now, they could use this opportunity to enter the Green Bronze-Tier Intermediate Grade.

With the help of Nezario’s Dragon Might, the efficiency of the soldiers killing monsters had increased by

at least 10 times!

Soon, the 750 sandmen in the monster ranch were cleaned up.

There was only one Black Iron-Tier Elementary Grade Sandman left in the small fence.

Not surprisingly, Zhang Cang and the others successfully broke through to the Green Bronze-Tier

Intermediate Grade.

After that, they used the Dragon Might to clean up the Desert Fog Lizards and Black-tailed Fog

Scorpions in the other two monster ranches.

After cleaning everything, a total of 15 soldiers broke through from Black Iron-Tier Advance Grade to

Green Bronze-Tier Elementary Grade, 88 soldiers broke through from Black Iron-Tier Intermediate

Grade to Black Iron-Tier Advance Grade, and 256 soldiers broke through from Black Iron-Tier

Elementary Grade to Black Iron-Tier Intermediate Grade!

After that, Zhou Zhou got someone to drip a drop of Golden Corpse Water on the corpses of these

monsters as he began to retrieve the loots of the 2,250 fog monsters.

It took more than three hours.

Zhou Zhou had just finished extracting the loots of the more than 2,000 fog monsters.

Among them, monster flesh, water bags, Sand Stealth Skill Book, Sand Trap Skill Book, Sand Form

Skill Book, Sand Summoning Series Skill Book, Black-tailed Fog Scorpion’s poison sac, antidote,

antidote formula, Blood Cleansing Pill, Blood Cleansing Pill formula, and Black Scorpion Poison

Crossbow all dropped a lot.

Other than that, there were still 8,635 Black Iron-Tier Mist Cores! 84 Green Bronze-Tier Mist Cores!

981 Sword Shield Soldier Class Change Certificates! 344 Sword Shield Soldier Recruitment Books!

756 Poison Crossbowmen Class Change Certificates! 454 Poison Crossbowmen Recruitment Books!

1,827kg of sand crystal!

Even though looking at the loots all over the ground was a very blissful thing.

However, Zhou Zhou was also so tired that he doubted his life.

“Those kingdoms and empires.”

“Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of soldiers will die in one


“How did they extract the loot from these many corpses?”

Zhou Zhou stood up and shook his sore hands. He could not help but ponder about this problem.

He thought for a moment.

He called Zhao Changshou over.

Soon, Zhao Changshou came in front of Zhou Zhou.

“Greetings, my Lord!”

He said respectfully.

“Elder Zhao, you’re always welcome.”

Zhou Zhou acknowledged.

Then, he raised his hand and pointed at the small sand crystal mountain not far away.

“These sand crystals and nearly 500,000 units of basic materials in the territory.”

“Elder Zhao, if possible, use them to build a wall around the territory today!”

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Time is tight now.

This is the only way.

“Yes, my Lord!”

“However, I need a lot of help if I want to build the wall by today.”

Zhao Changshou said solemnly.

“After we deal with that regional Scarlet Lord today.”

“You can mobilize all the soldiers in the territory!”

Zhou Zhou waved his hand and made a decision.

Zhao Changshou was immediately relieved.

He naturally knew that there were more than 2,000 soldiers in the territory alone.

With the help of these 2,000 people and his own ability,

The chances of building the wall before tomorrow were very high.

“Elder Zhao.”

“Do you know how the Aurora Kingdom retrieved the loot from the corpses after the war?” Zhou Zhou


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“In the Aurora Kingdom many large mercenary groups, adventurer associations, and some large

factions will more or less have some conquistador blast furnaces.” Zhao Changshou said.

Zhou Zhou made a mental note.

After that, he led Nezario and the soldiers into the Time Ruins and obtained another 384 Elemental

Archer Recruitment Books and the loyalty of 13 elves.

After he threw all 384 Elemental Archer Recruitment Books, 344 Sword Shield Soldier Recruitment

Books, and 454 Poison Crossbow Soldier Recruitment Books into the Gate of Summoning to recruit


The number of soldiers under his command had already reached 3,882!

He looked at the soldiers who were almost filled with sand in front of him.

Including Zhou Zhou.

Everyone was shocked.

Who would have thought!

This was only the power of a territory that had been established for six days?

Just as Zhou Zhou was becoming ambitious, a soldier quickly ran over and came to his side.

“My Lord!”

“The captain is out of the room!” Zhou Zhou’s eyes lit up.

He asked Zhang Cang to take over these soldiers for the time being. Then, he immediately walked

towards Bai Yi.

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